This Is How To Turn Your Soft Watery Muscle Into Dry Rock Hard Mass

By Presser
September 30, 2021
3 min read
5 Best Ways of Fixing Muscle Imbalances

Built for show, or built to go?

We all know that guy. The guy who eats McDonalds three times a day, knocks a couple back before bedtime, and who’s idea of a workout is 20 bicep curls and some jumping jacks a couple of hours before his shift, and yet still has rock hard muscle. For me this was my college roommate Freddy, 5’10 and all muscle while I had to lift and run 3 times a week just to get the faint outline of a 6 pack.

Sure, I had medium density and fairly good strength, but he had raw power and you could see it in his physique. Now while genetics play a huge factor in these things, there were a number of things I was doing wrong. Check out the article below to take back your dense muscle building power.

T- levels

Unfortunately life isn’t fair, and all T-levels aren’t created equal. But while nature isn’t fair, nurture can be. Natural ways to increase your testosterone include, a good nights sleep, heavy weight training, cold baths, walking ( 2 miles or more per day), and eating multiple foods (Salmon, avocado’s, brazil nuts, etc.) If this still isn’t enough, you can always try taking a testosterone booster. 


When working out for muscle density you should concentrate on fatiguing the muscle. To make up for what mother nature hasn’t granted us you want to get as much blood flow to the muscle as possible. Break down the muscle with 6-10 reps of medium to heavyweight, and the blood flow will provide the muscle with the nutrients it needs to build back stronger and harder. This rep range is perfect because it not only builds up the aerobic capacity of the muscle but also the Myofibrullar part of the muscle, which is responsible for size.

Compound and Supersets

Compound sets are the performing of two exercises (one right after the other) that target the same muscle group. Supersets also go in succession of one another but target opposing muscle groups. For instance, incline dumbbell curls, and cable curls would be considered a compound set while hammer curls and reverse curls would be considered a superset. Do 4-6 reps of each exercise in the super/compound set to make one complete set. Do 3 sets at medium to heavyweight and your muscles should pretty much be decimated, and in this case, destruction is good!

Last minute Do’s and Don’t

-Do get adequate rest and hydration, as how you recover will determine your results.

-Don’t over train, again over training without adequate rest is just shooting yourself in the foot and will actually diminish your results.

-Do something you enjoy in your off time. Unhealthy stressors can not only kill your T-levels but the high cortisol levels can also turn your gains into mush. Very counterproductive.

So the secret’s out, Even though you don’t have the genetics of “Thing”, with a strong work ethic and pre-meditated workout plan you can have decent muscle density and massive gains that bring honor to your physique.

Do you have issues with your muscle density? Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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