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  1. Masher59

    Tren ace + test prop cycle

    Looks good to me simple and to the point.
  2. Masher59

    Same muscle group twice in one week

    Same here on the 40 plus year old joints. That's why I'm going to see just how long I can take it before I have to take a break week and go back to the single group per day. I'm going with reps the first two weeks to work my way back in then I'm going heavy in the 4-6 rep range. At the end of...
  3. Masher59

    GH - The Real Deal

    I love growth and tren.
  4. Masher59

    Same muscle group twice in one week

    I'm going to try it out when I start getting ready for my next show in a few months. Six day that was posted here by someone. Day 1: Chest, front and medial delts, tris Day 2: Back, rear delts, bis Day 3: Legs Day 4: Same as Day 1 Day 5: Same as Day 2 Day 6: Legs Day 7: Off Cardio...
  5. Masher59

    Women on Steroids

    Then there's Var and Winny!
  6. Masher59

    Women on Steroids

    But Tren is King!
  7. Masher59

    New member

    Welcome to MC! I recommend testosterone for your first cycle.
  8. Masher59

    On cycle bulk training question!

    You are on the right path lifting wise but it's only about 20% so make sure your diet is on point because it will be the deciding factor in your gains. Get your rest and curb any habits you may have that aren't conducive to growing. Your first cycle you are going to grow like a weed, enjoy.
  9. Masher59

    Sauna Reduces the Risk of High Blood Pressure Plus, Enhances Muscle Growth and Fat Loss!

    I wish our gym had a cold plunge but they don't. Go from the sauna to the cold plunge and back to the sauna. When I played football in college after every practice I got in basically a huge thing like a hot tub but it had ice floating in it and this thing that looked like a boat motor but it...
  10. Masher59

    My gf has a guy friend that says...

    LMAO, it's not like they watched you do it or anything. Basically like selling them some baseball cards but instead it's your wad in the bag.
  11. Masher59

    On cycle bulk training question!

    No basically two weeks of 4 sets 6 reps. Then two weeks of 4 sets 12-15 reps last set do two negatives and then two forced reps with help from your spotter.
  12. Masher59

    Sauna Reduces the Risk of High Blood Pressure Plus, Enhances Muscle Growth and Fat Loss!

    I do 25 min in the sauna after almost every workout. I usually incorporate jumping jacks, pushups and situps while in the sauna also. Want to keep people out of the sauna while you are in there? Start doing jumping jacks naked.
  13. Masher59

    On cycle bulk training question!

    Confusion is always the mainstay of my training. I will go a couple weeks low reps and heavy then a couple weeks lighter with high reps and usually negatives and forced reps also. I've found this routine keeps me from plateauing and I keep seeing gains throughout my cycle.
  14. Masher59

    My gf has a guy friend that says...

    Yea man that's gay as hell but here's another one for everyone. Is it gay if you shoot your wad in a ziplock bag and sell it to someone that's gay?
  15. Masher59

    Medical inc. GROTROPIN HGH

    Good choice. If I were to ever be forced to try something that wasn't pharmaceutical grade I would definitely have bloods pulled to check it out.
  16. Masher59

    Medical inc. GROTROPIN HGH

    No idea brother but I don't trust any HGH in those types of vials.
  17. Masher59

    Just purchased IGF LR3. Excited to try!!

    At first I wasn't sure if it was the growth hormone or the IGF but I started pinning each on a different side and found out it was the IGF.
  18. Masher59

    Las Vegas Massacre: "Deadliest mass shooting in U.S. History."

    Not that I've heard brother. Starting to think the guy was incredibly evil and just snapped.
  19. Masher59

    How's everybody else's head on tren ace?

    Splitting everyday may help some for sure. I've never had tren dick even at 200mg EOD and 400mg of tren E Monday and Thursday but Deca at high does will make it get a little soft right before I drop the load. I know exactly what you mean about the smell. Sometimes I get some really dark...
  20. Masher59

    How's everybody else's head on tren ace?

    Welcome to the Tren Train Woooo Wooooo!! Yea man tren ace is king in my book but you have to find a way to quiet your mind. If you can't find a way to do this then I would get off of it for your families sake. You have to ask yourself are your gains in the gym worth your losses at home if you...