Musclechemistry Member
As a sports nutritionist with a decade of experience working specifically with those in the bodybuilding field, I regularly get asked about fat burning compounds to help improve weight loss. Unfortunately, the general population interested in the use of fat burners like clen don’t have the slightest clue as to how and when to use it. I aim to fix this issue.
Clenbuterol hydrochloride was first developed for the purposes of treating breathing disorders like asthma. It is a very powerful bronchodilator that, for reasons unknown, was never approved by the FDA for its purported use. Interestingly enough, clen isn’t popularly used for its ability to treat breathing problems. One of clens side effects, and the main reason its popular with anabolic steroid users, is that its actually a very powerful thermogenic.
Clenbuterol affects the sympathomimetic nervous system. Specifically, clen binds to the beta-2 receptor, a typical receptor targeted for improved airway breathing drugs. In doing so, clen also enhances the metabolic rate of the user. I want people to understand a difference here, clen doesn’t “attack your fat.” It causes fat loss through a secondary manner, heat. Clen will increase your metabolic rate by raising your bodies temperature. The beta-2 receptor stimulates mitochondria of cells causing an excess release of heat. A rise in heat enhances the users metabolic rate of the user and his ability to burn fat for energy. Side effect of clen include increased heart rate, increased sweating, jitters, headaches, cramps, and a very quick ability to gain tolerance to the drug.
Proper Clen Usage
Due to the body’s ability to gain a quick tolerance to clen, we follow a two week on/two week off cycle approach to clen. With the use of clen you will notice that its effects greatly diminish after the first week. This is due to beta receptor down regulation.
The safest way to use clen is to start with a very minimal dosage and work your way up. 20mcg is the standard starting dosage with a 20mcg increase daily until you start to feel its effects. I have seen the therapeutic effects of clen anywhere between 40mcg-120mcg a day. Given that clen is only sold in the UGL market, I always recommend you start with the lowest dosage possible since you never know the actual strength of the solution off hand.
Now that we have all that science out of the way, lets talk about clens proper usage. Clen is not meant to be used as a first line of attack against your body fat. In fact, using clen in the early stages of your fat loss does more damage than good for you in the long run. We have to keep in mind that the bodies metabolism is adaptive. Eat less and it will burn less to survive. Increase the metabolic rate against a lower calorie diet and it will fight to slow your metabolism down. Think about chess for a second. It is always a tactical disadvantage to move your queen early in the game. Its a very strong and important piece you should wait to use closer to end game, where it will be the most effective. Clen works the same way. The use of clen should only be used when the body becomes stubborn and cannot get the last bit of fat off. Its not for those with a body fat above 13% in my opinion because these people can easily lose body fat with proper diet and training alone. So get that magic pill idea out of your head. Just because you use clen doesn’t mean youll lose weight in the first place. Your nutrition and activity level have to be in place. You should be using clen to get into single digit body fat. I use clen with my clients regularly the last 4 weeks of prep before they hit the stage.
I hope this article helps you along your journey
If interested in customized progressive nutrition/training coaching please contact me at 3jdiet@gmail.com or visit my website : www.3jsidet.com
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