Testzol – Review 2

August 29, 2024
3 min read

A lot of athletes start self-administering Testosterone because doctors in general, take a safety-first approach.

Even if you have low T, You’ll typically be prescribed something like Clomid first.

Then it will be Andro Gel or something similar.

Only if this doesn’t work out as planned, will they consider low dose TRT.

The process can be long and excruciatingly slow, during which your hormonal levels will go haywire.

Not to mention that a tiny dose of Test cannot really do much for muscle building.

What you need is supraphysiological doses of androgens to build the maximum amount of muscle mass in the minimum amount of time.

That’s what Testzol does.

The difference is that it spikes your endogenous testosterone levels to the higher end of the spectrum.

You do not have to rely on injections for the rest of your life, nor do you have to bother running ancillary drugs to stabilize your estrogen levels.

What is Testzol?

Testzol is the most potent anabolic health supplement in the world that stimulates the release of Luteinizing hormone which is a precursor to testosterone.

When the levels of LH increases in the body, the levels of testosterone start to increase as well.

However, along with increasing the levels of total testosterone, also known as serum testosterone, Testzol also boosts the levels of free, bioavailable test.

For example, if you are a 42-year old male with Free Testosterone levels hovering around 7.5 ng/dl,then hypothetically, Testzol could increase it to 16 ng/dl, which more than doubles the amount of muscle building, libido boosting, mood enhancing and fat burning androgen in your bloodstream.

In a nutshell, using Testzol is as good as being on a steroid cycle with plain Testosterone or Sustanon 250.

Can Testzol be used in place of a steroid cycle?


A standard dose of Testzol can be compared to a 200-250mg/week dose of Testosterone. In case you are looking for faster results, you may consider upping the dose further.

Testzol is manufactured by 8packabs, a company that has produced some of the best bodybuilding supplements in the world like Dekzol and Treozol.

These supplements are called ‘legal steroids’ by athletes because of their steroid-like results.

However, these are completely safe and even if you are a professional athlete, you can be rest assured
that you won’t end up with a busted drug test.

Testzol contains no banned ingredients such as prohormones, sarms or steroids.

What are the side effects of Testzol?

That’s the best part.

Since Testzol only stimulates an increase in endogenous testosterone levels, it does not cause any of the side effects associated with exogenous test.

It does not cause your estrogen levels to go out of whack, it does not cause masculinity or virilization symptom, nor does it cause acne or hair loss.

It is the safest way to get your testosterone to supraphysiological levels.

At standard doses, it has no side effects.

At double doses, you might experience some acne on the back, accelerated fat loss, some water retention and occasional headaches.

All these side effects are reversible. More importantly, Testzol is not hepatotoxic, nor does it have a negative impact on your lipid levels.

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