2023 WRPF Nationals Results

By Presser
September 28, 2023
13 min read

One of the biggest powerlifting events in the United States took place in Sin City. The 2023 World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) National Championships were held the weekend of Sept. 22-24, 2023, in Las Vegas, NV.

WRPF Headquarters sanctioned the event and reported an estimated 300 lifters competed in all divisions and weight categories — the most for any WRPF event in the organization’s history. Below are the overall Best Lifter awards, followed by the results of each division:

[Related: Amélie Mierger (+84KG) Bench Presses 165 Kilograms (364 Pounds), Half a Kilogram Over IPF Raw World Record]

Best Lifter Awards — Women

There were four Best Lifter awards given to female athletes; one for each of the four contested categories: raw, raw w/wraps, drug-tested raw, and drug-tested raw w/wraps:

Raw — Alisha Luna 

Alisha Luna was a late entry for the meet, meaning she didn’t compete with the “Primetime” groups. She lifted during the Open portions of the meet and was one of the first lifters for the entire weekend.

Regardless of where she started, Luna ranked as the Best Lifter for women in the raw category. This was her first meet of 2023, setting a personal record in the squat — 10 kilograms more than her previous best. She finished the meet with PRs in all three lifts:

  • Squat — 165 kilograms (363.8 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 100 kilograms (220.5 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 210 kilograms (463 pounds)
  • Total — 475 kilograms (1,047.3 pounds)

Raw w/Wraps — Helene J. Tremblay 

Helene J. Tremblay traveled from Ontario, Canada. She’ll return to the Great White North with the title of Best Lifter in the Raw w/Wraps category. She didn’t set any new competition-best lifts but won this award by 30 points on DOTS.

  • Squat — 180 kilograms (396.9 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 122.5 kilograms (270.1 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 177.5 kilograms (393.3 pounds)
  • Total — 480 kilograms (1,058.3 pounds)

Drug-Tested Raw — Sharayah Johnson 

The top two drug-tested raw lifters in the meet were Sharayah Johnson and Olivia Crusoe. They were only separated by seven points on the DOTS score, with Johnson receiving top honors.

According to Open Powerlifting, Johnson improved on her competition-best squat and bench press by 7.5 kilograms each. Her performance is summarized below:

  • Squat — 192.5 kilograms (424.4 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 117.5 kilograms (259 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 205 kilograms (452 pounds)
  • Total — 515 kilograms (1,135.4 pounds)

Drug-Tested Raw w/Wraps — Denise Castro 

Denise Castro had a dominant performance competing with wraps. She tied her competition-best squat with wraps of 227.5 kilograms. Castro had recently competed in August 2023, offering less than two months to prepare for this meet. That makes her performance in Las Vegas even more impressive:

  • Squat — 227.5 kilograms (501.6 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 82.5 kilograms (181.9 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 202.5 kilograms (446.5 pounds)
  • Total — 512.5 kilograms (1,130 pounds)

[Related: How To Watch The 2023 IPF World Masters Championships]

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Best Lifter Awards — Men

There were four Best Lifter awards given to male athletes; one for each of the four contested categories: raw, raw w/wraps, drug-tested raw, and drug-tested raw w/wraps:

Raw — Dawson Miller 

Dawson Miller competed on Sept. 23, 2023, setting personal bests in all three lifts to be the highest-scored lifter in the raw division. He is only in his second year competing and won the Best Lifter award by 50 points.

  • Squat — 312.5 kilograms (689 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 165 kilograms (363.8 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 340 kilograms (749.7 pounds)
  • Total — 817.5 kilograms (1,802.5 pounds)

Raw w/Wraps — Andrew Yeater 

Andrew Yeater scored 480.11 points on DOTS to win Best Lifter. Yeater competed in the 90-kilogram weight class — his first meet since the Ghost Clash 2 event in February 2023. Aside from his Best Lifter win, he improved on his competition-best deadlift by 2.5 kilograms.

  • Squat — 280 kilograms (617.4 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 162.5 kilograms (358.3 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 297.5 kilograms (655.9 pounds)
  • Total — 740 kilograms 1,631.6 pounds)

Drug-Tested Raw — Tevin Pham 

Every kilogram counts in powerlifting, as proven by the men’s drug-tested raw group. Tevin Pham won the Best Lifter award by just two points over runner-up Seth Solis.

