Deca Only For HRT – A Comprehensive Overview And My Personal Blood Work
There’s been a growing amount of hype around the “Deca only cycle”.While it is most commonly referred to as the Deca only cycle, it is actually based on the compound Nandrolone being used on its own.The decanoate ester being abbreviated as “Deca” has just become synonymous nowadays in the bodybuilding community with Nandrolone itself.Seeing the potential merits of Nandrolone as a makeshift hormone replacement therapy alternative to Testosterone, I stopped using Testosterone and instead started using Nandrolone on its own with exogenous Estradiol for 3 months and paid over $1000 for an elaborate blood panel to assess how it affected my health markers.[embedded content]Table of ContentsHow Nandrolone Could Potentially Be A Superior HRT Alternative To TestosteroneThe primitive thought process is that Nandrolone used in conjunction with Testosterone will lead to horrible side effects, but Nandrolone used on its own will just result in all of the benefits of steroids with a near absence of the androgenic or estrogenic side effects associated with Testosterone use.In reality, it’s a lot more nuanced than that.The reason why I found this experiment worth pursuing is the lack of androgenicity of Nandrolone in the body.Nandrolone 5α-reduces in tissues that express 5α-reductase to the much less androgenic metabolite Dihydronandrolone (DHN).Nandrolone is basically the only anabolic steroid that is going to maintain 100% anabolic activity of the Nandrolone in muscle tissue where you want it, but also be converted into a much less androgenic metabolite with a lower binding affinity in certain areas of the body where you wouldn’t want Nandrolone to bind.The two areas of concern for most individuals being hair follicles and skin.By converting to DHN in these areas, Nandrolone (and by extension DHN) causes less hair loss and acne than Testosterone (and by extension DHT).In addition, some men are genetically predisposed to high levels of aromatization and estrogen receptor expression and can’t even use TRT doses of Testosterone without experiencing estrogenic side effects.Nandrolone is not a potent substrate for aromatase, and mainly converts to a weaker estrogen called Estrone (Estradiol is about 10-fold more potent than Estrone).Nandrolone is also mildly estrogenic on its own via its ability to act as an estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) agonist [R].Overall, Nandrolone is much less androgenic and estrogenic than Testosterone, and may provide symptom relief in those seeking a viable hormone replacement therapy alternative.In this context, Nandrolone may also have great potential as an efficacious alternative to Testosterone as an anabolic agent for some individuals who are prone to androgenic and/or estrogenic side effects.The Neurotoxicity And Cardiotoxicity Of NandroloneBased on the limited data available, Nandrolone has shown to be more deleterious to cardiovascular and neurological health than testosterone.[embedded content]By extrapolating the data, we start to get a clearer picture as to why this likely is.Nandrolone is mildly estrogenic on its own, and it does not aromatize nearly enough to create as much Estradiol as Testosterone does.Comparing the effect of testosterone with that of 19-nortestosterone (Nandrolone) and Stanozolol (Winstrol) on neurotoxicity we can clearly see that Estrogen is what protects neurons in the brain, not Testosterone itself.In this study, a physiologic dosage of Testosterone was neuroprotective [R].Testosterone only amplified neurotoxicity at supraphysiological dosages.The neuroprotective effect of a physiologic dosage of Testosterone was completely eliminated when the aromatase inhibitor Anastrozole (Arimidex) was co-administered, suggesting that the intrinsic toxicity of Testosterone as an androgen is only counterbalanced by its aromatization into 17β-estradiol.As opposed to testosterone, Nandrolone does not appear to aromatize sufficiently into estrogen.As you would expect, Nandrolone was neurotoxic at every single dose evaluated regardless of Arimidex being co-administered or not.If Nandrolone was inherently able to provide enough estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) activation to balance out its androgenicity without even requiring aromatization (it acts as an estrogen on its own to some extent), we would see a neuroprotective effect at equivalent dosages to a physiologic concentration of Testosterone when no AI is used, but that does not appear to be the case either.The anti-androgen flutamide attenuated the neurotoxicity of all three androgens, thus further reinforcing that physiologic dosages of androgens without a sufficient amount of opposing estrogens, or supraphysiological dosages of androgens may facilitate neuronal death.I suspect that the same applies for the inherent cardiotoxicity of Nandrolone as well.Just because you can get your Estradiol levels up to 15 pg/mL with a gram of Deca only, that ratio of androgens to estrogen in the body is way off of what would otherwise be optimal for health based on what I’ve seen.This is reinforced by the fact that Flutamide (an anti-androgen) was able to attenuate the neurotoxicity of Nandrolone.By preventing Nandrolone from binding to androgen receptors, it is no longer able to transcribe its effects in tissues.Hair loss and acne are one thing, cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity are another thing and should ultimately take precedence obviously.However, just because Nandrolone monotherapy cannot produce a sufficient ratio of androgens to estrogens, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a potential loophole.That loophole is exogenous Estradiol administration.Exogenous Estradiol Use With Nandrolone Only CyclesAs we’ve seen, Estrogen produced via aromatase is what provides neuroprotection from the androgenicity of Testosterone, not the Testosterone itself.We also know that Nandrolone is not able to produce enough estrogenic activity in the body to facilitate this same level of neuroprotection.I theorize that Nandrolone in conjunction with exogenous Estradiol to replace this otherwise missing component could attenuate a significant amount of the deleterious impact Nandrolone has on the heart and brain.In addition, by providing a sufficient amount of exogenous estrogen, libido, muscle growth, fat loss, and several other aspects of health and performance should be more optimized.It isn’t a coincidence that cardiovascular disease rates skyrocket once women hit menopause and stop producing Estrogen properly.The same negative effects will apply in men with low Estrogen levels.The lack of sufficient Estrogen is often addressed in Deca only cycles by adding an adjunct anabolic steroid that aromatizes into Estrogen or Estrogen analogs.Obviously for those seeking to minimize androgenic side effects, the ideal way to go about achieving sufficient Estrogen receptor activation is probably not going to be by adding more steroids to their protocol.This is where exogenous Estradiol comes into play, and I believe the majority of Deca only cycles would be more sustainable from a health perspective, and successful in a bodybuilding context as well with its inclusion.I have yet to see one person on a Deca only cycle achieve a sufficient Estradiol level relative to their Nandrolone dosage via a sensitive assay Estradiol blood test.The following blood test result was submitted by an individual on over 1000 mg per week of Deca only.Over a gram of androgens relative to a 19.2 pg/mL Estradiol level is far from ideal in my opinion.I had a good conversation with Vigorous Steve as well about his Deca only cycle experience.He told me that his Estradiol was 12 pg/mL on 1000 mg of Deca per week after 4 weeks, and he ended up adding 25 mg DHEA per day just to bring it up to 25 pg/mL.When it comes to Nandrolone use on its own, most would benefit from more Estrogen in my opinion.My Weekly Nandrolone And Estradiol Dosage For “HRT”Most guys doing Deca only cycles are evaluating Nandrolone at dosages of 600 mg or higher per week for short blasts.My experiment was based on its potential as an alternative long term HRT option for those prone to androgenic side effects.Or alternatively, its potential as a compound to swap to periodically throughout the year from TRT to reverse some of the androgenic side effects of Testosterone and DHT while still maintaining the same amount of muscle mass.Every blood test I’ve seen of Deca only cycle users was on high doses of Nandrolone without a sufficient amount of Estrogen.I wanted to see how Nandrolone on its own at a “therapeutic dose” would affect my blood work if I had a sufficient amount of Estrogen provided through exogenous Estradiol.Long-term, the only way Nandrolone monotherapy could be even relatively safe in a cardiovascular context would be with exogenous Estradiol supplementation from what I’ve seen.And even then, I’m sure it has major drawbacks that will likely accumulate over the years.With that being said, it is still something I wanted to explore nonetheless, as it is one of the few compounds that can actually support supraphysiological muscle growth with a relatively minimal impact on androgenic alopecia.Oral micronized Estradiol tablets have quite a few drawbacks.A few of the most notable drawbacks are that oral Estrogen pills can be somewhat liver toxic, they spike SHBG through the roof, and they result in the production of clotting factors in the blood that do not develop with forms of administration that skip the first pass.The two most viable methods of administration that skip the first pass are transdermal topical application, or injection.I chose to topically apply transdermal Estradiol gel (Estrogel) for this experiment.I used 100 mg of Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) per week split into daily injections using an insulin pin rotating between my glutes and ventroglutes.I also applied 2.5 grams of transdermal Estrogel (delivering 1.5 mg Estradiol) to my inner thighs every day for over 3 months straight.Blood Pressure Changes On NandroloneOne of the first things I noticed was that it was a struggle to keep my blood pressure in check on NPP, even at the mild dose I was using.What that was caused by exactly, I’m not sure.I assumed it was Aldosterone prior to this blood work.When I’m on Testosterone, even when I was using TRT as high as 200 mg per week, I could keep my blood pressure at 110/70 with ease.Even if I ate terribly, I could still hold 115/75 without even trying on Testosterone.Within the first week of switching to NPP it became way harder to control my systolic blood pressure.My diastolic blood pressure was fine for the entire 3 months, but my systolic blood pressure would consistently be around 125-128.That is not normal for me, and is borderline stage 1 hypertension.The fact that I even had to try to lower my blood pressure showed to me that Nandrolone is a lot harder to manage in this regard.This is consistent with almost every single person I know who has blasted high doses of Deca.They all had significant issues with blood pressure.Most of the guys who thought they had normal blood pressure were actually stage 1 hypertensive and didn’t even realize that their results were indicative of cardiovascular stress.My 125-128 systolic occurred without being in a calorie surplus, without any weight changes, and on what I would consider a very low dose of NPP.The exact same diet, weight, lifestyle, etc. would have me at 110/70 on TRT.Muscle Growth And Strength On NandroloneI maintained my muscle and do not feel that there was a substantial difference between the anabolic potency of Nandrolone compared to Testosterone.At the very least, the anabolic activity of Nandrolone is comparable to Testosterone, but the androgenic activity is far less than that of Testosterone.In certain contexts for certain individuals, Nandrolone will be the desirable alternative because of this.Reduced Libido On Nandrolone – Deca Dick?My libido was extremely subdued on NPP.That’s one of the most obvious things I noticed during my experiment.I had a libido and would still want to have sex, but my libido was much lower than it is on regular TRT.On TRT I can barely go one day without sex before it starts to consume my mind. On Nandrolone only, I can easily go a couple days barely even thinking about it.However, when it came time to get the job done, I could still get the job done and stay hard the entire time without any issues in erection quality.It was a bit harder to reach orgasm though.On top of the lack of androgenicity causing a reduction in libido, Nandrolone also has progestogenic activity and binds to the Progesterone receptor.Excessive Progesterone is notorious for killing libido and causing erectile dysfunction, and it seems that Nandrolone has similar effects in many individuals via this pathway in conjunction with its 5α-reduction into DHN.My drive was also lower, and I felt less aggressive overall.In many individuals Testosterone and DHT levels will strongly influence libido, drive, aggression, motivation and productivity.Personally, even if I have that support via DHT or DHT derivatives, the increased motivation and drive is actually more counterproductive in a work productivity context because my libido gets way too high.Even when I had high testosterone levels and 0 DHT in my body I still had sex on my mind far more than I would like.When that happens, I can barely get anything done, and then I end up depleting myself of energy for the day through excessive sex.The subdued and normalized libido on Nandrolone is welcomed for me because of this.I don’t think this is necessarily just because I’m a good responder to Nandrolone, I think it has more so to do with the fact that I was using exogenous Estrogen during this experiment with the Nandrolone.Despite androgens driving aggression and drive, libido and erection quality is largely dictated by adequate Estrogen levels.With all that being said, DHT (with sufficient Estrogen via Testosterone aromatization) is blatantly better for sexual support than Nandrolone, and testosterone itself, even if you completely inhibited 5α-reductase and nuked DHT, still provides better libido and erection quality than Nandrolone does at equivalent “therapeutic” doses for the majority of people.My Blood Work Results On A Deca Only Cycle For HRTI don’t like taking shots in the dark when it comes to something that I see potential