Russel Orhii (83KG) Squats a Raw 322.5-Kilogram Triple In Training — 2 Kilos Over IPF World Record

By Presser
October 11, 2023
3 min read

Russel Orhii, the 2019 and 2021 International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) world champion in the raw 83-kilogram class, holds the IPF worlds for the raw squat and total — 320.5 kilograms (706.6 pounds) and 841 kilograms (1,854.1 pounds), respectively.

Orhii continues to lift heavy during his off-season, in which he recently squatted a raw 322.5-kilogram (711-pound) triple — two kilograms more than his raw world record each rep — on Oct. 7, 2023.  Check out that lift below:

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Wearing knee sleeves, wrist wraps, and a lifting belt, Orhii’s three reps were nearly identical in terms of posture of bracing before each lift. Though each lift was progressively slower out of the hole, none of them appeared to be in doubt. While his body weight at the time of the set was not listed, Orhii loading more than his world record for multiple reps suggests that the record books are simply a placeholder until his next meet.

One week prior to the above lift, Orhii published a video on his YouTube channel wherein he divulged how he uses active recovery in his programming for the ideal squat depth:

The Off-Season Ep. 4 | 771LBS & Squat Depth, Active Recovery, and Managing Expectations

Orhii’s Off-Season Training

Orhii has lifted as heavy as 350 kilograms (771.6 pounds) as recently as Sept. 26, 2023. Despite squatting for what would almost assuredly be considered sufficient depth in competition, some believe that Orhii squats high. As such, his Tuesday training sessions are focused on technique, specifically squat depth. 

Failure to reach sufficient squat depth in competition could lead to a no-rep in the eyes of the judges. A failed rep places a lot of unnecessary added stress on the body early in a meet. 

Orhii maintains consistency in the gym with active recovery days that limit how heavy he loads. Wednesday workouts don’t exceed 264 pounds on bench press. “My bones and joints feel creaky,” said Orhii. “My knees were like, ‘Hey, yo. Keep it real simple today; keep it real nice and light.’”

Orhii accessory work includes seated dumbbell shoulder pressesunilateral dumbbell lateral raises, seated bent-over dumbbell rear delt raises, reverse grip EZ-bar shoulder presses, and face pulls. The shoulder training hopefully translates to a bigger bench press.

A dedicated deadlift day is included in Orhii’s programming. He hit a 727-pound pull with less than satisfactory form in his view, though it is likely due to fatigue from shoulder training earlier in the week. Orhii’s upper-body pulling volume is high. He trains close-grip pulldowns, horizontal rows, inverted rows, cable rope curls, and single-arm dumbbell preacher curls.

Orhii may not appear entirely satisfied with his training, but his consistency and intensity in the gym are unquestioned. Considering he is lifting more than his IPF record, it’s unlikely the record will hold officially for long.

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Featured image: @russwole on Instagram

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