Pham competed in the 75-kilogram weight class in his second meet of the year, while Solis lifted as a 60-kilogram lifter. This was the closest DOTS score out of all divisions:

  • Squat — 237.5 kilograms (523.6 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 160 kilograms (352.8 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 250 kilograms (551.2 pounds)
  • Total — 647.5 kilograms (1,427.6 pounds)

Drug-Tested Raw w/Wraps — Jamaris Davis 

Jamaris Davis has competed raw, w/wraps, and equipped in his seven-year career. This was his first time competing w/wraps in 2023, and it led to the Best Lifter award by over 50 points on DOTS:

  • Squat — 300 kilograms (661.5 points)
  • Bench Press — 192.5 kilograms (424.4 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 330 kilograms (727.6 pounds)
  • Total — 822.5 kilograms (1,813.5 pounds)

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Full Power Results

The full results of all full-power divisions and categories can be seen below, courtesy of LiftingCast. The lifters with their best lifts in the squat, bench press, and deadlift, along with their totals, are listed below in that order in kilograms.

Day One – Sept. 22, 2023

Below are the results for the divisions that competed on day one of three in Las Vegas. Scores are written in kilograms as Squat / Bench Press / Deadlift / Total.

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 52KG

  1. Heather Grimes — 132.5 / 70 / 160 / 362.5 

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 67.5KG

  1. Victoria Estrada — 137.5 / 65 / 150 / 352.5 

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 75KG

  1. Imee Rose Dichoso —167.5 / 87.5 / 172.5 / 427.5 
  2. Vanessa Vasquez — 115 / 52.5 / 137.5 / 305 

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 52KG

  1. Amanda Moreno — 105 / 65 / 150 / 320

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 56KG

  1. Molly Hendryx — 140 / 72.5 / 190 / 402.5
  2. Rina Shapiro — 107.5 / 57.5 / 140 / 305

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 75KG

  1. Shay Donald — 107.5 / 70 / 142.5 320
  2. Rebecca GonzalesDNF

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (45-49) 67.5KG

  1. Jennifer Darling — 115 / 57.5 / 137.5 / 310

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (50-54) 56KG

  1. Jodie Hein — 107.5 / 62.5 / 106 / 306

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (50-54) 75KG

  1. Tobey Hasegawa — 120 / 75 / 162.5 / 357.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (55-59) 67.5KG

  1. Charsell Kincaid — 115 / 57.5 / 150 / 322.5
  2. Francisca Schwedhelm — 112.5 / 50 / 137.5 / 300
  3. Miriam Lawrence — 90 / 55 / 105 / 250
  4. Leticia Navarro — 82.5 / 45 / 95 / 222.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (60-64) 75KG

  1. Patricia A Donald — 97.5 / 65 / 130 / 292.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 52KG

  1. Aspen Winter — 110 / 72.5 / 183 / 365.5
  2. Heather Grimes — 132.5 / 70 / 160 / 362.5
  3. Amanda Moreno — 105 / 65 / 150 / 320

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 56KG

  1. Molly Hendryx — 140 / 72.5 / 190 / 402.5
  2. Kristin Estes — 147.5 / 90 / 162.5 / 400
  3. Rachel Zenk — 127. 5 / 77.5 / 145 / 350
  4. Brianna Schmidt — 120 / 77.5 / 137.5 / 335
  5. Tina Andersen — 115 / 62.5 / 152.5 / 330
  6. Paulene Do — 132.5 / 55 / 137.5 / 325
  7. Rina Shapiro — 107.5 / 57.5 / 140 / 305
  8. Desi Hermann — 117.5 / 50 / 132.5 / 300
  9. Sarah Kahan DNF