in.There is a lot of theory thrown back and forth in the community on Deca only cycles, and I needed to see for myself how Nandrolone in conjunction with exogenous Estradiol would impact my personal blood work.I wanted to check markers of oxidative stress, inflammation, kidney function, Aldosterone, Prolactin, hormone levels via sensitive assay testing, and an array of other health markers that are often debated about but very infrequently actually tested for to reinforce statements made.Expectedly, high dose Deca only cycle blasts will almost always result in low HDL levels, subpar Estradiol levels, and an array of other out of range values that are less common and are more individual dependent.To date I have yet to see someone get their blood work checked with exogenous Estradiol being used in conjunction with Nandrolone at a “therapeutic” dose.This is what I wanted to evaluate.Complete Blood Count with Differential/PlateletsI was actually expecting far worse from my blood test results.At a “therapeutic” dose, it doesn’t seem like my hematology was negatively affected at all.Comprehensive Metabolic PanelIn my metabolic panel, nothing was really off to the point that would cause concern.My BUN being high is likely just the result of being muscular and having a high protein diet.Lipid PanelGoing into the lipid panel, we can see the number one most common blood test result among steroid users.My HDL is low.LDL is also borderline high, but not overly concerning when I can see that my Triglycerides are pretty low.The reason why my HDL was too low was that my Estrogen levels were too low.Again, this just reinforces the fact that Nandrolone does not sufficiently aromatize into Estrogen.I will get into my Estrogen level and why it was still too low even with Estrogel administration later once we get to that part of the blood test results, but my HDL could have been in range if my Estrogen level was in check.If I didn’t use the Estrogel my HDL likely would have been in the single digits.I know I can get my HDL into the reference range if my estradiol levels were doubled, which I have the leeway to do.Iron And Total Iron Binding CapacityGetting into Iron and TIBC we can see that everything looks pretty normal here.Total Testosterone And Free TestosteroneExpectedly, by assessing my Total Testosterone level via liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) and my Free Testosterone level via equilibrium ultrafiltration, we can see that my Testosterone levels were crashed.Both the total and the free were lower than a healthy female.This is what you should see in your blood work if you’re on just Nandrolone.The only Testosterone being produced in my body was indirectly via the trace amounts of androgens produced in my adrenal cortex, which is why the value wasn’t completely bottomed out at 0.I’ve mentioned many times the importance of getting high sensitivity testing done for hormone levels and how Nandrolone will register as Testosterone in primitive garbage blood tests.This is another great example of this.In addition to high sensitivity testing, I had the same blood tested using electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) for my Total Testosterone level, and direct analog enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for my Free Testosterone level.These were the test results using the exact same blood sample with the terrible default assays that doctors will use to determine how to treat you, and that labs will give you in the majority of your blood work panels.According to ECLIA and EIA, I have a normal Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone level.Hilarious.This just one example of why getting accurate hormone testing is critical.My Testosterone levels are actually in the gutter, but the stupid primitive tests that doctors and labs give out as defaults for people is so f*cking stupid that it can’t even tell the difference between Testosterone and 19-nortestosterone in my blood.Renin Activity and AldosteroneMy renin activity and Aldosterone appeared to be normal.This is one of the main things I wanted to check because there’s a lot of speculation around the effect Nandrolone is going to have on Aldosterone levels.When it comes to the Deca only cycle, there’s something going on that throws off homeostatic mechanisms that regulate blood pressure that does not appear to be Estrogen related or Aldosterone related.At least based on my blood work, my Aldosterone was definitely not at a level that could imply any kind of negative effect on blood pressure.My Aldosterone level was low if anything.Granted, some markers in the serum can be relatively worthless when compared to actual tissue concentrations, but at least based on my blood work, Aldosterone does not appear to be the culprit.The first thing many jump to when explaining blood pressure regulation is the effect Nandrolone supposedly has on spiking Aldosterone through the roof, but it just doesn’t appear to be the case in my experience as you can see yourself here.Vitamin B12 and FolateMy B12 and Folate levels were normal.PregnenolonePregnenolone appeared to be normal and within the reference range for men which is notable, as many assume that Nandrolone will shut down the production of precursor steroids.That does not appear to be the case either.I assumed precursor hormone levels like Pregnenolone would be less affected than many seem to think as most circulating Pregnenolone is derived from the adrenal cortex.Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)Expectedly, my DHT was very low.This is because I have almost no Testosterone being produced to 5α-reduce into DHT.If my Testosterone is low, my DHT will be low as well.DHT Backdoor PathwayContrary to popular belief, there is a backdoor pathway via Pregnenolone that can create DHT as well, which contributes to the chunk of DHT I have in my blood.Hemoglobin A1cHemoglobin A1c appeared to be normal at 5.1%.Thyroxine (T4)My Free T4 was 1.28 ng/dL, which is acceptable.DHEA-SulfateMy DHEA was in range and actually on the high end of normal.Being on exogenous Nandrolone or Testosterone does not shut down DHEA production.CortisolCortisol was “normal” apparently, although it looks a bit high to me.I believe this result was mostly sleep hygiene related rather than entirely Nandrolone related.Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)My TSH is too high.I’ve never had a TSH this high before.I have had a TSH in the 2’s before, this isn’t the first time, but never this high.However, based on my resting heart rate and my morning waking temperature and my mid-day temperature, my metabolic rate seems to be the same as it usually is on TRT, and I have had no standout hypothyroidism symptoms.Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)Expectedly, LH and FSH were undetectable.ProlactinMy Prolactin was on the low end of normal.This was another interesting health marker to see on Nandrolone, as many will often jump to assuming that Nandrolone spikes Prolactin levels through the roof.That does not appear to be the case though.Prostate-Apecific Antigen (PSA)My PSA level was normal, and did not change from my previous blood work on Testosterone for TRT.D-DimerMy D-Dimer was normal.A friend of mine had a very high D-Dimer level on a Deca only cycle and he wanted me to check mine to see if there was a pattern.It looks like the elevated D-Dimer was case-specific for him and was probably caused by something completely unrelated, as my D-Dimer is normal.C-Reactive ProteinC-Reactive Protein is one of the primary markers we have for assessing inflammation in the body.A C-Reactive Protein level of 0.34 mg/L is not overly concerning, although I would like to see it below 0.3 mg/L.I had undetectable C-Reactive Protein levels in the past on TRT, and on Nandrolone it jumped up to 0.34, which is notable.Estradiol, SensitiveMy Estradiol (E2) level determined via LC/MS-MS was only 15.4 pg/mL, despite administering 2.5 grams of Estrogel per day.This was disappointing, as I would have liked to see my E2 at least around 30 pg/mL based on the amount of Estrogel I was applying daily.Evidently, my inner thigh was not absorbing the Estrogel very well.This is one of the recommended areas of application, but my results were not even close to in line with the average blood levels found in the Estrogel pharmacokinetics studies.With daily administration of 2.5 g or 5 g Estrogel (corresponding to 1.5 mg or 3 mg estradiol, respectively), mean serum estradiol concentrations of approximately 80 pg/ml (294 pmol/L) and 150 pg/ml (551 pmol/L), respectively, are maintained.Administration of Estrogel also results in increased serum estrone concentrations, producing a physiological estradiol/estrone ratio of approximately one.Therefore, serum concentrations of both estradiol and estrone and the serum estradiol/estrone ratio provided by ESTROGEL® are consistent with physiological levels observed during the follicular phase of the normal menstrual cycle.My inner thigh isn’t very hairy at all as I manscape fairly regularly, so I expected at least a 40 pg/mL E2 based on the amount of Estrogel I was applying.I was overly generous with my dose based on the off chance that I would encounter an absorption issue, and my E2 was still way below where I expected it to be.Based on the pharmacokinetics outlined by Merck, 80 pg/mL is the average E2 level for someone applying 2.5 grams of Estrogel per day.There’s no way I could have predicted that I would have an absorption issue so problematic that it would result in five times lower absorption than the average.If my E2 was closer to 30 pg/mL, I expect that my HDL would have been pushed into the reference range, and all Estradiol driven physiologic functions likely would have been more optimized.To me, this just reinforced further that Nandrolone is a subpar source of Estradiol as I was using a high dose of transdermal E2 and still could barely reach a satisfactory E2 level.To increase my E2 levels for similar future experiments I will either have to find a better application area, add some DMSO to my Estrogel to increase absorption, or consider Estradiol injections instead.HomocysteineMy Homocysteine level was higher than I would like.Normally my Homocysteine is closer to 8-8.5 umol/L.Earlier in the year when I did a shorter Nandrolone experiment for a month using 200 mg per week (double the dose I used for this experiment) I had a Homocysteine level around 8.5, so I doubt this spike was Nandrolone related.This is one of the main markers I always have my eye on because I am homozygous for the C667T polymorphism.Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)My GGT looked good.I was worried that this would be cranked through the roof as it is a marker of oxidative stress.MagnesiumMy magnesium level looked okay.Copper and ZincMy zinc level looked okay.My copper level may be a bit low, which I am now addressing by eating an ounce of beef liver every day.ProgesteroneMy Progesterone was normal, which is notable as it is another precursor hormone that many assume drops to zero when exogenous anabolic steroids are present in the body.InsulinMy insulin level was good.EstroneExpectedly, my Estrone was a bit high.This can be a major problem with exogenous Estradiol and Nandrolone unfortunately.Estrone Level Increase From Exogenous EstradiolThe ratio of Estrone-to-Estradiol is skewed with massive elevations in Estrone with oral Estrogen administration.Fortunately, this unhealthy ratio can be avoided for the most part with transdermal Estradiol administration.High levels of serum Estrone sulfate (E1S) were found after long-term oral estrogen treatment of commonly prescribed dosages, whereas there was a small increase in E1S levels after transdermal Estradiol (E2) therapy.The mean maximum E1S levels were more than 20-fold higher with oral estradiol (E2) when compared with the 0.05 mg/day transdermal estradiol patch.This is consistent with the 20-fold higher dose of E2 when compared with the transdermal dose [R].Estrone Level Increase From NandroloneNandrolone also significantly elevates concentrations of Estrone in plasma [R].During a pilot study evaluating the possible beneficial effect of Nandrolone Decanoate (ND) on bone metabolism in patients with rheumatoid arthritis there was a significant increase in the serum levels of Estrone [R].Despite the fact that Estrone can convert to Estradiol, we can clearly see that the amount this actually happens in the body is minimal based on the consistently skewed ratios of androgens to Estradiol in the blood test results of Deca only users (or Nandrolone in general).FerritinMy Ferritin level is too low.This is likely the result of phlebotomizing too frequently in 2019.EstriolMy Estriol level was undetectable, which was expected.Triiodothyronine (T3)My Free T3 level was 2.7 pg/mL.It’s not low enough for me to be overly concerned, however, it is suboptimal and should be in the low 3’s at least.This is something I will need to address moving forward.With that being said, I like to look at my resting heart rate as well as my body temperature for a more accurate assessment of my metabolism, and both are where I want them to be.My waking temperature has consistently been 98 degrees Fahrenheit, and my midday temperature has consistently been 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.Sex Hormone-Binding GlobulinExpectedly, my sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) was low.While this isn’t as relevant for a Nandrolone only user as Nandrolone has a very low affinity for SHBG, this is a value I would still like to see in the reference range, especially if I was on TRT.If I had the Estradiol level I was shooting for, I’m confident that my SHBG would have been in the reference range.My Overall Experience On Nandrolone And Exogenous Estrogen For HRTI was expecting to see a bunch of red flags in my blood work, but nothing really stood out as a major concern to me except for the spike in systolic blood pressure, and the high Estrone level.A before and after echocardiogram and calcium scoring would have been nice to see, but unfortunately I can only afford to do so much in these experiments, and the blood work was expensive enough as is.I felt good throughout the entire experiment, I maintained my physique, my libido and penis were functional, and my blood work looked pretty good considering that each issue was something more so related to my Estradiol administration than the Nandrolone itself.Estrone being out of