Here are the full results from the 2021 World’s Ultimate Strongman.
The best strongmen and strongwomen in the world flocked to Dubai, UAE on Friday to take part in the 2021 World’s Ultimate Strongman contest. There were a total of five events that both men and women took part in. These five events were the log press, yoke walk, farmer’s walk, chain railway carriage, and Atlas stones.
This was the inaugural event for the strongwoman category and it was Annabelle Chapman who took home the prize. Chapman edged out three-time World’s Strongest Woman Donna Moore, who finished in second. Melissa Peacock finished with the bronze in the women’s division.
For the men, it was 2020 World’s Strongest Man champion Oleksii Novikov who finished on top. This was the third victory of the year as he also finished with a title at the WUS “Strength Island” Contest and the 2021 Strongman Classic. Novikov beat out Mateusz Kieliskowski and Aivars Smaukstelis for the championship.
The full results from the competition have been announced and can be found below.
2021 World’s Ultimate Strongman: Full Results
Men’s Division
- Oleksii Novikov, Ukraine — 45.5 points
- Mateusz Kieliskowski, Poland — 44.5 points
- Aivars Smaukstelis, Latvia — 34.5 points
- JF Caron, Canada — 32 points
- Konstantine Janashia, Georgia — 27 points
- Bobby Thompson, USA — 26.5 points
- Mohamad Ezatpor, Iran — 18 points
- Ervin Toots, Estonia — 17 points
- Rauno Heinla, Estonia — 15 points
- Ramin Farajnejad, Iran — 12 points
Women’s Division
- Annabelle Chapman, UK — 32 points
- Donna Moore, UK — 30 points
- Melissa Peacock, Canada — 29 points
- Andrea Thompson, UK — 25 points
- Cori Butler, USA — 21 points
- Sandra Bradley, Germany — 17 points
- Jessica Fithen, USA — 14 points
- Nadia Stowers, USA — 12 points
Log Press
The competition opened when competitors competed in the log lift to see how many reps they could total. The men lifted a 180kg (396.8lb) log and the women lifted a 100kg (220.5lb) log. Andrea Thompson totaled eight reps for the women. She currently holds the log press world record of 135kg (237.7lb). For the men, it was Bobby Thompson, who holds the American record in log press with a lift of 217.5kg (478.5lb).
- Bobby Thompson — Four reps (T-first)
- Oleksii Novikov — Four reps (T-first)
- Mateusz Kieliszkowski — Three reps (T-second)
- Aivars Smaukstelis — Three reps (T-second)
- JF Caron — Two Reps
- Andrea Thompson — Eight reps
- Annabelle Chapman — Seven reps
- Melissa Peacock — Five reps (T-third)
- Jessica Fithen — Five reps (T-third)
- Nadia Stowers — Five reps (T-third)
Yoke Walk
The yoke walk measured how far competitors could travel in one minute. The men traveled with a 450kg (992.1lb) yoke and the women moved a 300kg (661.4lb) yoke.
- Mateusz Kieliszkowski — 71.1 meters
- Oleksii Novikov — 69.2 meters
- Konstantine Janashia — 60 meters
- Donna Moore — 62.5 meters
- Melissa Peacock — 60.6 meters
- Andrea Thompson — 57.8 meters
Farmer’s Walk
In the farmer’s walk, competitors had to complete a 30-meter walk to see who would finish with the quickest time. The men totaled 180kg (396.8lb) with 90kg (198.4lb) in each hand while the women carried 110kg (242.5lb) with 55kg (121.3lb) in each hand. Times were not listed for Kieliszkowski and Novikov but it was clear who finished first in the head-to-head heat.
- Mateusz Kieliszkowski
- Oleksii Novikov
- Konstantine Janashia — 52.92 seconds
- Annabelle Chapman — 17.01 seconds
- Donna Moore — 17.05 seconds
- Cori Butler — 17.66 seconds
Chain Railway Carriage
This event was not released until right before it began. Competitors had to push a weighted sled with chains attached to it down a track. Once that was finished, they had to return to the starting position, grab a rope, and pull the sled back to the starting position.
- Mateusz Kieliszkowski — 25.34 seconds
- Oleksii Novikov — 29.11 seconds
- Mohamad Ezatpor — 29.15 seconds
- Melissa Peacock — 30.60 seconds
- Annabelle Chapman — 31.83 seconds
- Sandra Bradley — 32.91 seconds
Atlas Stone
This event consisted of 10 stones for time. The mens’ stones ranged from 110kg (242.5lb) to 200kg (440.1lb). The womens’ stones ranged from 60 kilograms (132.3lb) to 150kg (330.7lb).
- Aivars Smaukstelis — 10 stones in 55.65 seconds
- Oleksii Novikov — 10 stones in 57.04 seconds
- JF Caron — 10 stones in 75 seconds
- Donna Moore — Nine stones
- Melissa Peacock — Nine stones
- Cori Butler — Nine stones
Generation Iron wishes to congratulate to Oleksii Novikov and Annabelle Chapman for winning the 2021 World’s Ultimate Strongman. Generation Iron will have full coverage of the 2021 Arnold Classic. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.