Anadrol: Anabolic steroid profile

September 2, 2024
6 min read

Anadrol or the A-Bomb is often called the ‘Dry Dianabol’.

That’s no mean feat folks, for Dianabol is hands down, the most powerful oral anabolic steroid in the world.

A common gripe that steroid users have with Dianabol though, is that it is a ‘wet’ compound.

In other words, while it will get you big in no time, you will gain a shitload of water, glycogen and possibly fat, along with muscle.

This leads to a massive rollover, post cycle.

If Anadrol is indeed the dry Dianabol, then it should be the ultimate mass building oral steroid. Shouldn’t it?

You should be able to get big, without gaining as much water as what you’d gain on Dbol.

Sadly, this powerful oral steroid is terribly underrated and grossly maligned for being a blood pressure bomb.

True, just like any other oral compound, there is a real possibility of high BP among other side effects. But it’s not likely unless you veer towards the high dose end of the spectrum.

Hell, for most users, BP will be the least of their concerns while using Anadrol.

So, like most people, if you have been swayed by misconceptions about Anadrol, then here’s an eye opener.

Chemical structure

Oxymetholone or Anadrol is a DHT-derived anabolic steroid that’s 17C-AA for oral consumption. (1)

You might find an injectable version in some underground labs. But with pharmaceutical grade oral tablets easily available, we see no reason why you’d want to play guinea pig with a home brewed injectable instead.

Two structural modifications are made to the DHT hormone which reduces the affinity of oxymetholone to bind to androgen receptors.

But amplifies the rate of Androgen receptor mediated signaling, which in turn, boosts protein synthesis as well as the production of erythropoietin.

As a result, Anadrol has all the classic traits of a DHT based compound.

In therapeutic settings, it has been used for the treatment of anemia and for preventing cachexia in terminally ill patients.(2)

Dosage and administration

Anadrol is used in therapeutic settings in doses as high as 100mg/day or more,with very few side effects. (3)

What’s incredible is that 100mg/day is considered to be a high dose even by performance enhancement standards.

In most cases, 50mg/day is all that you’ll need to produce phenomenal gains. Moreover, you are less likely to experience any of the side effects that it has gained notoriety for.

That said, some users will find the 50mg dose to be underwhelming and may consider using 75mg/day or even 100mg/day.

The results are much better at 100mg. But if you bump up the dose to 150 (insanely high dose), the curve starts to flatten very fast.

100mg/day is the max that we recommend, provided that you don’t experience the side effects at lower dose cycles.

Since it has a half-life of about 16-hours, you’ll need to take a dose every day. Many athletes will divide their doses into two or four split doses throughout the day to keep blood levels stable.

The total cycle should not exceed 6-weeks as it significantly increases the risk of hepatotoxicity.

Brand names

Pharma grade Oxymetholone is readily available on most RX sites. Some of the popular brands are Anapolon by Genesis and Oxymetholone by LA Pharma.

Thaiger pharma also manufactures Oxymetholone. But it is harder to come by than the other two brands.

Some UG labs manufacture 75mg pills as well, which makes it easier to dose, if you are looking to start with a higher dose.

But most RX brands sell 50mg pills.

Effects of Anadrol

Anadrol’s effects are very similar to that of Dianabol with a few notable differences.

Hence, it is also used commonly as a kick starter to an injectable steroid cycle.

Usually, most bodybuilders will develop an affinity to either one of these two orals and stick to it, depending on which one produces better results.

If you are extremely sensitive to Estrogenic side effects for example, then Dianabol can be a very difficult drug to manage. It can cause sensitive nipples, water retention and a whole bunch of other estrogenic sides.

Anadrol on the other hand causes very few estrogen related side effects since it does not aromatize. Here are some of the results that you can experience with Anadrol.

  • Mass gain: Anadrol will blow you up in a span of days. The size gains are as dramatic as what you can get with Dianabol. The advantage is that it is not as hepatotoxic as Dianabol is. Also, while the gains are dryer than Dianabol, there will still be a fair amount of water and glycogen that you gain. It’s not as dry as Superdrol, which makes it the perfect aesthetic compound. Itis well suited for bulks, cuts as well as recomps.
  • Pumps: The pumps on Anadrol are legendary. Your muscles look full, hard and vascular all day. In fact, this is one of the big draws of the A Bomb. It makes you look like you are on steroids. Even if you are on a cut, which can otherwise make you look deflated,get ready for the most amazing muscle pumps.
  • Strength: Anadrol produces dramatic strength gains and you should be able to add more weight and volume to your lifts almost every day. In fact, you’ll want to stay on the compound for much longer.
  • Great for cutting: One of the most underrated uses of Anadrol is as a cutting compound. That’s because it almost kills your appetite, while simultaneously increasing nitrogen retention. This allows you to make size gains while limiting your calories by as much as 500-1000 a day.

Safety and Side Effects

As we mentioned earlier, the side effects of Anadrol are mostly exaggerated by athletes who respond poorly to it, or are unable to control the bloat, which can cause severe BP problems.

However, even in these cases, nosebleeds and headaches were experienced at 75mg/day or 100mg/day.

50mg/day seems to be a well-tolerated dose with very few side effects.

Some people experience increased aggression on Anadrol, which is very different from the euphoric
feeling on Dianabol.

It depends on how you channel the aggression. For some, it translates into improved performance in the gym. Others just feel like ripping things apart to shreds.


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