PSL test prop 525mg/week blood work! Almost 4000 TT!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just want to put my blood work out there for people to see. Running:

525mg PSL test prop/week (75mg ed)
700mg mast prop/week (100mg ed)
80mg var ed
hcg 500iu/week (250iu mon/thur)
Adex .25 eod

Got the regular e2 assay AND the ultra-sensitive assay so you can see how they can differ. Also got my thyroid checked for my own curiosity. Check em out.

​Very happy with the TT levels. E2 is right where I like it. Thyroid is just fine...overall, very satisfied. Test is dosed perfectly.
Great results. I love test prop.
I'm beginning to really enjoy short esters. If you don't mind the pinning, the quick kick in time is great. I noticed the mast prop by day 2. Libido was a dead giveaway.
Just getting around to checking out the numbers, Very nice indeed. Those are great numbers for the amount, bet you are already seeing some killer gains.
Just getting around to checking out the numbers, Very nice indeed. Those are great numbers for the amount, bet you are already seeing some killer gains.
I gotta say man, I am really enjoying this cycle. I noticed an increade in fullness and vascularity in the first few days. By week 3 my mid section shrunk and I was seeing abs. I'd guess as of now (week 5) i already dropped 2-3% bf. I'm looking more lean and chiseled than I've ever been.
It's always a good idea to get your thyroid checked before and after every cycle. Hormone supplementation can have different effects on your thyroid. You don't want to start a cut cycle with an under active thyroid. Supplementing with thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) will temporarily help your thyroid stay up to speed, but if used improperly, they can further suppress your thyroid. That's why it's always important to go into a cycle with a healthy thyroid. You will have a much more effective cycle if your thyroid is working.
Now that is a cycle and solid bloods thanks for sharing bruddda... everyone should be more like you!
Lol thanks bro. I'm flattered. Luckily I have a quest diagnostics directly across the street from where I work so getting blood work is so easy. I go right before work in the AM and I'm out in 5 minutes. I do it religiously. Gotta be proctive with your health if you want longevity in this game.
I wish I got my free test checked too. I'd like to see the effect the masteron had on it.
​Has anyone ever got blood work done on masteron and noticed an increase in free test? I know it is supposed to have that effect, I've never got mt free test done on it. I'm wondering how substantial the increase is...
​Has anyone ever got blood work done on masteron and noticed an increase in free test? I know it is supposed to have that effect, I've never got mt free test done on it. I'm wondering how substantial the increase is...
Bump for input :)
And here's his blood work as promised! See his log in the link above for details on his cycle, progress pics, etc!

​We welcome any and all blood work on our products. Feel free to make your own thread or just post them here if you have questions or want to share your results!
Very nice! I love seeing blood work to back up the hype. I am running some PSL gear and am about to get blood work done (without the test limit on it). I will create a thread when I do.