range is a concern, as I would need to use even more exogenous Estradiol to achieve what I would consider a more therapeutic E2 level, which would likely push my Estrone up even higher.The difficulty in controlling the blood pressure spike is also a huge concern and could be a deal breaker.If I gave this experiment more time, it is entirely possible that certain things would have become problematic that appeared to be fine during my three month assessment, like my libido or sense of well-being.It is also possible that despite maintaining a healthy Estrogen level, the same neurological and cardiovascular issues we see in a significant amount of the Nandrolone data could still accumulate over time.In addition, healthy looking serum levels of Estradiol may not necessarily reflect adequate localized Estrogen receptor activation in each tissue.With Testosterone, there is a regulated amount of aromatization occurring in each tissue to satisfy however much Estrogen receptor (ER) activation we need.In the context of Deca only cycles, or Nandrolone monotherapy, there’s nothing else I can refer to other than serum levels, my libido, sense of well-being, other cardiovascular health markers, etc.In other words, just because you feel good and your Estrogen levels look good on paper, that doesn’t mean that an exogenously administered source of Estrogen is providing the same therapeutic ER activation in all tissues like it would if it were regulated via aromatase.With that being said, you could also argue the opposite as adequate receptor activation via exogenous hormone therapy is essentially all HRT boils down to to begin with in the context of any hormone.More than 95% of our endogenous Testosterone is produced in the testes.Testosterone is supplied to target tissues in the blood, just like most other hormones in the body.If you inject exogenous Testosterone, it then goes into the blood and is supplied to target tissues.If you inject anything it goes into the blood and then is carried to the areas that it is needed.Estrogen replacement has been deemed satisfactory for fulfilling the same functions as endogenously produced Estrogen in women for years, and synthetic Estrogen analogs are handed out like candy to millions of young girls (including teenagers).Is it healthy?Estrogen analogs like Ethinyl Estradiol probably aren’t ideal for regulating Estrogen dependent functions, and they definitely aren’t ideal for developing women who haven’t fully matured.However, there is tons of data to support the fact that exogenous Estradiol is well-tolerated, has a strong safety profile, and can still fulfill physiologic functions sufficiently.In an ideal world, this would be a regulated process in the body in each tissue (aromatization).My experiments do not necessarily reflect what I believe are best practice with these hormones, which should be noted.This was an experiment, and not something that I would recommend someone else do.Using an exogenous progestogen with estrogel certainly isn’t what I would consider an optimal HRT protocol, or what is indicative of an ideal means of providing androgenic and estrogenic support in tissues.With that being said, I don’t see a better way to go about utilizing Nandrolone on its own for HRT.Should it even be considered as an HRT alternative though?That’s the question, and I believe it is largely going to be individual dependent, with a significant amount of users having poor outcomes in one aspect or another.I do believe there are a minority of individuals who are very prone to androgenic and/or estrogenic side effects from exogenous Testosterone use that may benefit from exploring Nandrolone though, and it should not be discarded as a potentially viable alternative simply because it is not the primary bioidentical hormone that men produce.Related
Testosterone Is NOT Neuroprotective, Estrogen Is – Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Neurotoxicity
Testosterone is not neuroprotective, estrogen is.A common myth circulating in the bodybuilding and TRT community is that testosterone is inherently neuroprotective and is unique from all other anabolic steroids in that regard.The reason why testosterone is neuroprotective is simply because it aromatizes at a rate that provides a sufficient amount of estradiol to balance out the androgenicity in the body.Data in rodent models using cortical cells suggests this very convincingly by showing how the aromatase inhibitor Anastrozole (Arimidex) completely eliminated the neuroprotective effects of testosterone [R].[embedded content]Table of ContentsAre Synthetic Anabolic Steroids More Dangerous Than Testosterone?There have been tons of studies published suggesting how much worse synthetic anabolic steroids are in contrast to testosterone for cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity, and a myriad of other deleterious outcomes. I believe that a significant amount of this data is exaggerated based on the fact that exogenous estrogen is never co-administered in these studies.At the end of the day, testosterone is the safest androgen at physiologic dosages. However, I theorize that many synthetic anabolic steroids are not as dangerous as we are led to believe. My theory is that some compounds are not inherently significantly more dangerous than testosterone, rather, it is their lack of aromatization, 5-alpha reduction, or differing affinity for off-target receptors that makes them more dangerous.The effect on estrogen receptors and how potent of a substrate an anabolic steroid is for aromatase is the main factor that impacts how viable a hormone is for consideration in a monotherapy context.DHT derivatives cannot be converted by the enzyme aromatase into an estrogen like estradiol.Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) and its derivatives (19-nors) each have their own individual affinity (or lack thereof) for estrogen receptors and interaction with aromatase, often resulting in subpar estrogen levels (exceptions to this exist such as Trestolone/MENT).Basically, I believe that some steroids may show to be significantly more cardiotoxic and neurotoxic in the data because they are always used on their own with an insufficient amount of estrogen to balance out the androgenicity in the body.The Importance Of Sufficient Estrogen LevelsHealthy estrogen levels are needed for libido, erection quality, vasodilation, cardiovascular health, brain health, bone health and several other critical functions.In women the risk of cardiovascular disease spikes significantly after menopause.It isn’t a coincidence that the majority of women who develop heart disease have it occur after their estrogen production has dropped to sub-male levels.If you don’t have a sufficient amount of estrogen relative to androgen levels in the body, cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity levels will be significantly higher than they would be if healthy estrogen levels were sustained.From a bodybuilding perspective, estrogen is needed to optimize muscle growth, fat loss, as well as IGF-1 and growth factor production/cellular signaling.This is why heavily aromatizing steroids may indirectly result in greater growth potential and are often classified as “bulking” compounds.Anecdotally, many bodybuilders report that the most they’ve ever grown was during off-season mass building phases when their estrogen levels were through the roof.The Point Of A Testosterone BaseTestosterone is not tissue selective and is actually a poor muscle builder milligram for milligram when compared to other synthetic anabolic steroids developed in the years following its discovery.When it comes to nitrogen retention, on paper it is not superior to many anabolic steroids.However, it aromatizes into estradiol at a very tightly regulated rate, it is bioidentical, and our body knows exactly what to do with it.In addition, our body knows how much testosterone to bind up with SHBG, how much to free up and make available to tissues, as well as how much DHT to 5-alpha reduce to antagonize estrogen receptor activation should it get out of control.From a bodybuilding perspective, testosterone is subpar in many aspects.However, in an overall health, longevity AND bodybuilding context, testosterone cannot be beat at therapeutic dosages.By using a testosterone base or a source of sufficient estrogen the shortcomings of other anabolic agents can be attenuated to some extent, hence why testosterone is the base of most steroid cycles.The Balancing Act Of Testosterone, DHT and EstrogenSteroidogenesis in the body is carried out like a massive orchestra to regulate countless functions.It’s far more elaborate than simply testosterone, estrogen and DHT production.Even at a snapshot view, the balancing act of androgens and estrogens in the body is tightly regulated and is carried out to ensure health remains optimized.This balancing act gets more and more dysfunctional with age, poor lifestyle, poor diet, poor sleep hygiene and numerous other factors.However, the body still knows exactly what to do with testosterone, how to create an optimal opposing amount of estrogens, and how much testosterone to 5-alpha reduce into DHT to oppose excessive estrogens and support male secondary sex characteristics.When you compare clinical data on a synthetic anabolic steroid to testosterone in a monotherapy context, you have to consider that these studies are utilizing that synthetic steroid on their own, not with exogenous estrogen or any supplementary hormones that may be needed to balance out its androgenicity, lack of estrogenic activity and/or interaction with aromatase.Obviously if you take a compound that doesn’t aromatize sufficiently to estrogen and compare it head to head with the bioidentical androgen that our body knows how to aromatize and 5-alpha reduce at a perfectly balanced rate, you can just imagine which is going to come out on top in a cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity context.Does this mean that a synthetic anabolic steroid compared to testosterone would not potentially be more efficacious than testosterone should those other backend pathways be supplemented to fill the gaps though?Synthetic Anabolic Steroids With Exogenous Estradiol For HRTSome individuals have underlying genetic polymorphisms and defects in sex hormone metabolism that may throw off the tightly regulated steroidogenesis pathway in a way that skews too heavily in favor of estrogen, or too heavily in favor of androgens.There are many cases in which synthetic anabolic steroids may beat out testosterone, despite testosterone on paper being the candidate of choice for most men at therapeutic dosages, and still the candidate of choice for many men at supraphysiological dosages too in a bodybuilding context.Nandrolone is a great compound to exemplify this in my opinion.It has a much lower level of androgenicity in the body due to its 5-alpha reduction into DHN, and it is also far less estrogenic than testosterone.Those who are prone to gyno, hair loss, acne or other common testosterone related side effects typically prefer nandrolone for this reason.This is why many female oral contraceptives are nandrolone analogs as well.Unfortunately, your heart and brain don’t care if you have hair loss, acne, or gyno, so there can be deleterious outcomes as a result of androgen use without a sufficient amount of unopposed estrogens, or an estrogen excess without sufficient androgen opposition.In regards to nandrolone, I don’t believe it has a sufficient amount of opposing estrogen to balance out its androgenicity.It activates estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) a bit via its inherent estrogenicity and it can aromatize to estrone, which can then convert to estradiol, but the amount of overall estrogenic activity it provides does not appear to be sufficient to offset its neurotoxicity or cardiotoxicity.I believe this is why most of the data found in nandrolone studies shows how horrible it is for the brain and the heart.Nandrolone is always evaluated on its own without a sufficient amount of estrogen present to provide cardiovascular and neurological support.If you shut down your natural endogenous testosterone production with an exogenous steroid, you will also shut down your natural endogenous estrogen production.Any estrogen production (or lack thereof) would then be derived from whatever exogenous steroids are being administered.This is why some synthetic steroids may not necessarily be as dangerous as we once thought, as the data we use to review their safety profiles are skewed by their lack of estrogenic support in the tissues that would otherwise be supported by testosterone aromatizing into estradiol.In the presence of sufficient estrogen, it is entirely possible that the deleterious effects of certain synthetic steroids in the body may be attenuated to some extent.The Neurotoxicity Of Testosterone, Nandrolone And WinstrolComparing the effect of testosterone with that of 19-nortestosterone (nandrolone) and stanozolol (Winstrol) on neurotoxicity we can clearly see that estrogen is what protects neurons in the brain, not testosterone itself.In this study, a physiologic dosage of testosterone was neuroprotective [R].Testosterone only amplified neurotoxicity at supraphysiological dosages.The neuroprotective effect of a physiologic dosage of testosterone was completely eliminated when the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole (Arimidex) was co-administered, suggesting that the intrinsic toxicity of testosterone as an androgen is only counterbalanced by its aromatization into 17β-estradiol.As opposed to testosterone, nandrolone does not appear to aromatize sufficiently into estrogen, and Winstrol does not interact with aromatase at all.As you would expect, nandrolone and Winstrol were both neurotoxic at every single dose evaluated regardless of Arimidex being co-administered or not.The anti-androgen flutamide was able to attenuate the neurotoxicity of all three androgens, thus further reinforcing that physiologic dosages of androgens without a sufficient amount of opposing estrogens, or supraphysiological dosages of androgens may facilitate neuronal death.None of the anabolic androgenic steroids in this study were toxic in the absence of NMDA, therefore suggesting that the mechanism by which unopposed androgens facilitate neuronal death is by increased vulnerability to excitotoxic insults.TestosteroneNeuroprotective Effect Of Testosterone At Physiologic Dosages Without ArimidexAt physiologic dosages without an aromatase inhibitor present, testosterone has shown to have a neuroprotective effect.Neuroprotective Effect Of Testosterone At Physiologic Dosages Is Eliminated By ArimidexIt is often assumed that the androgen itself (testosterone) is what protects the brain.However, the aromatase inhibitor Arimidex completely eliminated all neuroprotective effects of testosterone at that same physiologic dosage.Arimidex (anastrozole) exacerbated neurotoxicity at every single testosterone dosage when it was co-administered.This suggests that testosterone is not a unique androgen that is more neuroprotective than all other steroids, rather, it is its aromatization into estrogen that is neuroprotective.Neurotoxicity Of Testosterone At Suraphysiological Dosages With And Without ArimidexAt supraphysiological dosages, testosterone has shown to exacerbate neurotoxicity.While its aromatization into estrogen still prevents a significant amount of neuronal death, we can clearly see that supraphysiological testosterone concentrations exacerbate neurotoxicity regardless, and supraphysiological estrogen levels will not provide dose-dependent increases in neuroprotection.What is the takeaway from this?The data suggests that physiologic concentrations of testosterone facilitate neuroprotection in the brain via aromatization into estrogen, but there is a threshold to that neuroprotection, and supraphysiological concentrations will still be unhealthy.Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone)Neurotoxicity Of Nandrolone Regardless Of Arimidex UseNandrolone exacerbated neurotoxicity at all dosages, regardless if it was a low concentration or a high concentration being evaluated.In addition, co-administering Arimidex had no impact on how neurotoxic nandrolone was in this model at any dosage.This suggests that nandrolone does not aromatize into a sufficient amount of estrogen, or activate estrogen receptors on its own at an amount satisfactory to provide the neuroprotective effects of healthy estrogen levels.A source of estrogen would likely be necessary to co-administer with nandrolone for it to be considered a viable monotherapy alternative in a HRT context, or as a “healthy” cycle.Winstrol (Stanozolol)Neurotoxicity Of Winstrol Regardless Of Arimidex UseWinstrol exacerbated neurotoxicity at all dosages, regardless if it was a low concentration or a high concentration being evaluated.In addition, co-administering Arimidex had no impact on how neurotoxic Winstrol was in this model at any dosage.We already know that Winstrol does not aromatize into estrogen at all.This data suggests that a source of estrogen would be necessary to co-administer with Winstrol for it to even be considered as a viable monotherapy alternative in a HRT context, or as a “healthy” cycle.Anti-Androgens Attenuate The Neurotoxicity Of Anabolic Androgenic SteroidsUnopposed androgens with an insufficient amount of estrogen present will be cardiotoxic and neurotoxic.This is why Flutamide (an anti-androgen) was able to eliminate the neurotoxicity of nandrolone and Winstrol.Anti-androgens have a dose-dependent response just like anabolic androgenic steroids, so there will be androgen receptor (AR) competition occurring between anti-androgens and androgens for AR binding and activation.Anti-androgens will act as competitive antagonists for AR, or as makeshift synthetic steroids themselves, albeit with significantly reduced androgenicity.Basically, depending on the anti-androgen used, they will work either by suppressing endogenous androgen production, and/or by competing for androgen receptors.How effective the anti-androgen will be at inhibiting androgens from binding to AR will be based on binding affinity, binding constant, half-life, the dosage used, and a myriad of other factors.Flutamide is non-steroidal and acts as a selective, competitive, silent antagonist of the AR.It is a primitive and subpar anti-androgen relative to more recent developments in medicine, however, it is still effective at preventing androgens from binding to androgen receptors.This is why flutamide was able to eliminate all of the neurotoxicity of nandrolone and Winstrol at all dosages.By preventing nandrolone and Winstrol from binding to androgen receptors, they are no longer able to transcribe their effects in tissues.The flutamide and Arimidex data reinforces the fact that nandrolone does not produce enough estrogen to provide the neuroprotection needed to stave off neuronal death.With or without an aromatase inhibitor, nandrolone exacerbates neurotoxicity just the same.Without an aromatase inhibitor but with an anti-androgen, the neurotoxicity of Nandrolone is eliminated entirely.I suspect that the same applies for the inherent cardiotoxicity of nandrolone as well.Expectedly, the same applies for Winstrol as it is not a substrate for aromatase at all.This is where all the studies showing how terrible nandrolone is for the heart and brain come into question, as those negative outcomes found in the data may not have been so drastic if an exogenous source of estrogen was co-administered.The same dosage of flutamide was unable to fully offset the neurotoxicity of testosterone at supraphysiological dosages without Arimidex present.Once testosterone dosages exceed physiologic concentrations, the vulnerability to neurotoxicity and cardiotoxicity skyrockets.Too much of anything in the body is going to be bad, and testosterone is not exempt from this just because its the bioidentical hormone we naturally produce and aromatize into estrogen.The Aromatization Of Androgens Into Estrogen Is What Regulates NeurotoxicityReflecting on the data with and without an aromatase inhibitor we can see quite clearly that estrogen is what facilitates neuroprotection, not testosterone.Many assume that testosterone is a unique androgen that binds to AR in some special way that’s going to protect the brain and other steroids are going to destroy the brain.I don’t think it’s as cut and dry as that.I think it’s pretty clear in the data that with anastrozole co-administered the neuroprotective effect is wiped out, and without anastrozole there is a neuroprotective effect.What is the difference between aromatase being inhibited and aromatase not being inhibited?It is the estrogen level in the body.If you have a sufficient amount of estrogen to balance out androgens in the body, you get a good stable level of neuroprotection, which is reflected in how our body regulates endogenous androgen aromatization as is.But, if you have a supraphysiological level of androgens, or inhibit aromatase from providing the estrogen needed to carry out necessary functions in the body, neurotoxicity spikes up regardless of the fact that it is testosterone being evaluated, not a non-bioidentical synthetic anabolic steroid.This all circles back to the rationale behind using a testosterone base on cycle, or having a sufficient source of exogenous estrogen if you are deficient.It also reinforces that aromatase inhibitors are horrible for you if used unnecessarily.My Stance On Aromatase InhibitorsYou would be well served by doing whatever you can to avoid using aromatase inhibitors.If you even need an aromatase inhibitor in the first place you’re likely either using too much testosterone to begin with (or other aromatizing steroids), you’re too fat (more fat = more aromatase), your diet sucks, your lifestyle choices are poor, or you’re injecting too infrequently.Or you might have a genetic polymorphism that results in subpar sex hormone metabolism.At the end of the day, the likelihood that you would need an AI to handle a truly therapeutic dose of testosterone if you’ve optimized everything is extremely low.In a bodybuilding context at supraphysiological dosages, I also think that in most cases using an AI just so you can use “too high” of a testosterone dose is a poor strategy.Should You Take Exogenous Estrogen To Prevent Neurotoxicity And CardiotoxicityJust because estrogen is what provides neuroprotection, not testosterone, it absolutely does not mean that you should start popping your girlfriend’s birth control pills like candy.Unopposed estrogen in the body is carcinogenic.There is a reason why the first go to treatments for breast cancer are SERMs and aromatase inhibitors.Also, estrogen does not provide neuroprotection in a dose dependent manner.There is a sweet spot for everything in the body, and too much of anything is going to be bad.A 4-day pretreatment with low concentrations 0.01 μM (10 nM) of 17β-estradiol was substantially neuroprotective against NMDA toxicity.However, you can clearly see that there was not a dose dependent decrease in neurotoxicity in this study.Neuroprotection was significantly lower with 1 μM 17β-estradiol than with the much lower dosage of 0.01 μM 17β-estradiol. More is not better with anything in the body.The body has a tightly regulated system in place whereby a certain amount of estrogen is needed for physiologic functions.Too much estrogen without enough androgens can result in cancer development, gynecomastia (gyno), and a myriad of other issues.Too little estrogen and excessive androgens can result in cardiovascular disease, neuronal death, and a myriad of other issues.So, if you are using an androgen without a sufficient amount of opposing estrogen to balance it out, you will not only be inhibiting muscle growth and fat loss, but you will be putting your body in an even more quickly deteriorating state of health than you would have already been in regardless simply as a result of supraphysiological androgen levels.If you are using a TRT dose of testosterone, you would be best served by not unnecessarily inhibiting aromatase.Also, if you are using an anabolic steroid that is not a potent substrate for aromatase, you would be best served by adding a testosterone base or a source of adequate estrogen to your cycle.The interesting thing to evaluate would be whether all of the anabolic steroids previously described by the literature as horrendous for the heart and brain would still be described as such if an adequate dosage of exogenous estrogen was used in conjunction with them in the corresponding studies.It certainly opens the mind up to potential hormone replacement therapy alternatives, hence my experimentation in the past with Trestolone monotherapy, low dose Nandrolone with exogenous estradiol, and SARMs with exogenous estradiol.Related
Kevin Levrone’s Steroid Cycles And How Much Muscle He Gained From Each
Kevin Levrone is among professional bodybuilders like Dorian Yates who have opened up about their steroid cycles and dosages.In an interview with Muscular Development Kevin Levrone outlined his first and second steroid cycles with specific details, which gives us great insight into what kind of compounds and dosages he used to build his physique up.Levrone went through only a handful of cycles before he ended up on the Olympia stage.It’s insane to think that within just a couple years of steroid use Kevin was already standing on stage beside Dorian Yates placing 2nd at the 1992 Mr. Olympia.Kevin Levrone story is one of the best examples in history of elite genetic response to steroids.[embedded content]Kevin Levrone’s First Steroid CycleKevin Levrone started his first steroid cycle at 24 years old, six weeks out of his first competition (the 1990 NPC Maryland State Championship).Kevin first steroid cycle was comprised of:During that went from 198 pounds up to 206 pounds six weeks later while simultaneously burning fat.[embedded content]Although we are only able to have a glimpse of what his physique looks like after that first cycle due to the limited number of available photos, we can get a fair idea of the kind of musculature he was displaying at that first show.When it comes to testosterone use (and steroids in general), an increase in fat-free mass doesn’t necessarily mean that the body weight is comprised of only contractile tissue.This is often overlooked and is evidently exaggerated in the clinical data on graded dose response to testosterone in healthy young men.Because of this, we need to speculate a bit on how much weight Kevin actually gained during this first cycle of actual pure muscle.Based on an 8 pound gain, the simultaneous drop in body fat, and Kevin’s body composition he showed on stage at that first show, we can surmise that he probably gained around 10 pounds of muscle during that 6 week cycle.Kevin Levrone’s Second Steroid CycleAfter winning the 1990 NPC Maryland State Championship, Kevin had some time to eat in a calorie surplus and actually have a full off-season before his next pro qualifier show.Kevin’s second steroid cycle is far more indicative of his genetic response to anabolics as his first cycle was only six weeks long and didn’t have as much leniency in regards to his calorie allotment.Kevin’s second steroid cycle was comprised of:That comes to 1700 mg per AAS per week for his second cycle.Despite that being a fairly aggressive second cycle, Kevin claims he has never experienced negative side effects throughout his entire career.This second cycle is what allowed Kevin to pack on 30 pounds of fat-free mass between 1990 and nationals in 1991.Kevin Levrone’s Contest Prep CycleFor contest prep Kevin would add in androgenic hardening agents and let the more water retensive drugs work out of his system.At the start of contest prep Kevin added in four amps of Winstrol per week, split into twice weekly administration (2 amps administered twice per week).Winstrol V came in 50-milligram amps, so his weekly Winstrol dosage was 200 milligrams.At four weeks out, Kevin dropped the Testosterone, Nandrolone and Anadrol.At two weeks out Kevin added in 20 milligrams per day of Halotestin tabs, and would go into shows on Winstrol and Halo only.Between 1990 and 1991, Kevin’s stage weight increased from 206 pounds to 236 pounds.A 10 pound stage weight increase per year I would consider a VERY successful off-season.[embedded content][embedded content]Kevin managed to put on 30 during his first off-season, and found himself on the Olympia stage placing second to Dorian Yates within 2 years of his first steroid cycle.[embedded content]Related
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Reacting To And Analyzing Dorian Yates’ First Steroid Cycle