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 60KG

  1. Stephanie Cornejo — 157.5 / 80 / 177.5 / 415
  2. Lynette Hrzich — 125 / 77.5 / 167.5 / 370
  3. Regina Sowell — 140 / 85 / 145 / 370
  4. Katie Osman — 137.5 / 62.5 / 167.5 / 367.5
  5. Sierra Gribble — 135 / 70 / 142.5 / 347.5
  6. Emly Lindell — 135 / 72.5 / 132.5 / 340
  7. Lizette Magana — 122.5 / 57.5 / 130 / 310
  8. Alyssa Fukumae — 107.5 / 67.5 / 125 / 300
  9. Dianel McLoughlin — 92.5 / 57.5 / 127.5 / 277.5
  10. Gabrielle Bryk — 87.5 / 55 / 117.5 / 260
  11. Cristalyn Cabanero — 70 / 57.5 / 122.5 / 250

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 67.5KG

  1. Olivia Crusoe — 185 / 90 / 200 / 475
  2. Kendra Farber — 152.5 / 97.5 / 225 / 475
  3. Luna Bruno — 157.5 / 105 / 175 / 437.5 
  4. Amber Verrill — 152.5 / 82. 5 / 172.5 / 407.5
  5. Jordan Buentello — 160 / 85 / 157.5 / 402.5
  6. Kelly Merlo — 155 / 82.5 / 152.5 / 390
  7. Sammy Laddusaw — 142.5 / 72.5 / 152.5 / 367.5
  8. Miranda Good — 140 / 65 / 150 / 355
  9. Cassandra Beack — 127.5 / 67.5 / 150 / 345
  10. Adelaide Navickas — 112.5 / 62.5 / 135 / 302.5
  11. Maria Gomez-Rico — 112.5 / 52.5 / 132.5 / 300
  12. Belen Martinez-Caro Aguado — 112.5 / 52.5 / 122.5 / 297.5
  13. Stevie Nemazee — 100 / 52.5 / 122.5 / 275
  14. Kiara Cortez — 92.5 / 50 / 110 / 252.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 75KG

  1. Sharayah Johnson — 192.5 / 117.5 / 205 / 515
  2. Amanda LeMarble — 172.5 / 85 / 215 / 472.5
  3. Rosanna Arias — 170 / 91 / 172.5 / 433.5
  4. Alexandra Johnson — 162.5 / 90 / 175 / 427.5
  5. Imee Rose Dichoso — 167.5 / 87.5 / 172.5 / 427.5
  6. Sarah Evans — 160 / 92.5 / 170 / 422.5
  7. Emily Schmidt — 160 / 80 / 175 / 415
  8. Wynonah Filla — 147.5 / 100 / 160 / 407.5
  9. Ashley Hamby — 132.5 / 72.5 / 175 / 380
  10. Ileana Guzman — 135 / 67.5 / 152.5 / 355
  11. Katie Van Bibber — 117..5 / 67.5 / 165 / 350
  12. Devin Murray — 132.5 / 62.5 / 137.5 / 332.5
  13. Alexandria Gibson — 112.5 / 70 / 135 / 317.5
  14. Kristin Hungerford — 112.5 / 57.5 / 140 / 310
  15. Audrey Mullins — 70 / 42.5 / 95 / 
  16. Precious Andrew — DNF

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 60KG

  1. Regina Sowell — 140 / 85 / 145 / 370

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 67.5KG

  1. Brittney Lopez — 137.5 / 57.5 / 150 / 345
  2. Katelyn Barbaria — 115 / 60 / 142.5 / 317.5
  3. Adelaide Navickas — 112.5 / 62.5 / 127.5 / 302.5
  4. Kelsey Trapp — 117.5 / 60 / 122.5 / 300
  5. Marni Hallett — 105 / 52.5 / 120 / 277.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 75KG

