Are legal Steroids for real?

September 5, 2024
6 min read

Frustration can begin to set in your bodybuilding or fitness journey when you reach a plateau, which is most likely to occur once you cross 30-35.

No matter how hard you try, the weights just seem to get harder and harder to lift.

You cannot break through it, be it muscle gain or fat loss. The energy starts to wane.

Lifting seems like a chore rather than an enjoyable activity.

That’s when athletes begin to dabble with the idea of chemical enhancement.

Anabolic steroids are readily available on the internet. But most people tend to overlook the fact that most androgens are Schedule III controlled substances in the United States.

Apart from the multitude of health risks that you will expose yourself to, there is a real possibility that you might be arrested for possession and possibly, even distribution of AAS.

The question that you need to ask yourself is, ‘Are steroids worth the risk?’

Since decades, scientists, endocrinologists and researchers have been trying to find an alternative to anabolic steroids that don’t affect you HPTA, burn through your liver, cause permanent neurological damage, cause hormonal imbalances and diffuse your hairline.

The result is legal steroids, a safe, side-effect free alternative to anabolic steroids.

Legal steroids are the next step in endocrinology, that provides nearly 80% of the performance enhancement results that you can get with androgens, with less than 2% of the risks.

What are legal steroids?

Legal Steroids are a blend of naturally occurring herbal extracts, chemicals, vitamins and amino acids, all of which play a key role in restoring the natural hormonal levels back to your teenage days.

Think of it like a second adolescence, where your energy skyrockets, you can lift harder, your body feels stronger, your mood improves, your muscles are harder, you are burning fat from your midriff and your libido is at its peak.

In a nutshell, it’s everything that you can get from an anabolic steroid cycle.

The difference here is that every ingredient in legal steroids is precisely that, ‘legal’.

There are no schedule III ingredients that will pop up in a routine employer drug test, jeopardizing your life and career.

More importantly, there are no exogenous hormones or prohormones or designer drugs in them. You possibly won’t get results as dramatic as what you can get with AAS.

But you can be rest assured that it’s not killing your liver cells as they struggle to metabolize the hormones.

What type of legal steroids are available?

When legal steroids first hit the market, they were limited to bulking compounds. But in the last two years, researchers have been able to stretch the boundaries a tad.

Now, you can get legal steroids depending on your body goal.

Here are some of the options at hand.

Legal Dianabol : The name’s enough, isn’t it? If you are a hard gainer or are looking to ramp up your winter bulk, this is the perfect choice. It will allow you to pack on a sizeable amount of body weight in just 8-12 weeks. Some first timers have gained up to 12-lbs in that time span, which is amazing for a completely legal health supplement. But the gains are so dramatic, you might gain some water, glycogen and fat.

Legal Winstrol : If legal Dianabol is the bulking agent of choice, Legal Winstrol will get you peeled. This is what you need before that upcoming beach holiday. It will burn fat, flush out excessive subcutaneous water and get those veins popping. If you are doing a 16-week body recomp workout program, add Legal Winstrol to the last 8-weeks and watch your body transform.

Legal Clenbuterol : This is one of the most powerful legal fat burners in the world. The only thing stronger than this is the ECA stack and DNP, both of which are rife with risks. But legal Clenbuterol isn’t. It contains a powerful blend of appetite suppressants, fat mobilizers and thermogenic herbs, which will turn your body into a fat burning furnace. We know that’s a cliché. But it’s one that perfectly explains what this supplement can do for you. If you are looking to retain muscle mass and selectively target fat, this will get the job done.

Legal Trenbolone : By far, the strongest legal steroid in the world, Legal Trenbolone is a blend of Legal Dianabol and legal Winstrol. It will build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

Do legal steroids contain SARMS?

No they don’t.

While SARMS are definitely a step up from normal health supplements, theyaren’t as side-effect free as they are often touted to be.

There are users who have run just a small cycle of Ostarine, which according to a lot of people is the mildest SARM out there, and ended up 80% suppressed.

RAD-140 can elevate your liver enzymes to extreme levels.

Don’t for a minute think that it’s going to be a free ride.

Legal steroids will not interfere with your endogenous testosterone production. Your HPTA system is untouched. All it does is boost your internal hormone production, priming your body to build more muscle.

Can you stack multiple legal steroids?

You absolutely can. In fact, most experts and seasoned users will stack multiple legal steroids to achieve their bodybuilding goals.

Unlike SARMS, which compete for the same androgen receptors, and steroids which will only increase the side effects to be wary of, legal steroids work synergistically with no additional risks.

What are the risks of using legal steroids?

Legal steroids pose very few risks.

Since most of the ingredients are herbal, the most that you need to be wary of is a possible allergic reaction to one of them.

If you have any known allergies, ensure that you cross check the ingredient list.

Some herbs are known to interfere with the absorption of prescription medications. So, if you are on any prescription drugs, it is recommended that you consult your physician before using legal steroids.

Some of the common but mild side effects that have been experienced while using these are headaches, dry mouth, an upset tummy and facial flushing.

If you experience any of these side effects and they start to become bothersome, you might want to reduce the dosage a little. Usually, this helps offset the side effects until your body adjusts to the supplements.

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