As more and more IFBB pros and past Mr. Olympia winners like Dorian Yates start to open up over social media about their steroid use, we have started to get incredibly detailed insight into things like their genetic response to their first steroid cycle.From a very early age, it was pretty obvious that Dorian Yates was different from the rest and had a hyper-response to training and anabolics.A lot of people look to Dorian Yates as the pinnacle example of “hard work beats talent” and how “genetics aren’t everything”.A bit of delusion has been created stemming from Dorian’s training philosophies whereby many have truly started to believe that you can just grind harder than the next guy in the gym and completely make up for lacklustre genetics.The reality is that Dorian actually has some of the most insane bodybuilding genetics of all time.His biceps were a bit average compared to the rest of him, but other than that there was literally nothing wrong with his genetics at all, and the reason he became Mr. Olympia in the first place was his incredibly superior genetics.This is what Dorian looked like prior to training.Dorian Yates After 6 Months Of Natural TrainingDorian stepped on stage for his first bodybuilding event only 6 months after starting training at 21 years old.This event was at the Temple Hotel across the street from the gym that he worked out at.This is a picture of him posing at that event at the Temple Hotel Birmingham in 1984.According to him, this is after 6 months of natural training.6 MONTHS!He’s already bigger than almost every single person you would see at your local gym who have been training years.After 9 Months of Natural TrainingAfter only 9 months of natural training, Dorian already looked like a bodybuilder and had surpassed 99.9% of the population who has been working out for years.I see guys on gear constantly who look much worse than this that have been cranking for years.This is not something that can be attributed solely to “hard work beats talent”.Dorian Yates’ Progress From His First Steroid CycleMoving forward to 1985, Dorian did his first steroid cycle to prepare for his first official bodybuilding competition, the Novice West Coast (England).This is what he looked like at that first show.At the Novice West Coast Dorian placed first and shortly thereafter went to the World Games in London and placed 7th.This is after his first cycle, which was only 18 months after starting training.Within a year and a half, Dorian had already packed on what appears to be upwards of 40-50 pounds of pure muscle.Dorian Yates’ First Steroid CycleQuoting Dorian from an interview he did on his steroid use, his first cycle was as follows:[embedded content]It was 1985.I was 23 years old and had decided to enter my first competition after a year and a half of training, in which I had made excellent progress.I knew the others who would be competing would be using gear, and I wanted to even the playing field.It was a very deliberate decision that I didn’t take lightly, and I did as much reading as I could first.At 23, I feel I was old enough.At that age, you are fully matured physically, you’ve reached your full adult height, and so on.Even though I hadn’t been training terribly long, I had already managed to develop my physique to a decent level.Looking back, I may have been able to win that contest without using anything.I did one six-week “building” cycle of 20 milligrams of Dianabol a day, which took me from 215 at 5’11” to 235.Those were the most dramatic results I ever saw from steroids.I took six weeks off the gear, then at eight weeks out from my contest I began using 15 milligrams of Anavar per day, as well as one shot of Primobolan a week, which was 200 milligrams.I competed at around 210-215 and won that contest.EFBB [Britain’s equivalent of the NPC] officials were there and convinced me to represent the United Kingdom the following weekend as our heavyweight at the IFBB World Games.I placed seventh, and competed with men like Berry de Mey and Matt Mendenhall, both of whom were the top amateur heavyweights in their respective nations at that time.– Dorian YatesDorian Yates Rate Of Muscle GrowthAt the 1985 show, we see Dorian displaying an insane level of progression relative to what he looked like in the Temple Gym photoshoot in 1984.There’s a reason he became Mr. Olympia in the first place, and anyone who wants to argue that his training intensity, workout split, and training past failure is the reason he made such ridiculous progress is delusional in my opinion.Dorian gained upwards of what looks to be 20-30 pounds of stage weight per year until he won the Olympia.Even on what many would consider baby dosages of gear, he still easily swept high level bodybuilding shows and gained muscle at an incredibly fast rate.You can’t attribute that progress to just “he trained harder than everyone else”.Related
The Therapeutic Promise Of Topical SARMs For Hair Loss Prevention
After reviewing the molecular weight of some of the most promising SARMs developed, I theorized that they could potentially be prepared in a topical solution for hair loss prevention.As you probably already know, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are a class of androgen receptor ligands that bind to androgen receptors and exert tissue selective anabolic effects with a relative lack of androgenicity when compared to traditional anabolic steroids.The end goal of their continued development is more or less to create the ultimate anabolic agent that can completely offset tissue loss as a result of musculoskeletal degenerative diseases, with a complete absence of androgenic activity in the body.While certain SARMs are closer to reaching this goal than others, the perfect SARM has yet to be developed.However, that doesn’t mean that the SARMs currently developed cannot be leveraged in some capacity for a variety of potential applications.As alternatives to oral SARMs, topical SARMs may be a promising area of research in the fight against hair loss.This article highlights the reasons why I believe there is such therapeutic promise in topical SARMs for hair loss prevention.[embedded content]Table of ContentsRole Of Androgens In Causing Hair LossDespite there being a cascade of events that lead to hair loss, the presence of too many androgens is ultimately what causes follicular miniaturization.However, the effects of exogenous androgens on the human body will inevitably vary between individuals due to several dependant factors in this cascade.As a rule of thumb, raising androgen levels via exogenous androgens will generally initiate or accelerate hair loss for someone who is hair loss prone.Unfortunately, anabolic steroids will unavoidably bring along some degree of concurrent androgenic activity.Our natural endogenously produced steroids are not an exception to this, and the androgen load in the body needs to be addressed in some capacity to attenuate, or even reverse hair loss.Standard Treatments For Hair Loss: Finasteride And DutasterideFinasteride and Dutasteride are medications designed to treat hair loss by inhibiting the enzymatic process responsible for DHT production.This means that they are not anti-androgens that bind to androgen receptors, but rather they prevent the body from converting testosterone into the much more androgenic metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.A 5 mg dose of Finasteride per day will inhibit approximately 70 percent of the body’s systemic DHT, in comparison to 0.5 mg Dutasteride; which inhibits 90 to 99 percent of the body’s systemic DHT.For most individuals, androgenic activity caused by DHT will be minimized after Dutasteride serum concentrations have peaked in the body, as there will simply be barely any DHT left.However, even with a high dose of Dutasteride, scalp DHT levels may not be diminished enough to completely deprive the tissues of DHT, and there is a substantial concurrent spike in scalp testosterone levels as a result of the blockade created at 5-alpha reductase.Not only is there potential for residual scalp DHT, but you if you rely on a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor as a form of hair loss prevention monotherapy you will still have a significant amount of testosterone unaccounted for in your body that still has its own inherent androgenic activity.I’ve posted a video on this before, where I review my over one year long experiment with Dutasteride where I lowered my DHT to undetectable levels and increased my testosterone levels into borderline supraphysiological territory.[embedded content]The inherent androgenicity of testosterone was still substantial enough to progress my androgenic alopecia.In fact, I still had all the characteristics of androgenic activity:facial hair growthbody hair growth (albeit notably reduced, which is to be expected)high libidomorning wood and good erectile qualityhair lossIn contrast to 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, a compound that reduces androgenic activity in the scalp by effectively targeting the androgen receptors would be more efficacious in staving off further hair loss progression.This is what prompted the development of anti-androgens.Transgender Hormone Therapy (Male-To-Female) For Hair Loss PreventionDuring the process of male-to-female gender transitioning, one of the first things doctors would do is prescribe estrogen or an estrogen analog to crush endogenous testosterone levels while increasing feminine hormones.They may also introduce anti-androgens to the protocol to further reduce the amount of androgenic activity in the body.One of the side effects of gender transitioning via anti-androgen and estrogen therapy is significant scalp hair regrowth, and complete reversal in even some of the most extreme cases.In some instances, men with nearly slick bald heads have grown back pre-puberty heads of hair via this kind of protocol.While this is clearly the most extreme method of reversing androgenic alopecia, you can’t argue with the results it produces in individuals who feel the risk/reward is worth it, or simply desire to become more feminine.Certain non-steroidal anti-androgens that interact with androgen receptors are designed to compete with testosterone and DHT for androgen receptor binding, while other steroidal anti-androgens work through slightly different mechanisms, albeit still working around the biological target of endogenous androgens (the androgen receptor).For the sake of not overcomplicating this section with too much scientific jargon, I’m going briefly summarize the pharmacodynamics of the two most commonly used anti-androgens in the hair loss prevention community, and elaborate on how SARMs may stack up to them.BicalutamideBicalutamide is a non-steroidal anti-androgen that is recognized for its affinity to androgen receptors, thus preventing testosterone and DHT from binding and transcribing their effects in tissues.Bicalutamide is a highly selective competitive silent antagonist of the androgen receptor, and is often utilized in androgen deprivation protocols, both clinically and experimentally.A common feature of pure anti-androgens, such as Hydroxyflutamide and Casodex (Bicalutamide), is their relatively weak binding affinity for the androgen receptor, 50–100 times less than that of Testosterone [R].On paper, it doesn’t seem like Bicalutamide would be very effective at preventing hair loss because of its weak binding affinity.However, the typical prescribed dosages of Bicalutamide are high enough that so much of the drug gets into the system that it essentially overpowers testosterone and DHT for androgen receptor binding.The logic behind this protocol is basically that the drug is poor at what it is designed to do, and for it to work it needs to be dosed extremely high until there is just so much of it circulating in the body that it overpowers testosterone and DHT by sheer volume.The half-life of Bicalutamide is 5-10 days as well (depending on single vs. continuous dosing), consequently allowing serum concentrations of the drug to accumulate far more over time.By creating a blockade of the androgen receptor, bicalutamide prevents the negative feedback androgens would normally create via the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG axis) in men.As a result of this, luteinizing hormone (LH) spikes in the body as the body recognizes a need to produce more androgens.After LH spikes, the gonads produce more testosterone, and more of that testosterone 5-alpha reduces into DHT, as well as aromatizes into estrogen.150 mg Bicalutamide per day in men has shown to increase testosterone levels by 59-97%, increase estrogen levels by 65-146%, as well as increase DHT, SHBG and prolactin to a less significant degree.This significant spike in estrogen will often lead to estrogenic side effects during Bicalutamide monotherapy.Gynecomastia is a very common occurrence during Bicalutamide monotherapy.Cyproterone AcetateIn contrast to the non-steroidal anti-androgen Bicalutamide, the steroidal anti-androgen Cyproterone acetate works by suppressing testosterone production directly, as well as competing for androgen receptors.Cyproterone acetate is one of the first anti-androgens developed, but it is still one of the most effective to date for hair loss prevention.With that being said, it has also shown to be one of the most side effect ridden compounds used for this purpose.Cyproterone acetate was originally clinically deployed to “treat” hypersexuality and sexual deviation.It was also used to delay precocious puberty.When puberty begins before age 8 in girls and before age 9 in boys, it is considered “precocious puberty”.As cyproterone acetate was used both in full grown men as well as pre-pubescent children, the conflicting findings in its pharmacodynamics have led to differing conclusions on how it works in the body, but for the sake of this article being about full grown men preventing hair loss, we will obviously be evaluating the clinical data on full grown men.Cyproterone acetate causes a prompt drop in LH and FSH levels, and consequently a massive drop in testosterone levels.In a study conducted on healthy male sexual offenders, dosing 50 mg cyproterone acetate twice daily caused testosterone levels to fall to subnormal levels within 1 week [R].Cyproterone acetate has the highest anti-androgenic activity of any other clinically used progestin.Despite it having a fairly weak binding affinity when compared to DHT and testosterone, Cyproterone acetate works similarly to Bicalutamide in that it accumulates during daily dosing because of its 1.6–4.3 day half-life, and also is dosed high enough clinically to increase serum concentrations high enough