  1. Ileana Guzman — 135 / 67.5 / 152.5 / 355

Women’s Raw Junior (16-17) 67.5KG

  1. Katelyn Garza — 140 / 70 / 150 / 360

Women’s Raw Junior (20-23) 60KG

  1. Kennady Brown — 127.5 / 75 / 157.5 / 360

Women’s Raw Master (40-44) 56KG

  1. Rhonda Freeman — 125 / 80 / 155 / 360

Women’s Raw Master (40-44) 60KG

  1. Alexis Jackson — 93 / 67.5 / 127.5 / 288

Women’s Raw Master (40-44) 67.5KG

  1. Ashley I Gresham — 135 / 90 / 160 / 385
  2. Stacy Krula — 135 / 72.5 / 177.5 / 385

Women’s Raw Master (50-54) 67.5KG

  1. Heather Campbell — 115 / 70 / 142.5 / 327.5 

Women’s Raw Open 44KG

  1. Kristen Curtis — 100 / 52.5 / 125 / 277.5

Women’s Raw Open 52KG

  1. Alisha Luna — 165 / 100 / 210 / 475

Women’s Raw Open 56KG

  1. Maren Meyer — 125 / 75 / 70 / 370
  2. Rhonda Freeman — 125 / 80 / 155 / 360

Women’s Raw Open 60KG

  1. Brianna N. Reed — 145 / 90 / 182.5 / 417.5
  2. Kennady Brown — 127.5 / 75 / 157.5 / 360
  3. Samantha Thompson — 122.5 / 70 / 147.5 / 340
  4. Alexis Jackson — 93 / 67.5 / 127.5 / 288

Women’s Raw Open 67.5KG

  1. Stacy Krula — 135 / 72.5 / 177.5 / 385
  2. Katelyn Garza — 140 / 70 / 150 / 360

Women’s Raw Open 75KG

  1. Melanie Jones — 190 / 107.5 / 225 / 522.5
  2. Jessica George — 175 / 97.5 / 195 / 467.5
  3. Chelsea Evers — 120 / 57.5 / 137.5 / 315

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Master (50-54) 56KG

  1. Kelly Barron — 100 / 62.5 / 117.5 / 280

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Master (60-64) 60KG

  1. Carol Hemersbach — 85 / 52.5 / 137.5 / 275

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Master (40-44) 60KG

  1. Gin Havard — 142.5 / 62.5 / 160 / 365

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Open 75KG

  1. Helene J. Tremblay — 180 / 122.5 / 177.5 / 480

Women’s Single-Ply Master (40-44) 82.5KG

  1. Malinda Barnes — 187.5 / 120 / 177.5 / 485

Women’s Single-Ply Master (55-59) 60KG

  1. Tamara Lynn McElwee — 175 / 125 / 175 — 475

Women’s Single-Ply Open 82.5KG

  1. Malinda Barnes — 187.5 / 120 / 177.5 / 485

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (13-15) 60KG

  1. London Rhinehart — 90 / 60 / 145 / 295

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (16-17) 67.5KG

  1. Mateo Mackiewicz — 170 / 107.5 / 192.5 / 470
  2. Blaine Sowell — 150 / 82.5 / 182.5 / 415

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (18-19) 67.5KG

  1. Dominic Slomski — 152.5 / 102.5 / 215 / 470

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 75KG

  1. Jaden Martenson — 235 / 145 / 240 / 620
  2. Moises Galvan — 187.5 / 127.5 / 227.5 / 542.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (50-54) 75KG

  1. Sean Williams — 147.5 / 143 / 192.5 / 483

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 60KG

  1. Seth Solis — 205 / 140 / 202.5 / 547.5
  2. Justin BonaparteDNF

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 67.5KG

  1. Grant Stark — 162.5 / 120 / 207.5 / 490
  2. Dominic Slomski — 152.5 / 102.5 / 215 / 470

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 75KG

  1. Tevin Pham — 237.5 / 160 / 250 / 647.5
  2. Rex Labis Jr. — 215 / 145 / 265 / 625
  3. Daniel Greenberg — 200 / 165 / 235 / 600
  4. Nicholas Moskowitz — 187.5 / 155 / 230 / 572.5
  5. Brent Jones — 205 / 120 / 237.5 / 562.5
  6. Jonathan Lo — 175 / 90 / 182.5 / 447.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 75KG

  1. Michael Blair — 175 / 112.5 / 200 / 487.5
  2. Jonathan Lo — 175 / 90 / 182.5 / 447.5

Men’s Raw Junior (16-17) 75KG

  1. Frank Hicks — 182.5 / 145 / 215.5 / 543

Men’s Raw Open 52KG

  1. Kai Igayac — 122.5 / 55 / 137.5 / 315

Men’s Raw Open 67.5KG

  1. Charles Brennan — 220 / 160 / 250 / 630

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Open 75KG

  1. Alexander Freyer — 230 / 135 / 242.5 / 607.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 75KG

  1. Alexander Freyer — 230 / 135 / 242.5 / 607.5

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Day Two — Sept. 23, 2023

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 90KG

  1. Amanda Colon — 127.5 / 70 / 157.5 / 355

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 82.5KG

  1. Ariel Risinger — 172.5 / 92.5 / 185 / 450
  2. Elisabeth Saunders — 142.5 / 75 / 177.5 / 395
  3. Rachael Ballas — 130 / 85 / 147.5 / 362.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 82.5KG

