Having set extremely high goals for this year, Hafthor Bjornsson was excited to see how much progress he had made in the past few months. Aiming to break the All-Time Raw With Wraps World Record in powerlifting, Hafthor was dedicated to improving his squat, bench, and deadlift. However, at his most recent appearance, Hafthor suffered a gruesome injury during one of these events. While taking part in a Powerlifting competition at his home gym in Iceland, Hafthor loaded up 252.5 kilograms (556.7 pounds) for his final bench press attempt. Upon trying to control the bar down to his chest, Hafthor’s left pec muscle detached, resulting in chilling screams of pain. Having taken some time to reflect on the situation, Hafthor has now released updates for his fans.
One of the updates was posted on Instagram, while the other was shared on YouTube. On Instagram, Hafthor Bjornsson posted a picture of what his chest currently looks like. It is clear that his left pec is injured, as the skin has changed color to purple.
Firstly, it is important to note that Hafthor Bjornsson has suffered multiple injuries throughout his career as a Strongman and powerlifter. So, he speaks with experience on the subject and estimates that his peck has completely detached from the bone.
“I believe I completely tore my chest, upper chest, off the bone. I will have to have surgery if that is the case”
If his assumption is correct, Hafthor Bjornsson will definitely have to undergo surgery. He has already scheduled an MRI which will reveal every detail of his injury.
Hafthor also revealed that this is the biggest injury of his career so far. However, judging by the remainder of his statement it seems that he will continue chasing his goals after the recovery process is finished.
“This is literally the biggest injury of my whole career. So, I got to tackle this”
The injury has also made it more difficult for Hafthor Bjornsson to carry out daily tasks. He is a left-handed person, but that arm is immobilized due to the pec tear. However, Hafthor used this chance to make some jokes.
“I have a difficult time wiping my a**. Putting my underwear on is difficult. You know, it’s life.”
Watch Hafthor Bjornsson’s video here:
Hafthor Bjornsson ventured into boxing after conquering Strongman with a 2018 WSM victory and a 501-kilogram (1,104.5-pound) Deadlift World Record. In boxing, he managed to beat fellow Strongman, Eddie Hall, following which Bjornsson realized that lifting weights is his true passion.
Consequently, Hafthor Bjornsson decided to come back to powerlifting at the end of last year. Furthermore, he extended his goals for this year, aiming to set a new World Record this year, but that seems almost impossible at this time. Hafthor still refers to this injury as a “small setback“. So, he obviously already has his future planned out.