1:40 – Dave’s thoughts on hydrogen water
5:26 – L-Carnitine worth the hype?
9:40 – Will Big Ramy compete at 2024 Olympia?
12:38 – Which ACE inhibitor helps with blood pressure
14:20 – Good starting point for TRT and at what point will you feel the full effects of Testosterone the first time?
16:18 – I got my blood work done and my testosterone was 2500 – That’s being on 250 milligrams a week, if I was to take more how would it help me when my testosterone is already so high ?
18:34 – I know you dont like orals but any thoughts on taking them only on the days you train lagging body parts? Say for me something like 40mg dianabol on leg day every week and maybe the day after to increase repair? This would be while on injectables too like test and deca. I would think this could be done for an extended period of time with little harm to liver and appetite and great benefit to lagging body parts
21:00 – What are your thoughts on a Winstrol only cycle for males, age 35-40, 20-40mg/day for 6 weeks? Additionally, would adding 250mg of Test E per week be enough to negate the effects of suppression. Not competing, just looking to get into shape with some assistance. Assuming diet, training, rest, and supplements are in check.
23:12 – Someone recommended me Minoxidil 1.25mg daily for about 4 months.Can i use that while PCT ,anything i should check before start taking it?
25:36 – Can you explain the role of DHA and EPA in fish oil products and what the “other” omega 3 fats are? And is it just the DHA and EPA that’s important?
30:31 – If Dave’s career in the 1990s had phones and social media, would he have a phone or camera in the gym with him like todays athletes
32:38 – Water load necessary one week out of a contest?
34:57 – When running a higher dose of test do you find it necessary for most guys to take an AI and an estrogen receptor blocker like novladex?
36:10 – What were the speculations or rumours or actual dosages of what androgens Nasser used to take as long as you’ve known him?
38:02 – In your opinion, if someone takes every possible supplement (not PEDs) known to man in the proper dosages and forms, what is the true % return on investment to add size and strength? Will it make only a 1% or 2% difference? Assuming all other metrics, sleep, nutrition, hydration are on point.
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