Buy Deca Durabolin for year round mass gains

October 14, 2024
6 min read

Whenever we read all the hype surrounding oral anabolic mass builders, we can’t help but cringe.

Did we ruffle some feathers there? Any Dianabol fanatics wanting to ‘Hulk Smash’ us to shreds?

Let us explain our stance here.

Oral mass building steroids are unmatched in their potential to help you bulk up.

But the one thing that nobody’s talking about is that the faster the gains, the easier you lose it.

So, the quicker you gain those 30 lbs. on Dianabol and Anadrol, the easier it is to lose when you stop using those compounds. It’s called the Rollover effect. While every anabolic steroid will have a rollover effect, it is most pronounced with oral steroids.

If you are looking to gain muscle mass that you can keep all year round, go and buy Deca Durabolin.

That’s good old fashioned mass building 101.

Anyone who’s used it will vouch for the fact that you must buy Deca Durabolin to make quality muscle mass that you can retain year round.

Mass building with Deca Durabolin

For the unversed, Deca Durabolin is a 19-nor anabolic steroid. There are three families of drugs that constitute the anabolic steroid universe. 19-nors are some of the most powerful compounds.

Deca is the Nandrolone hormone with the slow acting Decanoate ester attached to it.

The Ester has a very slow release time and a half-life of 6-days, after which Nandrolone keeps releasing into your blood stream.

Mass building with Deca Durabolin is as simple as it can get.

It is not hepatotoxic. It does not throw your estrogen out of whack. It does not aromatize like a mofo.

All that you’ve got to do is run it with an anchor steroid like testosterone, eat like a horse and lift like a mule.

The Deca will do the rest.

Lean and Vascular vs. Round and thick

All that talk about Deca Durabolin being a golden era bodybuilding steroid makes people think twice about buying It.

For some reason, lean is in and round is out.

The general consensus is that Deca Durabolin can make you round and thick, but soft and watery.

Nothing can be farther from the truth.

If that’s the reason that you didn’t want to buy Deca Durabolin, then here’s an eye opener.

Deca will make you lean, thick, round and vascular. Think of it like a combination of Anadrol and EQ.

So why doesn’t this get mentioned more often on messaging boards? Well, a lot of athletes these days use very low doses of Deca for therapeutic reasons only.

Others run low doses because 19-nor metabolites tend to stick around for a while and can leave you massively suppressed. So PCTing would not be an option. You’d have to cruise at a low dose of test for at least 6-months. Sometimes, for up to a year until the Deca clears your system.

Either ways, the doses that are commonly used are too low for the vascularity to be pronounced.

If you want to get a fair idea of how you CAN look when you use Deca Durabolin, take a look at Mike Mentzer in his prime.

The dude was massive but ripped.

Deca was his favorite steroid. There are some reports that suggest that he may have used Deca as the anchor steroid while using other secondary compounds.

Know the right dose before you buy Deca Durabolin

Many first timers buy Deca Durabolin without having the faintest idea of what dose to run for optimal results.

There are some conflicting ideas being floated out there about the right dosage ratio of Testosterone and Deca Durabolin.

First things first, always run Deca Durabolin with test.

Here’s a brief dosage guide:

Low dose Test and high dose Deca: You don’t really need a high dose of Testosterone. Even a low dose works just as well. You can even run Deca with your TRT dose of testosterone. So if you are using 100-125mg of Testosterone a week, run it with 500mg of Deca per week. You can stop the Deca after 16-weeks. There are some bodybuilders who run it for up to 6-months. But we recommend that you stop it at 16-weeks. This will produce some great gains that you can retain for months afterwards. Gives you strength, ups your libido, and prevents fat gain. Can’t ask for more.
Equal Test and Deca: You can also run Test and Deca in equal doses. This will greatly increase the amount of mass that you gain. But it might make E2 management a little tricky for new comers. If you have your E2 dialed down, or are confident that you can, then go ahead with it. 500mg/week of Test and an equal dose of Deca is a powerful mass building stack that has just two compounds. You don’t even need orals to kick start this. For AI management, Aromasin may not suffice alone. You may need Caber to combat prolactin issues and to
prevent gyno.
Low dose Deca and high dose Test: Another school of thought goes that you can run a very low dose of Deca with a much higher dose of test. The idea behind the high testosterone dose is to offset any libido issues that might be caused due to Deca. To put things into perspective, you do not need a high dose of Testosterone to reduce the risk of ‘Deca Dick’. Just add a very low dose of Finasteride to prevent Deca from breaking down to DHN and you will not face any problems at all. This can be a great stack for therapeutic applications though. If you are having joint issues due to overtraining, find some Deca Durabolin for sale and buy it. 300mg/week of Deca is an excellent therapeutic dose.

Buying Deca Durabolin for sale vs. Home brewing your own stuff

There’s some chatter on messaging boards that says why buy Deca Durabolin for sale when you can brew it easily for less than half the cost?

If only the price were the only deciding factor.

We wouldn’t go the brewing route unless we plan to run it for extended cycles.

Not only is it messy, it also needs a fair bit of elbow grease which can be avoided.

Besides, it’s very easy to find pharma grade Deca Durabolin for sale, that’s imported from Asia, Russia and Europe.

Pharma grade gear is any day superior than UGL brewed stuff.

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