Milos Sarcev Says He Regrets Using Synthol

By Presser
February 25, 2022
3 min read

Milos Sarcev talks about his history with synthol oil.

Milos Sarcev recently spoke about one of his biggest regrets in his bodybuilding career: his synthol usage. The veteran bodybuilder and coach talked about his synthol usage on Jay Cutler’s recent podcast episode.

When you’re competing at the highest level of your chosen sport there are many that will do almost anything to obtain victory. In the case of bodybuilding that can mean taking a number of different measures. Utilizing all different kinds of gear seems to be the number one choice.

For some bodybuilders utilizing synthol oil has been an option for helping to increase muscle mass. Many fans and avid bodybuilders frown upon its usage, especially by those who don’t do any kind of legit training whatsoever. But with that said, there are many pros who have used synthol oil in the past. One of them is Milos Sarcev who isn’t too proud of the point.

In a recent podcast Milos Sarcev spoke about one of his biggest regrets in his career. For Sarcev it was his apparent synthol usage. The veteran bodybuilder and coach spoke with Jay Cutler about his history with synthol.

“The biggest regret for me is using the Synthol in my arms,” said Milos Sarcev. “Okay, up until 97, I mean I was told many times, with the bigger arms you have a chance right. And we were using clan (Clenbuterol) back in the day. Then Kevin came to 97 Olympia, remember Flex was supposed to beat Dorian Yates, and then he pulled out of the show 2-weeks out.

“Then, you know Kevin was looking for him, and then said, ‘Milos can you please give this to Flex because he had to go back to England’ and so there was like 12 bottles of something. I said ‘what is it?’ He said Synthol, you inject it in small body parts, and I said ‘oh wow’. So just take half.  So, you know of course I started, initially I was getting great results with that one. I don’t want to say great results because I never want to encourage anyone to do it. It’s the biggest mistake.” 

While Milos Sarcev didn’t obtain his body solely by utilizing synthol, it is clearly something he isn’t proud of. To hear what else he had to say about his time in bodybuilding be sure to checkout the full podcast episode.

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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