  1. Melanie Nguyen — 175 / 95 / 197.5 / 467.5
  2. Nadia Moe — 170 / 85 / 205 / 460
  3. Jessica Alderete — 160 / 102.5 / 195 / 457.5
  4. Ariel Risinger — 172.5 / 92.5 / 185 / 450
  5. Abigail Olson — 170 / 90 / 170.5 / 430.5
  6. Casey Lynch — 142.5 / 85 / 182.5 / 410
  7. Elisabeth Saunders — 142.5 / 75 / 177.5 / 395
  8. Claire Raleigh — 125 / 67.5 / 177.5 / 370
  9. Rachael Ballas — 130 / 85 / 147.5 / 362.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 90KG

  1. Savanna Buskness — 160 / 92.5 / 182.5 / 435
  2. Rainu Ittycheriah — 182.5 / 70 / 170 / 422.5
  3. Julianna Peters — 137.5 / 67.5 / 155 / 360
  4. Amanda Colon — 127.5 / 70 / 157.5 / 355
  5. Marissa Robertson — 130 / 72.5 / 140 / 342.5
  6. Caitlin Cloud — 115 / 70 / 155 / 340
  7. Austin Bell — 100 / 65 / 137.5 / 302.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 82.5KG

  1. Nadia Moe — 170 / 85 / 205 / 460
  2. Jessica Alderete — 160 / 102.5 / 195 / 457.5
  3. Casey Lynch — 142.5 / 85 / 182.5 / 410
  4. Claire Raleigh — 125 / 67.5 / 177.5 / 370

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 90KG

  1. Austin Bell — 100 / 65 / 137.5 / 302.5

Women’s Raw Master (50-54) 90KG

  1. Terri Schreiber — 130 / 82.5 / 142.5 / 355

Women’s Raw Open 82.5KG

  1. Kathryn Mabe — 215 / 125 / 195 / 535
  2. Joiah Ladson — 135 / 90 / 182.5 / 407.5

Women’s Raw Open 90KG

  1. Ali Pope — 190 / 90 / 193 – 473
  2. Melissa Hufford — 137.5 / 92.5 / 175 / 405
  3. Terri Schreiber — 130 / 82.5 / 142.5 / 355

Women’s Raw Sub-Master (35-39) 82.5KG

  1. Joiah Ladson — 135 / 90 / 182.5 / 407.5

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Master (40-44) 82.5KG

  1. Leah Calimlim — 192.5 / 100 / 175 / 467.5

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Open 82.5KG

  1. Leah Calimlim — 192.5 / 100 / 175 / 467.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (18-19) 90KG

  1. Mathew Lara — 240 / 140 / 245 / 625

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 82.5KG

  1. Ethan Memming — 222.5 / 135 / 272.5 / 630
  2. Antonio Lopez — 190 / 112.5 / 230 / 532.5
  3. Kody Barron — 175 / 90 / 205 / 470

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 90KG

  1. Patrick Owens — 255 / 135 / 280 / 670
  2. Nick Tomann — 225 / 135 / 242.5 / 602.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (45-49) 90KG

  1. Dennis Garcia — 177.5 / 152.5 / 235 / 565

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (50-54) 82.5KG

  1. Mfon Akpan — 130 / 120 / 185 / 435

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (55-59) 90KG

  1. Dan Breton — 205 / 122.5 / 245 / 572.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (65-69) 100KG

  1. Michael Lobb — 152.5 / 85 / 185 / 422.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 82.5KG

  1. Sean Wagner — 210 / 137.5 / 280 / 627.5
  2. Ardell Spinder — 225 / 142.5 / 260 / 627.5
  3. John Lang — 230 / 145 / 245 / 620
  4. John MacKinnon — 220 / 135 / 247.5 / 602.5
  5. Ryan Staelgraeve — 185 / 120 / 290 / 595
  6. Barada Moncravie — 205 / 135 / 245 / 585
  7. Brian Alimbuyao — 215 / 125 / 245 / 585
  8. Mark Minia — 190 / 122.5 / 227.5 / 540
  9. Nicholas Hancock — 187.5 / 105 / 185 / 477.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 90KG