to a point whereby it can effectively compete for AR via sheer volume.In addition, because Cyproterone acetate significantly reduces testosterone production (and by extension DHT production) via its progestogenic activity, there are less endogenous androgens for Cyproterone acetate to compete with for AR as it accumulates, consequently making it very effective at displacing androgens at AR and inducing systemic anti-androgen activity.Cyproterone Acetate Vs. BicalutamideSteroidal anti-androgens have largely been replaced now by non-steroidal anti-androgens clinically, but cyproterone acetate and spironolactone are still commonly used in the management of feminizing hormone therapy.Cyproterone acetate is more effective at reversing hair loss than Bicalutamide anecdotally, but also comes with a significantly elevated risk profile associated with its use.Maintaining Masculinity Vs. Your HairWhile oral anti-androgens certainly work to reduce androgenic activity in the scalp, they also will often cause a variety of undesired side effects.Aside from the actual health concerns in regards to hepatotoxicity, musculoskeletal degeneration, and more, the main thing we are going to focus on is the effect anti-androgens have on your literal manhood.Expectedly, anti-androgens can cause feminization, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, as well as muscle and bone loss.Now, like I mentioned, non-steroidal anti-androgens like Bicalutamide are substantially better in this regard, whereby they will not cause musculoskeletal degeneration, will maintain relatively normal sex hormone levels, and do not have many of the drawbacks of steroidal anti-androgens [R].However, that doesn’t mean that they are ideal, as they can still throw off the balance of androgens to estrogens in the body and prevent you from improving your body composition.Anything inhibiting testosterone from binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone and transcribing anabolic effects will get in the way of your body composition goals at the end of the day.Inhibiting DHT and testosterone from binding to androgen receptors systemically will also impede countless physiologic processes that are facilitated via endogenous androgens in the body.This isn’t a flaw of the drug necessarily, as it is doing exactly what it was designed to do.However, androgen deprivation does not complement most of our goals as men, nor does it complement our health and quality of life.We want androgen deprivation in the scalp only, with no alteration of our systemic hormones or health markers.Obviously this is easier said than done, or else we would already have a topical anti-androgen available that stays localized, has a higher binding affinity than DHT, and has no systemic absorption.This compound does not exist, so we have to make do with our current pharmacology and understanding of pharmacodynamics.Oral Anti-Androgens Vs. Topical Anti-AndrogensMany would question why we don’t just use Cyproterone acetate or Bicalutamide topically to achieve this.The reason why these fall short as topical treatments essentially boils down to the fact that their binding affinity is poor, and their success as anti-androgens is largely achieved via their accumulation in the body systemically.When it comes to topical treatments, we don’t want something with a week long half-life, as it will start to accumulate in the body and cause systemic anti-androgen effects.The ideal compound would be something that has a short half-life, a high binding affinity for androgen receptors, and acts as a highly selective competitive silent antagonist in the scalp exclusively.The closest we have come to this so far is RU58841, with CB-03-01 showing therapeutic promise as well despite having a much lower binding affinity.[embedded content]A compound that does not convert to deleterious metabolites systemically is also advantageous, as there will unavoidably be some level of systemic absorption with any molecule that is small enough to penetrate the stratum corneum after topical application.While current topical anti-androgens commercially available do work for some individuals, there are limitations to each which I have delved into before.There is no perfect treatment at the moment, but in this article I elaborate on something I feel is worth further exploration when it comes to creating a strong localized androgen receptor blockade with as minimal of a systemic impact as possible.How Anti-Androgens Are Related To SARMs For Hair LossAt the end of the day, how does this all intertwine with SARMs?The bodybuilding community, the hair loss prevention community, and the research between them actually intersects in many ways that are commonly overlooked.I first realized the therapeutic promise of SARMs in a hair loss prevention capacity when I saw someone stop their hair loss cold turkey with the SARM S4 and exogenous Estradiol.What many don’t realize is that non-steroidal SARMs like S4 were synthesized using the chemical structure of traditional anti-androgens like Bicalutamide as their backbone.The most promising SARMs exhibit binding affinities several times higher than these anti-androgens, and I feel are an extremely promising area of untapped research for hair loss prevention.Some SARMs at certain dosages have shown to be as anti-androgenic as compounds like Bicalutamide and Hydroxyflutamide, more anti-androgenic than Finasteride, but with the benefit of actual tissue selective anabolic activity in muscle and bone.[embedded content]Basically, some SARMs can prevent hair loss better than Finasteride, as well as traditional anti-androgens, all while allowing supraphysiological muscle growth.The reason this is possible is that most SARMs have much higher binding affinities than traditional anti-androgens and can be far more effective at competing with endogenous androgens for AR binding and activation.In addition, because they are tissue selective, once they bind to androgen receptors, they induce anabolic activity in muscle and bone with a relative lack of androgenicity in other tissues like the prostate and scalp.I detail how this works further in one of my older articles called “Do SARMs Cause Hair Loss? | Can SARMs Prevent Hair Loss“.Oral SARMs also lower SHBG and can have a suppressive effect on endogenous androgen production at high enough dosages (and even low dosages with some SARMs).Through this suppression, SARMs can lower the androgen load in the body even further.With long-term use, certain SARMs may suppress endogenous testosterone production enough that the use of estrogen alongside the SARM becomes a necessity if aromatization is no longer satisfactory to maintain healthy estradiol levels.This presents an interesting scenario whereby androgen levels can be crushed to nearly undetectable levels via a non-steroidal SARM, and the additional negative feedback provided by the exogenous estradiol being added to the protocol to maintain therapeutic estrogen levels.The end result of this is essentially a heavy duty anti-androgen protocol that can maintain significantly more muscle mass than what is possible via traditional androgen deprivation therapy.However, oral SARMs obviously have their limitations as suppression of endogenous androgens is going to result in decreased libido, drive, and overall masculinity.While many who use traditional anti-androgens don’t care about this as they simply want the most efficacious way to nuke their hair loss, there are going to be many individuals who want to minimize the systemic impact of any treatment they deploy to keep their hair.This is where I believe there is therapeutic promise in topical SARMs.Difference Between Topical SARMs For Hair Loss And Topical Anti-AndrogensSARMs and anti-androgens are both effective at inhibiting gene transcription via androgen receptor competition.By competing against endogenous androgens for androgen receptor binding, topical anti-androgens like RU58841 and CB-03-01 are effective at preventing hair loss completely for some individuals with mild hair loss, and moderately effective at providing at least a decent foundation of protection for some individuals with more aggressive hair loss.One limitation of topical anti-androgens is that they work in a dose-dependent manner, but can wreak havoc if they get systemic.As I showed earlier with Bicalutamide, the higher volume of drug present, the more difficult it is for testosterone and DHT to bind to vacant androgen receptors.With anti-androgens its not as simple as increasing the dose until it works though, as topical solutions will go systemic to some extent, and the more drug you introduce to your system, the more anti-androgen activity you will get systemically.For someone with aggressive hair loss, chasing the volume approach with topical anti-androgens to overwhelm the endogenous androgens present in the scalp may lead to significant systemic side effects before adequate androgen receptor competition to prevent hair loss is even achieved.SARMs on the other hand will have a negligible impact on endogenous androgen production when trickling into the system in trace amounts, and will not induce anti-androgen activity in muscle and bone even if a substantial amount of it does get into the bloodstream.SARMsAnti-AndrogensComparable Binding Affinity To Testosterone For Androgen ReceptorsSOMESOMETranscription Of Anabolic AffectsYESNOTranscription Of Androgenic AffectsMINIMIZEDNOSide Effects To Systemic IntroductionMINORMAJORHow SARMs May Complement Finasteride Or DutasterideAs DHT has a binding affinity higher than all SARMs, and significantly higher than all anti-androgens, if sufficient AR competition could not be achieved locally via a SARM or anti-androgen to stave off androgenic alopecia, then a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor could then be looked at as a potential adjunct treatment to use concurrently.By dropping systemic DHT levels via 5-alpha reductase inhibition, competing for AR becomes significantly easier for us as we have compounds at our disposal that are actually comparable to testosterone in binding affinity.The 500 Dalton Rule For The Skin Penetration Of Chemical Compounds And DrugsThe molecular weight of a compound must be under 500 Dalton to allow skin absorption [R].Larger molecules cannot pass the corneal layer.The Dalton is used as a unit of molar mass, especially in biochemistry.1 Da (dalton) = 1 g/mol.The Most Promising SARMs For Hair Loss PreventionTaking S4 (Andarine) as an example, you can see that the molecular weight is 441.4 g/mol [R].Because S4 has a molecular weight of 441.4 daltons, it can pass the corneal layer and work to some extent topically.I’m using S4 as an example simply because it seems to be the most hair safe SARM of all to date via oral administration, and is also the only SARM I have seen used topically so far.It is also the only SARM I’ve seen used orally in conjunction with exogenous estradiol for over a year straight so far with great success and no notable deleterious effects to liver enzymes or other health markers that are commonly impaired with high dosages of oral SARMs.With that being said, S4 isn’t without its potential issues itself.SARMs are still uncharted waters, but there are several that have been well tolerated in a clinical setting at dosages several times higher than what we would be using for hair loss prevention, or even for muscle growth in a bodybuilding context in a few token scenarios.While S4 has shown to be the most promising SARM in a hair loss prevention context to date, I am confident that other alternatives with improved binding affinities, high tissue selectivity, and high tolerability clinically in actual human subjects would likely result in similar positive outcomes if the dosing was nailed down.For example, LGD-4033 has a molecular weight of 338.25 daltons and has shown to be well tolerated in humans at dosages as high as 22 mg per day orally [R].It has also binds to the androgen receptor with an extremely high affinity (Ki of ~1 nM), which is superior to every other SARM tested on humans with comparable tissue selectivity.In addition, a preclinical rodent model showed that it has greater than 500-fold selectivity of muscle tissue to prostate when compared to testosterone.LGD-4033 Selectivity For Muscle To Prostate Compared To TestosteroneA greater than 500:1 anabolic to androgenic selectivity would make LGD-4033 the most tissue selective SARM to date.However, in practical application, LGD-4033 seems several times more androgenic than S4, although it is also several times more anabolic milligram for milligram.Some individuals even report hair loss with LGD-4033 use.Context is key here though, as the individuals reporting hair loss are using dosages 10x higher than the dosage being evaluated in humans clinically, and it is not clear whether this is telogen effluvium or actual androgenic alopecia progression even in these mega-dosing cases.This is what I mean by the dosing needs to be nailed down with these compounds, as haphazard overdosing could easily lead to unexpected androgenic activity, or induce telogen effluvium via a significant shift in endogenous hormones.There is no SARM that is completely devoid of androgenic activity, so dose response needs to be carefully assessed when experimentation is done with these compounds.Anabolism as a Systemic Effect of Topical SARMs for Hair LossOne of the limitations of anti-androgens is that when they go systemic they can induce anti-androgenic activity in other tissues.SARMs on the other hand bind to androgen receptors and induce tissue selective anabolic activity.So, the theory here is that we can potentially use a lower dose of a SARM topically than we would need with an anti-androgen, and achieve a substantial anti-androgenic effect via a much lower dosage, and even if it were to go systemic to some extent, then the worst that happens is we get some anabolic activity in muscle and bone.In theory, it sounds great, but SARMs will still suppress endogenous androgen production to some extent, lower SHBG, and potentially induce some hepatic stress when systemic.However, the degree to which this occurs should be much lower than what occurs with traditional anti-androgens.This is all theoretical at the end of the day, as SARMs may not even compete for AR activation in the scalp.However, anecdotally via oral administration it seems fairly obvious that they do in all tissues in the body, despite having “selective” action.If a topical