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    it's Christmas Eve!

    Once again it's Christmas Eve, and soon shortly after will be the New Year! Hope everyone has a great holiday! May you receive what you wish for, and may you also be instrumental in helping those around you who may not be as fortunate as you. Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!!
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    HGH conversion mg to iu

    So I have just been prescribed some HGH by a new doc. I had been testing low for years, but the other docs would not give it to me solely based on the fact that I was muscular. Didn't matter what the test said. Anyway, so now I have a script. I was prescribed Omnitrope 5.8mg, and I'm...
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    Want to Extend Cycle

    So my cycle is waning down. The tail end of it is just 200mg/tren E/week with my weekly TRT of 400mg/test cyp. I planned it to draw out the time on the tren so I have probably about 18 weeks of that, nothing else. This cycle has been extremely successful going from 205 to 225 lbs while...
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    OMG! Ment! This is some amaaaazing stuff! Anyone else have great experiences with it?
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    Steroid Cycle MK-677

    I've been doing a little more studying on this compound, and although it makes me want to eat everything in sight, I think I may include it with my cycle instead of trying to save up for HGH. I've had some blood tests that showed my IGF-1 levels are quite low, once going below the lower limit...
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    What Dosage is Good for TRT?

    What Dosage is Good for TRT? -By BigZ @ There has been a lot of discussion as to what dosage is good for TRT lately on many boards, and I see worrisome posts from people who don't seem to be getting proper care from their doctor regarding TRT. As far as testosterone and...
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    For those who have used primobolan, what do you notice the most when you use it? Does it build lean mass for you? How would you classify it?
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    SARMs Results

    Anyone having really good results from SARMs? If so, which one are you using and please give dosage along with your height and weight.
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    AI or not AI, that is the question

    I've been seeing a lot of activity elsewhere with people posting things about using an AI is inherently bad with some agreeing and some disagreeing. I'm not sure I've seen any direct studies that support their conclusions. I'd think that if your estrogen/E2 is extremely high then you'd need an...
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    Funny Happening

    So I'm getting quick food at Wendy's for my wife and I, and the guy at the register who looks to be maybe mid 20's looks at me and says, "Did you used to be a bodybuilder?" Meaning he thought I had been a competitive bodybuilder in my earlier years. I told him that I wasn't, I just lift to...
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    Anabolics Only Cycle

    I've been thinking of doing a cycle of just anabolics, i.e, var, tren, etc. I've used the more androgenic ones in the past, and for whatever reason, my body chemistry just doesn't respond well to them, but I DO respond to the more anabolic compounds. What would be some suggestions for a cycle...
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    Lost my job again!

    Lost my job again this morning due to downsizing. Damn, it really sucks when a company downsizes, and the first thing they do is eliminate the guys that have all the experience and knowledge just because their salaries are higher. There's a reason for the higher salary for crying out loud...
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    How do you add serious mass to forearms?

    Forearms are my weakest point.. I haven't been able to add size to them seemingly no matter what I do. How in the world do you add size and mass to your forearms, especially when you simply don't have a thick bone structure?
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    Y3T Training Program, Cycle extend or no

    Has anyone tried this program? It's a nine-week program developed by Neil "Yoda" Hill (thus the name) that was originally for Flex Lewis. I decided to try it, and I'm almost through to the last week. I have to say, it really works. I think I've put at least an inch on my legs (which never...
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    Has anyone used MK-677?

    If anyone has used MK-677, I would like to know what your experiences were, results, sides experienced, etc.
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    Your experience with hydrolyzed whey protein

    Hydrolyzed whey has become more readily available, and it's touted as being far more digestible than even regular whey isolate. Has anyone else tried it and what do you think? I tend to not digest whey very well, so I'm hoping this works better for me.
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    Becoming a Personal Trainer

    How easy is it to become certified as a personal trainer? What certification did you do and why? Are some better than others? I've been asked so many times now to help provide a workout/diet program (with or without gear), I'm considering getting certified so at least I can help more people...
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    Anavar or orals only cycle

    I have a good friend who wants to gain a little muscle, but for personal reasons would prefer to use an oral to help more with recovery instead of sheer mass. He's 6' 3" 230 lbs. probably 8-10% body fat, doesn't want to get too much heavier, possibly only 10 lbs to 240, but he feels he has...
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    New SARM? Rad 140

    I just recently heard about another new SARM called Rad 140. Has anyone else heard of this? Where does it stand between all the others, andarine, ostarine, and ligandrol in terms of strength, effects, etc.?
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    Nipro 3cc syringes and insulin syringes

    I'd like to hear user experiences with Nipro brand syringes. So far for me, the regular 3cc syringes have been decently good although if you hit a vein and have to draw out, good luck trying to get it back in. It's like they use the softest metal so even piercing the skin one time seems to...