How To Improve Your Squats
If we were asked to name an exercise that is the illest-performed in the gym – it would have to be the squats. It’s no secret that squats are one of the most beneficial and important exercises when it comes to building muscle mass and improving functional strength.
While many people take the right step of incorporating the compound exercise in their training program, only a few take out the time to learn the correct way of performing the squats.
Start Right
The squats start before you get under the bar. How and where you place the bar on your shoulders can determine the quality of the exercise. High and low bar positions are the two most popular ways of placing the barbell on your back.
The high bar is generally used by bodybuilders and/or average height individuals. Whereas, the low-bar position is used by powerlifters or taller people. Both can take time getting used to. We recommend picking the one you’re comfortable with and sticking with it.
Mind Your Step
Most people make the mistake of unracking the barbell in a lunging position. Both your feet should be under the bar as you go for the lift-off. While the foot placement might not make a difference in the beginning, it’ll prove it’s worth as you lift heavier weights.
Once the bar is unracked, you need to get in position by your second step. The first step-back should be to get at a comfortable distance from the rack, and the second should be to get in position for the squat. Don’t lift off the bar and take 5-10 steps to get in position.
Many people don’t know the correct foot placement while squatting. They either keep their feet too close or too wide. In a normal squat, your feet should be directly under your shoulders and pointing at 1’o clock.
Squats Not Good Mornings
We’re sure you know someone who bends forward while performing the squats so much so that their upper body is almost parallel to the floor at the bottom of the movement. If you can’t help but lean forward while squatting, you should consider dropping down the weights.
Another trick is to keep your chest out and look at the ceiling. Forcing your upper body to remain straight throughout the lift can take some getting used to. Warming up and stretching before squatting can also help improve your form.
Breathe Right
Breathing is one of the most overlooked aspects of working out. If you’re not already using controlled breathing in your workouts, you’re leaving gains on the table. Also, using controlled breathing while squatting isn’t as simple as breathing in while going down and breathing out while coming up.
To make the most of the exercise, you should take a deep breath at the top of the movement and hold your breath as you squat down. Exhale sharply as you return to the starting position.
Use Accessories
Using accessories like the gym belt and knee wraps can take your squatting game to the next level. A weight lifting belt combined with the new breathing technique you just learned can help you generate an incredible amount of thoracic pressure.
The knee wraps keep your joints tight and can help with generating a little push on the concentric motion. Wrist wraps, barbell pad, and weightlifting shoes are some other great accessories you should consider investing in.
How much can you squat? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.