anti-androgen works, then a topical SARM should work in a similar way.SARMs are essentially just chemically modified anti-androgens with better binding affinity and anabolic activity after all.Efficacy Profile Of Topical SARMs For Men Wanting To Retain MasculinityFor many men, hair is a huge part of their identity and plays a massive role in looking good.Unfortunately, we’ve been put in a position biologically where the more androgens in our body, the more expedited our hair loss progression will be, and all effective anabolic agents have some level of androgenicity.So, in a perfect world, we would be able to utilize SARMs (or something like SARMs) to selectively occupy androgen receptors in the scalp, and leave the rest of the body alone.Topical SARMs For Hair Loss Prevention: A Viable Long-term Strategy?While SARMs are still very new, there are already SARMs with comparable binding affinities to testosterone that have shown to have no virilizing effects in women at fairly high dosages orally.Topically, we may be able to achieve more localized action on androgen receptors and minimize the systemic impact in the body.I believe there are better ways to manage hair loss than blindly crushing androgen levels with primitive medications.SARMs may or may not be the answer, but they are certainly a step forward and could very likely be used effectively as a form of monotherapy in some users, or as an adjunct treatment alongside tried and true compounds that do a significant amount of the heavy lifting, and then let a SARM clean up the mess leftover.Are SARMs perfect?No, they aren’t.However, some of the SARMs currently developed may already have more therapeutic promise for some individuals than traditional anti-androgens used for hair loss prevention.At the very least, they are worth exploring more in this context, and I believe are potentially a more progressive way to go about handling excessive androgenic activity via AR activation in the scalp.In addition, injectable SARMs are a new area I’m researching that may also have therapeutic promise as well.How To Create A Topical SARMThe ideal scenario would be that we mix a SARM into a topical solution that has shown to not only be very tissue selective with a high binding affinity, but has also shown to be well-tolerated in humans in a clinical setting with no deleterious outcomes, and then apply that solution topically to bind locally to androgen receptors and compete with testosterone and DHT for AR activation.Standard vehicles (the carrier solution you mix the compound in for topical application) should work similarly to anti-androgens.My guess is that a 70% ethanol/30% propylene glycol vehicle would suffice.A PEG 400 mixture may be a useful alternative vehicle for those with intolerance to propylene glycol, or those with vehicle-dependent contact allergy to SARMs in either propylene or hexylene glycol [R].Adding a bit of DMSO or daily microneedling with a short length pretreatment may need to be incorporated for absorption for those with less permeable skin.What concentration the solution should be remains up in the air and will need to be determined via experimentation.Following the dosage outlines used in a therapeutic setting, we can get a well-tolerated starting point.For example, with LGD-4033, orally it has a tissue selective anabolic effect at dosages as low as 0.1 mg per day, and has shown to be well-tolerated as high as 22 mg per day.The most notable clinical trial on LGD-4033 utilized 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2 mg orally for 12 weeks.LGD-4033 exhibited encouraging safety and tolerability, and there were no drug-related serious adverse events in the study [R].A good starting point would be 0.5 mg LGD-4033 per day topically, with the dosage titrated up accordingly based on dose-response.The only SARM I’ve seen used topically to date is S4.As S4 does not have any human data, we had to design the protocol based around anecdotal findings and extrapolated clinical data on rodent models.Anecdotally, orally administered S4 does not induce night vision side effects until around 30-50 mg per day.A topically administered dosage of 25 mg per day produced a very quick reduction in sebum in the scalp, which is a very obvious marker of reduced androgenic activity.Scalp itch was also severely decreased, with no notable side effects.Notably, the individual who I oversaw who did this experiment gets horrible side effects from every single hair loss prevention compound he has tried.He’s one of the unfortunate ones who gets brutal 5-alpha reductase inhibitor side effects, systemic anti-androgen side effects with topical anti-androgen use, and even severely impaired sleep with PGD2 inhibitors.The fact that he had no issues with topical S4 was very promising, and piqued my interest in the area even more (which is partially what has led me to my current injectable SARMs experiment I am conducting on myself).Does that mean this is a viable long-term strategy?That remains to be seen with further experimentation.To be clear, this is still a theoretical approach to topical hair loss prevention, and is geared mostly towards individuals who have experienced negative side effects with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, RU58841 and CB-03-01.Where To Buy SARMsMost companies do not third party test their products, nor do they have any satisfactory level of quality control whatsoever.I strongly advise that before you buy SARMs from a company online you thoroughly evaluate their track record, their third party test results, and how they are marketing their products in general.These Are My Current Trusted/Go To Companies For Third Party Tested 99%+ Pure – 10% off coupon code “DC10”Chemyo – 10% off coupon code “DC10”Amino Asylum – 20% off coupon code “DC20”Swiss Chems – 25% off coupon code “DC25”Disclaimer: The information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws.Related
The Only Steroids Finasteride Will Prevent Hair Loss From
There’s a misconception that Finasteride is a reliable source of remedy for hair loss prevention caused by the intake of all anabolic steroids.For anyone who has reviewed the downstream mechanisms of Finasteride in the body, it is clear that this is not true.Below are the details to a realistic set of expectations from Finasteride use with anabolic steroids.[embedded content]Table of ContentsNot All Steroids Convert to DHT via 5-Alpha ReductaseAn assumption that must be ruled out is the idea that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) will always be the by-product of metabolic reactions between 5-alpha reductase and an anabolic steroid.5-alpha reductase is an enzyme involved in steroid metabolism that can create androgenic metabolites (e.g. DHT) via a process called “5-alpha reduction”.While several studies indeed support the idea that DHT is an influencer for hair-loss and that anabolic steroids all have a certain tendency to interact with 5-alpha reductase, most of the steroids used for bodybuilding and powerlifting are not potent substrates for 5-alpha reductase, if they interact at all.Testosterone is the only anabolic steroid that is converted to DHT via 5-alpha reductase, which is contrary to the common misconception that all other anabolic steroids would also be converted to DHT.Other steroids that are substrates for 5-alpha reductase are converted to unique metabolites with their own individual anabolic and androgenic potency.For example, Boldenone (Equipoise) can be converted to dihydroboldenone (DHB) via 5-alpha reductase.Nandrolone can be converted to dihydronandrolone (DHN) via 5-alpha reductase.The two metabolites DHB and DHN each have their own unique anabolic and androgenic potency and will not be equal to one another, nor will they be equal to DHT.Testosterone vs. Other Anabolic Steroids as a Catalyst for Hair LossExcessive intake of testosterone can definitely result in an increased susceptibility to hair loss due to its interaction with 5-alpha reductase to produce DHT, as well as via its inherent anabolic activity, albeit to a much lesser extent.Meanwhile, certain synthetic anabolic steroids such as Primobolanare designed to maximize the anabolic activity in the body with a lower incidence of androgenic activity and do not interact with 5-alpha reductase at all. However, just because a steroid does not interact with 5-alpha reductase that does not mean that the parent hormone is hair safe whatsoever.There are several other steroids that do not interact with 5-alpha reductase that will still cause hair loss.The overarching concept that needs to be remembered is that all steroids have their own individual level of anabolism and androgenicity in tissues.Regardless if a steroid is a 5-alpha reduced metabolite, or a parent hormone, they are all still steroids at the end of the day with their own anabolic and androgenic impact on affected tissues in the body, and they need to all be accounted for.Anabolic Steroid Interaction With 5-Alpha ReductaseFinasteride is essentially a downstream androgen synthesis inhibitor.This particular medication reduces the formation of the potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), from its precursor testosterone by successfully inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.Since DHT is several times more androgenic than testosterone, this would significantly decrease the amount of androgenic influence on the body.An important aspect to take into consideration is that the parent hormones themselves are inherently androgenic to a significant extent.In fact, with some steroids, the metabolites could be far less androgenic than the parent hormone, in which case 5-alpha reduction could actually be more hair loss sparing.[embedded content]Nandrolone is an example of this, where the parent hormone (nandrolone) is more androgenic than its metabolite produced via 5-alpha reduction (DHN); subsequently making concurrent Finasteride use an accelerant of androgenic alopecia.Finasteride Only Prevents DHT Derived Hair LossTo sum up, Finasteride may meaningfully prevent hair loss only if the cause is due to excess DHT.This is because DHT is more several times more androgenic than testosterone.DHT exhibits such poor anabolic tissue selectivity that it is one of the few steroids that actually features an androgenic rating several times higher than its anabolic rating.In short, DHT sucks at building muscle.In a study conducted to determine whether the intake of Dutasteride would affect muscle mass accrual, those treated with the medication had similar results to the untreated control group; meaning that the decreased DHT level had no significant anabolic impact on muscle growth.Even by nearly wiping out the participants’ DHT levels with Dutasteride, they did not experience hindered muscle growth at all in response to graded testosterone doses [R].In fact, an argument can be made that inhibiting 5-alpha reductase can mediate supraphysiological muscle growth due to a higher ratio of testosterone to DHT.This is apparent in pseudohermaphrodites who are inherently 5-alpha reductase-deficient due to genetic mutations [R].In this particular study involving brothers with different DHT levels, the male with 5-alpha reductase deficiency experienced reduced sexual development throughout puberty, but also gained more muscle mass than his brother.In the image below, the man on the left has a 5-alpha reductase deficiency, and his brother on the right doesn’t have a deficiency.The man on the left has a higher testosterone level, is more muscular, and has less androgenic alopecia than his brother on the right who has normal DHT levels.The Steroids Finasteride Or Dutasteride Can Protect Your Hair FromFinasteride and Dutasteride do not occupy or inhibit androgen receptors, but rather they inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme primarily responsible for converting testosterone to DHT.These medications are extremely effective at reducing DHT levels, hence why natural athletes and those on mild doses of exogenous testosterone typically experience the attenuation of hair loss progression with it, or at least some degree of slow down (dependent on the individual’s androgen receptor density, sensitivity, residual DHT levels, free testosterone levels, and a myriad of other less relevant factors).Those who blast Trenbolone, or any other anabolic steroid, will not be protected from the androgenic activity of those hormones on the scalp.It is essential to thoroughly understand the mechanism of action of everything going into your body prior to haphazardly popping pills in attempts to blindly remedy a side effect like hair loss, as you may be wasting your time, or even potentially make the situation worse.Related
Flex Wheeler Myostatin Deficiency | Genetics Study Conducted On Mr. Olympia Bodybuilders
