A50ZOL: The legal Anadrol 50 alternative

August 19, 2024
4 min read

Anadrol 50 is often called the ‘King of oral mass builders’ because it allows the user to make massive
gains in lean muscle tissue.(1)

Along with Dianabol, it is used to ‘kick start’ a steroid cycle.

That’s a fancy way to say that it works a lot sooner than oil-based injectable steroids that take weeks to saturate in your blood.

But Anadrol will kick-in from the second or third day.

By the end of week-1, you will already have gained up to 5 lbs. of mass with 80% of it being lean muscle tissue.

That said, Anadrol is associated with a bevy of side effects, some of which are permanent and irreversible.

A50ZOL on the other hand is a completely safe, legal Anadrol alternative that produces nearly 75% of the results of Anadrol with zero risks.

What is A50ZOL?

A50ZOL is the most powerful mass gainer supplement in the world.

It mimics Oxymetholone or Anadrol by allowing the user to gain up to 20 lbs. in a span of just 12-16 weeks.

Roiders will be quick to note that the results take twice the time it takes to gain the same amount of mass with Anadrol.

But there’s a difference.

A50ZOL does not cause any of the side effects associated with Anadrol.

  • It does not cause androgenic side effects like acne, hair thinning and virilization.
  • It does not make you gain a truckload of water, subsequently leading to high blood pressure.
  • It does not give you headaches or nosebleeds.
  • It does not cause debilitating lower back and calf pumps.

How does it work?
A50ZOL works by activating two key bio mechanisms in the body that prime it for muscle growth.

  1. It stimulates your pituitary to release more LH, which in turn increases your natural production
    of testosterone. Unlike overpriced supplements that are labelled as ‘Test Boosters’, but contain nothing but some herbal extract that doesn’t work, every ingredient in A50ZOL is backed by science. There’s fenugreek, Tongkat Ali and Horny Goat weed amongst others.
  2. It increases Nitrogen retention and amplifies protein synthesis. These two factors are considered to be the key to rapid muscle recovery and growth. Unlike anabolic steroids like Anadrol, A50ZOL does it without interfering with your HPTA or altering any gene pathways. In
    a nutshell, you get the results associated with steroid use without using steroids. (5)

What results can you achieve with A50ZOL?

While A50ZOL is primarily a mass builder, it also has a positive influence on every aspect of your fitness.

  • More energy and razor sharp focus: You feel more energized in the gym. Your mental alertness is at its best. You feel increased focus all day which improves your performance in everyday life.
  • Strength: A50ZOL produces a slow and steady increase in your strength and muscle endurance. This is not as dramatic as what Anadrol can produce, mind you. But it’s more sustainable with very little rollover effect. By the end of the recommended 16-week run, you should be able to add up to 40 lbs. to your compound lifts.
  • Muscle mass: You can gain up to 20 lbs. of clean muscle mass in 16-weeks. Club that with massive pumps and increased vascularity. A50ZOL will give the on-steroids look







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