Andrea Shaw aims to beat the world record for most Ms. Olympia wins
Before the Ms. Olympia temporarily disappeared for about six years, Iris Kyle was the reigning champion. To this day, she is still the world record holder not only for most Ms. Olympia wins – but most Olympia wins by any athlete in any division ever. Since the return of Ms. Olympia two years ago, Iris Kyle has yet to make a return to reclaim her title for various reasons. As of now it’s unclear if she will officially return moving forward. But the current champion, Andrea Shaw, hopes to become the new world record holder. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Andrea Shaw details how and why she wants to earn 11 Ms. Olympia titles.
Andrea Shaw came out swinging upon the return of the Ms. Olympia competition two years ago. She has held dominion over Women’s Bodybuilding for two years now – and is the current reigning champion. During our recent video interview, we asked what her long term goals are. How long does she want to compete and how will she handle her physique once she retires? It seems like retirement won’t be coming any time soon though – as she proclaimed that she wants to win 11 total Ms. Olympia title by the end of her pro career.
The number 11 is not random, it’s the amount of wins she needs to become the new world record holder. Iris Kyle, the previous Ms. Olympia champion, currently holds the record at ten wins. This is also the most Olympia titles won by any athlete regardless of division. Shaw is ready to change that fact – we just may need to wait until 2030 for that to happen.
That’s a long way off. And Andrea Shaw is not delusional about the fact a lot can change between now and then. That’s why she has a very realistic rule she is living by in terms of achieving her goal.
“I’m very much aware of the fact that, you know, you still need to be in a good place mentally with competing. You still need to be a good place physically when competing,” Andrea Shaw states in our interview. She continues:
“My caveat to that is if I still feel good about it physically and mentally, I would like to go after eleven. But at any given point I feel as though it’s not there, I’m not the one to force that.”
Andrea Shaw makes a good point here. She cannot predict where her head or body will be at five or more years from now. She certainly has the hunger and drive to become a world record champion – but also realizes that life can change those goals and drive in unexpected ways. The most important thing for her is mental and physical stability. If the goal becomes a hinderance rather than a productive goal – she may change tactics.
Andrea Shaw goes on to use Dexter Jackson as an example. Jackson is notoriously known for his extremely successful and long lasting career. He is the most decorated pro bodybuilder of all time – and many had counted him out multiple times throughout his career as he aged. He ended up not retiring until after 50 years old.
Andrea Shaw points out that his longevity came down to how he planned each and every bodybuilding prep. He did not go hardcore like some other bodybuilder, which would lead to a burnout (even if it was after a very successful run). Shaw wants to follow this method. She wants to be the best and perhaps even become a world record holder – but only if it’s right for her overall happiness and stability.
You can watch Andrea Shaw talk in more detail not only about her goal of 11 Ms. Olympia wins – but also her plans for after retirement. Catch it all in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.