  1. Parker Tims — 260 / 165 / 280 / 705
  2. Wilson Thammavongsa — 205 / 137.5 / 305 / 647.5
  3. Dennis Garcia — 177.5 / 152.5 / 235 / 565

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 100KG

  1. Travis Tolstedt — 230 / 162.5 / 252.5 / 645

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 82.5KG

  1. Brian Alimbuyao — 215 / 125 / 245 / 585

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 90KG

  1. Nicholas Tiller — 182.5 / 127.5 / 195 / 505

Men’s Raw Junior (20-23) 90KG

  1. Dawson Miller — 312.5 / 165 / 340 / 817.5
  2. Cesar ValdezDNF

Men’s Raw Master (40-44) 90KG

  1. Marc Reisman — 195 / 157.5 / 207.5 / 560

Men’s Raw Master (45-49) 90KG

  1. Richard Rhinehart — 200 / 125 / 255 / 580

Men’s Raw Master (50-54) 90KG

  1. Christopher Lovett — 210 135 / 220 / 565

Men’s Raw Open 82.5KG

  1. Colten Phillips — 250 / 160 / 295 / 705
  2. Eric Rinker — 242.5 / 157.5 / 282.5 / 682.5
  3. Paul Perez — 197.5 / 125 / 207.5 / 530
  4. Cody LairdDNF

Men’s Raw Open 90KG

  1. Dawson Miller — 312.5 / 165 / 340 / 817.5
  2. James Hyatt — 260 / 182.5 / 272.5 / 715
  3. Jacob Hawes — 250 / 170 / 257.5 / 677.5
  4. John Cuny — 195 / 147.5 / 250 / 592.5
  5. Cesar ValdezDNF

Men’s Raw Sub-Master (35-39) 90KG

  1. Caleb McIntire — 222.5 / 175 / 262.5 / 660

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Master (60-64) 82.5KG

  1. Joe Hays — 160 / 107.5 / 220 / 487.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Open 82.5KG

  1. Timothy Brown — 242.5 / 165 / 242.5 / 650
  2. Logan Lachowitzer — 230 / 122.5 / 237.5 / 590
  3. Joe Hays — 160 / 107.5 / 220 / 487.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Open 90KG

  1. JaMaris Davis — 300 / 192.5 / 330 / 822.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Master (40-44) 90KG

  1. Matthew Havard — 280 / 162.5 / 280 / 722.5
  2. Brandon Queen — 272.4 / 165 / 265 / 702.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Master (60-64) 82.5KG

  1. Joe Hays — 160 / 107.5 / 190 / 452.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open 82.5KG

  1. Joe Hays — 160 / 107.5 / 190 / 452.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open 90KG

  1. Andrew Yeater — 280 / 162.5 / 297.5 / 740
  2. Jakob TrestDNF

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Day Three — Sept. 24, 2023

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (18-19) 100KG

  1. Hailey Baiz — 102.5 / 62.5 / 117.5 / 282.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 100KG

  1. Ashley Dummitt — 142.5 / 70 / 140 / 352.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 110KG

  1. Daisy Valdez — 155 / 75 / 172.5 / 402.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 125KG

  1. Amanda Carroll — 185 / 77.5 / 165 / 427.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 100KG

  1. Shamaine McVay — 180 / 85 / 202.5 / 467.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 110KG

  1. Katie Andes — 152.5 / 107.5 / 172.5 / 432.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 100KG

  1. Nicole Amiotte — 190 / 122.5 / 190 / 502.5
  2. Shamaine McVay — 180 / 85 / 202.5 / 467.5
  3. Chanti Lyons — 137.5 / 82.5 / 155 / 375
  4. Kimberly Keen — 112.5 / 75 / 155 / 342.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 110KG

