EAST COAST MECCA: SEASON 3 – Generation Iron returns to the beast coast with an inside look at the Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym one week before the New York Pro 2018. Known as the East Coast Mecca of bodybuilding, Bev Francis’ gym attracts today’s most elite athletes. Featuring superstars and up and comers such as Regan Grimes, Nathan De Asha, Arash Rahbar, Rich Gaspari, and many more! New episodes air every Thursday!
Nathan De Asha is a competitor who is not afraid to speak his mind. Not only that, but he’s not afraid to ruffle some feathers with intense (and very entertaining) trash talk about his fellow competitors. With just 2 days left before the New York Pro 2018, Nathan headed over to the East Coast Mecca to get some heavy training in and some face time with Steve Weinberger. They discuss how his trash talk has caused problems in the past (he recently got kicked out of his gym because “everyone hates him”) and how he plans to open his own gym and move permanently.
Frida Paulsen Stern and Kim Gutierrez also stop by the East Coast Mecca to hit the weights and also the posing room to get final impressions from the head judge himself, Steve Weinberger. With only 2 days before the big show, final advice from Steve could be vital in how their ultimate performance on stage will play out. Check the full episode out above!