  1. Hailey Tucker — 227.5 / 105 / 205 / 537.5
  2. Katie Andes — 152.5 / 107.5 / 172.5 / 432.5
  3. Rebecca Rouda — 160 / 85 / 182.5 / 427.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 125KG

  1. Francesca Nicoletti — 210 / 115 / 187.5 / 512.5
  2. Sarah Ferguson — 190 / 92.5 / 177.5 / 460
  3. Mary Wakefield — 177.5 / 95 / 187.5 / 460
  4. Sara Bustamante — 155 / 87.5 / 183 / 425.5
  5. Joni FleckDNF

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Open +140KG

  1. Madison Stieb — 82.5 / 75 / 127.5 / 285

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 100KG

  1. Chanti Lyons — 137.5 / 82.5 / 155 / 375
  2. Katherine Petak — 125 / 72.5 / 145 / 342.5

Women’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 125KG

  1. Francesca Nicoletti — 210 / 115 / 187.5 / 512.5

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 100KG

  1. Natalie Uy — 142.5 / 65 / 157.5 / 365

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Open 100KG

  1. Natalie Uy — 142.5 / 65 / 157.5 / 365

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Open 125KG

  1. Denise Castro — 227.5 / 82.5 / 202.5 / 512.5

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Master (50-54) 110KG

  1. Julia Sweet — 185 / 103 / 177.5 / 465.5

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Open 110KG

  1. Julia Sweet — 185 / 103 / 177.5 / 465.5

Women’s Raw w/Wraps Open 125KG

  1. Kasey Croy — 247.5 / 137.5 / 260 / 645

Men’s Multiply Open 110KG

  1. Samuel Brown — 330 / 230 / 290 / 850

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (18-19) 100KG

  1. Dylan Kraus — 247.5 / 195 / 300 / 742.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 100KG

  1. Wyatt Coppini — 265 / 175 / 300 / 740
  2. Zach Helton — 265 / 137.5 / 330 / 732.5
  3. Arjun Aujla — 225 / 127.5 / 285 / 637.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 110KG

  1. Jack Pacek — 285 / 170 / 280 / 735
  2. Lance Carr — 222.5 / 125 / 250 / 597.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Junior (20-23) 125KG

  1. Jordan Deaver — 307.5 / 190 / 305 / 802.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 100KG

  1. John Starr — 182.5 / 132.5 / 237.5 / 552.5
  2. Tim Fitzgerald — 195.5 / 125 / 230 / 550.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Master (40-44) 140KG

  1. Michael Andrieu — 285 / 160 / 300 / 745

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 100KG

  1. Zach Helton — 265 / 137.5 / 330 / 732.5
  2. Phillip Waltzer — 275 / 182.5 / 272.5 / 730
  3. Garrett Skurnit — 242.5 / 180 / 292.5 / 715
  4. Cameron Absher — 172.5 / 175 / 260 / 707.5
  5. Tim Taylor — 205 / 125 / 265 / 595

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 110KG

  1. Joshua Tomann — 205 / 177.5 / 365 / 847.5
  2. David Sugerik — 302.5 / 162.5 / 300 / 765
  3. Brandon Koval — 190 / 182.5 / 230 / 602.5
  4. Dalton Mullinax — 222.5 / 130 / 245 / 597.5
  5. Algirdas Navickas — 205 / 137.5 / 242.5 / 585

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 125KG

  1. Chase Fairchild-Kenny — 322.5 / 192.5 / 305 / 820
  2. Ben Vering — 250 / 162.5 / 295 / 707.5
  3. Jack Menzl — 235 / 145 / 305 / 685
  4. David LopezDNF

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Open 140KG

  1. Joseph Leach — 210 / 110 / 212.5 / 532.5

Men’s Raw Drug-Tested Sub-Master (35-39) 110KG

  1. David Sugerik — 302.5 / 162.5 / 300 / 765
  2. Patrick Thomas — 195 / 157.5 / 255 / 607.5
  3. Algirdas Navickas — 205 / 137.5 / 242.5 / 585

Men’s Raw Master (40-44) 100KG

  1. Robert Cavazos — 182.5 / 147.5 / 250 / 580

Men’s Raw Master (40-44) 125KG

  1. Jason Jafari — 320 / 205 / 302.5 / 827.5
  2. Wes Brodbeck — 272.5 / 212.5 / 287.5 / 772.5
  3. John Mazza — DNF

Men’s Raw Master (50-54) 110KG

  1. Bryan Terry — 187.5 / 172.5 / 232.5 / 592.5

Men’s Raw Master (50-54) 125KG

  1. Kent Altena — 210 / 175 / 242.5 / 627.5

Men’s Raw Open 100KG

  1. Donald Hildebrand — 275 / 207.5 / 277.5 / 760
  2. Aaren Landis — 237.5 / 150 / 295 / 682.5
  3. Jeff Murdie — 235 / 165 / 225 / 625
  4. Joshua Budd — 237.5 / 130 / 250 / 617.5
  5. Levi Del CurtoDNF

Men’s Raw Open 110KG

  1. Brandan Sullivan — 347.5 / 205 / 342.5 / 895
  2. Jose Ortega — 272.5 / 182.5 / 270 / 725
  3. John Fuston — 240 / 172.5 / 272.5 / 685
  4. Tanner Peterson — 247.5 / 147.5 / 235 / 630
  5. Thomas Witt — 192.5 / 155 / 215 / 562.5

Men’s Raw Open 125KG

  1. Jason Jafari — 320 / 205 / 302.5 / 827.5
  2. Gage Mason — 310 / 185 / 300 / 795
  3. Sam Deason — 287.5 / 187.5 / 307.5 / 782.5
  4. Dustin Brown — 230 / 147.5 / 217.5 / 595
  5. John MazzaDNF

Men’s Raw Open 140KG

  1. Jake Vela — 325 / 215 / 320 / 860
  2. Joel Baiz — 277.5 / 207.5 / 255 / 740

Men’s Raw Open +140KG

  1. Justin Edward Terranova — 315 / 177.5 / 325 / 817.5
  2. Mark Joyce — 192.5 / 115 / 205 / 512.5
  3. Jason OregelDNF

Men’s Raw Sub-Master (35-39) 100KG

  1. Donald Hildebrand — 275 / 207.5 / 277.5 / 760
  2. Jeff Murdie — 235 / 165 / 225 / 625

Men’s Raw Sub-Master (35-39) 140KG

  1. Joel Baiz — 277.5 / 207.5 / 255 / 740

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Drug-Tested Open 125KG

  1. Luke Vonhollen — 287.5 / 147.5 / 285 / 720

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Junior (18-19) +140KG

  1. Yahir Nava — 262.5 / 142.5 / 225 / 630

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Junior (20-23) +140KG

  1. Aleksandar Loncar — 357.5 / 227.5 / 292.5 / 877.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open 100KG

  1. Jon Sodawasser — 282.5 / 185 / 295 / 762.5
  2. Andrew Corbin — 275 / 190 / 290 / 755

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open 110KG

  1. Brandon Tunquist — 265 / 190 / 305 / 760

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open 125KG

  1. Garrett Coleman — 332.5 / 212.5 / 318 / 863

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open 140KG

  1. Brian Curtis — 332.5 / 255 / 325 / 912.5
  2. Justin Ruiz — 320 / 245 / 307.5 / 872.5
  3. Roberto Torres — 300 / 170 / 307.5 / 777.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Open +140KG

  1. Aleksandar Loncar — 357.5 / 227.5 / 292.5 / 877.5

Men’s Raw w/Wraps Sub-Master (35-39) 125KG

  1. Rell Richards — 272.5 / 155 / 252.5 / 680
  2. Nick RussoDNF

Men’s Single-Ply Drug-Tested Open 125KG

  1. James Milliner — 195 / 152.5 / 227.5 / 575

Men’s Unlimited Master (45-49) 100KG

  1. Michael Poort — 315 / 307.5 / 280 / 902.5
  2. Robert Saludares — 200 / 205 / 252.5 / 657.5

Men’s Unlimited Open 100KG

  1. Michael Poort — 315 / 307.5 / 280 / 902.5

Featured image: @thewrpf on Instagram

The post 2023 WRPF Nationals Results appeared first on BarBend.

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