It’s theorized in the bodybuilding community that the reason Flex Wheeler and other top Olympia caliber bodybuilders are able to build such incredible physiques is due to Myostatin deficiency.Other popular theories circulate around that include ideas as vastly different as androgen receptor sensitivity is higher in top bodybuilders, to the complete opposite side of the spectrum where some believe that training past a certain pain threshold is what separates champions from the rest and that genetics are just a small factor in determining bodybuilding success.In this article I delve into Myostatin gene mutations, claims about top Mr. Olympia bodybuilders’ DNA, and outline what kind of potential impact Myostatin has shown to have in the clinical data.In addition, I take a deep dive into the actual study conducted on Flex Wheeler and a handful of other Mr. Olympia contenders and show what was revealed about their DNA, as well as how it compared to average individuals.Table of ContentsMyostatin Gene (MSTN) and Its Role in Myostatin ProductionBefore delving into a real-world example of a purported Myostatin deficiency in humans (Flex Wheeler), I’m going to get into the gene a bit itself.The MSTN gene is a gene that makes instructions for producing the protein myostatin.Myostatin regulates skeletal muscle growth by restraining it when necessary.In turn, it prevents the body from gaining too much muscle.Current research that surrounds myostatin is based around its treatment for musculoskeletal degenerative diseases.Coincidentally, animals that have mutations in the encoding gene MSTN show greater muscle mass, strength, and in some circumstances reduced body fat as well.Examples of Myostatin deficiencies are found in lab based rodent models, as well as in the farming industry with myostatin deficient cattle.Myostatin Knockout MiceMice that lack the gene that creates myostatin have approximately twice as much muscle mass as normal mice [R].Myostatin inhibitors have been proposed by many to be the most promising new area of science in a bodybuilding context, as well as potentially better alternative treatment for muscle wasting diseases.Belgian Blue Double-Muscled CattleThe Belgian Blue has a myostatin gene mutation, consequently preventing its feedback loop of muscle growth inhibition from working correctly.This mutation interferes with fat deposition and can lead to accelerated lean muscle growth.The acceleration of muscle growth in Belgian Blues is due primarily to physiological changes in the animal’s muscle cells (fibers) from hypertrophy to a hyperplasia mode of growth.This growth occurs in the fetus and results in a calf being born with two times the number of muscle fibers as a calf without a myostatin gene mutation [R].Myostatin Elevates In Response To AndrogensWhile there are likely other counterregulatory mechanisms in the body that inhibit excessive muscle growth, the main factor appears to be myostatin elevation.Myostatin increases to prevent you from gaining unhealthy amounts of muscle.In the following study, the effects of exogenous testosterone and trenbolone on myostatin levels was evaluated [R].This study showed that after 29 days of administration of either testosterone or trenbolone, myostatin protein levels were 197% higher in the castrated and testosterone group, and 209% higher in the castrated and trenbolone group when compared to the placebo.There’s a reason why this mechanism is in place in our bodies and we can’t grow linearly.Too much of anything is not going to be good, and when you try to push your body to a place that isn’t healthy, homeostatic mechanisms in the body will try to stop you.The human body is a big balancing act.More Androgens = More Myostatin = More Muscle Growth InhibitionAs previously outlined, myostatin is a growth inhibitor that elevates in the presence of androgens.Based on the current research it appears that the higher your dose of exogenous anabolics, the greater muscle growth potential you have, and consequently the higher your myostatin will elevate in parallel to inhibit absurd rates of muscle growth.In a study evaluating the effect graded doses of testosterone have on myostatin levels in young and older men, myostatin levels were significantly higher on day 56 than baseline in both groups [R].The myostatin hypothesis isn’t air tight and has some holes in the data contradicting its muscle growth inhibiting effects.However, based on what we know to date, the research suggests that its more than likely the main regulatory mechanism involved in muscle growth response relative to androgen receptor activation.Myostatin is well known to negatively regulate muscle mass in mice, cattle, dogs and humans [R].Myostatin Is Elevated In HIV Positive IndividualsMyostatin is detectable in human skeletal muscle, and its expression is increased in the muscles of HIV-infected men with muscle wasting compared to that in normal men [R].Does this mean that the muscle wasting that occurs with disease is caused in part by myostatin elevation?Maybe, and the relationship between the two is definitely notable.Studies Measuring How Much Myostatin Gene Mutations Can Affect Bodybuilding ProgressA small study was conducted to discover if the mutations in the SNP rs1805086 have any impact on the male bodybuilding population from a muscle hypertrophy and muscle performance standpoint [R].The secondary aim was to speculate if rare mutations are more prevalent in those who decide to choose a sport such as bodybuilding, as research indicates that mutations in MSTN can illicit larger muscle mass gains and a reduction in body fat.The Lys(K)153Arg(R) polymorphism in exon 2 (rs1805086, 2379 A >G replacement) of the myostatin (MSTN) gene is a candidate to influence skeletal muscle phenotypes and is listed on SNPedia as the top risk genotype for causing myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy [R, R].17% of the subject group had one mutation (AG), 83% had the common outcome (AA) and 0% (0) had two mutations (GG).Those with the AG genotype had an average arm circumference of 46.37 cm compared with AA which had an average of 42.02 cm.Those with the AG genotype had an average pull-up max score of 21 compared with AA with an average of 12.Those with the AG genotype had an average push-up max of 61 compared with AA with an average of 40.The study clearly shows that those with a mutation are rare, however the mutation does appear to give the subject a performance and size advantage over those with the common outcome.Another study had similar findings when evaluating A55T and K153R polymorphisms [R].Our results indicated that individuals with AT + TT genotype of the A55T polymorphism showed a significant increase in the thickness of biceps (0.292 ± 0.210 cm, P = 0.03), but not quadriceps (0.254 ± 0.198 cm, P = 0.07), compared to carriers of AA genotype.For the K153R polymorphism, the increases in the thicknesses of both biceps (0.300 ± 0.131 cm) and quadriceps (0.421 ± 0.281 cm) were significantly higher among individuals with KR than those with KK genotypes (P < 0.01 for both muscles).The results obtained therefore suggested a possible association between the two polymorphisms and the strength training-induced muscle hypertrophy among men of Han Chinese ethnicity.The K153R polymorphism is the same Lys(K)153Arg(R) polymorphism in exon 2 (rs1805086, 2379 A >G replacement) of the myostatin (MSTN) gene evaluated in the first study mentioned.SNPs Found To Influence Myostatin-Related Muscle HypertrophyAccording to SNPedia, these 3 SNPs definitely relate to myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy:The rs1805086 SNP in particular is the one most commonly looked at in relation to bodybuilding outcomes.It is often referred to during discussions of the “bodybuilder gene”.The rs1805086 SNP genotype AA is seen as the commonly occurring one, with the risk alleles being the rs1805086 GG genotype.The disease literally listed as a potential outcome of having this risk genotype is myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy.Just having one G allele is rare to begin with, and being homozygous for it is very rare.In my first video, I was basing my conclusion of Flex Wheeler’s genetic significance solely off the extrapolation of Victor Conte’s broad statement in his letter.[embedded content]I assumed that Flex probably had the rarest GG genotype for the rs1805086 SNP.However, after digging into the study conducted on Flex Wheeler itself, we are led to what is likely a much different conclusion, and is what I will delve into next.Flex Wheeler Myostatin DeficiencySupposedly, Flex Wheeler was a participant in a study conducted in collaboration with the department of human genetics at the university of Pittsburgh involving 62 men.During this study, Flex was purportedly found to have a very rare myostatin mutation at the exon 2 position on the gene.In theory, this supposed gene mutation prevented his body from producing normal amounts of myostatin, consequently resulting in a much larger number of muscle fibers than the average male.Animals and humans with inhibited myostatin levels have consistently shown to have much greater levels of musculature relative to their non-inhibited counterparts, and based on this it isn’t crazy to assume that genetic freaks in bodybuilding developed their physiques as a result of a similar gene mutation.In theory, someone with low myostatin levels could continue to progress at rates that would be impossible for someone with normal myostatin levels.The end result of chronically low myostatin levels could potentially be substantially greater levels of muscle gain from the exact same diet, training and drugs.Victor Conte’s Letter About Flex WheelerVictor Conte is one of the individuals associated with the myostatin mutation study conducted on Flex Wheeler and an assortment of other IFBB pro bodybuilders.99% of those in the bodybuilding community who discuss Flex’s myostatin deficiency are referencing a letter written in October, 1998 by Victor Conte.Whether this letter is legitimate and unaltered is unclear, but for what it is worth, we will assume it is legit as it is what has circulated around our community for years.October 1, 1998Re: Flex WheelerTo whom it may concern:I am writing this letter per the request of Flex Wheeler.I would first like to briefly provide you with some background information regarding BALCO Laboratories. BALCO has been working with elite Olympic and professional athletes for over fifteen years. BALCO has provided testing and consultation for over 250 NFL players including the entire 1998 Super Bowl Champion Denver Broncos team and the entire Miami Dolphins team. BALCO works with professional athletes in many sports including tennis (Michael Chang, Jim Courier, etc.), hockey, bodybuilding (10 of the 16 1998 Mr. Olympia contestants), track and field, soccer and basketball (Seattle SuperSonics).BALCO Laboratories has been testing and monitoring Flex on a routine basis during the last year. We have performed tests including blood chemistry (SMAC), complete blood count (CBC), PSA, anabolic hormone levels, genotyping as well as comprehensive testing for nutritional elements. Flex’s test results have been compared to twenty-four other professional bodybuilders and overall he has one of the healthiest profiles. Basically, Flex is in excellent health and has demonstrated the discipline necessary to maintain a peak level of conditioning.Flex was a participant in a study we recently conducted in collaboration with the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh involving 62 men who made unusually large gains in muscle mass in response to strength training (extreme responders). Flex was one of only nine extreme responders that had the very rare “myostatin mutation.” Myostatin is the gene that “limits muscle growth.” Specifically, Flex had the rarest form of myostatin mutation at the “exon 2” position on the gene. This simply means Flex has a much larger number of muscle fibers compared to the other subjects or the normal population. We believe that these are the very first myostatin mutation findings in humans and the results of this landmark study have already been submitted for publication. Flex was also found to have a very unusual type of the IGF-1 gene. In fact, Flex was the only participant in the study that did not have a “match.” All of the other extreme responders had at least three other subjects with a matching IGF-1 gene. Based upon Flex’s very unique genetic profile, we plan to expeditiously publish a scientific paper that reveals his complete genotype in specific detail. The publication of his remarkable genetic data should generate an enormous amount of media exposure.Hope this information will be helpful and please call if I can be of assistance.Sincerely,/s/ Victor ConteVictor ContePresidentBALCO Laboratories, Inc.The Myostatin Mutation Study Conducted On Flex Wheeler And Other IFBB ProsThis study is commonly referenced but I have yet to see someone actually dig it up and cross reference the data in it with the statements made in Victor Conte’s letter.I did some digging and found it.The study is called “frequent sequence variation in the human myostatin (GDF8) gene as a marker for analysis of muscle-related phenotypes” [R].Based on what Victor stated in his letter, there were nine extreme responders with a very rare myostatin mutation.Supposedly Flex Wheeler had the rarest mutation of all at the exon 2 position on the gene, making him unique from all other individuals in the study.[embedded content]Subjects In The StudySequencing of selected regions of the myostatin gene and genotyping of common variants were carried out in a comparison sample of 96 randomly selected Caucasian and 96 African American subjects from the general population.An additional 72 individuals were screened for a common exon 2 variant.One hundred fifty-three subjects, including 127 men (32 African American, 91 Caucasian, and 4 Asian) and 26 women (9 African American, 16 Caucasian, and 1 Asian), were categorized by the magnitude of increases in muscle mass they experienced from strength training.The subjects consisted of:18 world-class bodybuilders (ranked in the top 100 worldwide)25 competitive bodybuilders not ranked in the top 1007 elite power lifters9 university football players55 previously untrained subjects who had their quadricep muscle volume measured by magnetic resonance imaging before and after 9 weeks of heavy resistance strength training of the knee extensors61 nonathletes, who were questioned about their ability to increase their muscle mass in response to intense and prolonged strength training5 of the 18 world-class bodybuilders were Mr. Olympia contenders ranked in the top 10 worldwide. [embedded content]A rating of 5 was given to those who were world-class bodybuilders and to those who increased their quadriceps muscle mass by more than 400 cm³ after only 9 weeks of strength training, whereas a rating of 0 was given to those who experienced no noticeable increase in muscle mass after vigorous strength training for at least 6 months.Eighteen subjects received a rating of 5, and 13 subjects received a rating of 0.The ratings of the remaining subjects fell somewhere between these two extremes.62 subjects who were rated as either 4 or 5 were classified as extreme responders, and were compared to 48 subjects who were rated as either 0 or 1 and were classified as nonresponders.Subjects were also grouped and compared by race.Information on muscle mass changes with strength training from the remaining subjects was obtained through either estimates of fat-free mass assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or hydrodensitometry or in the case of competitive bodybuilders, power lifters, football players, and nonathletes, through questionnaire data on prior success in bodybuilding competition and/or reported changes in muscle mass with strength training.Study ResultsWithout boring you with the less relevant details in the study, the most notable part is the conclusion.The lack of a significant relationship between myostatin genotypes and overall muscle mass response to strength training suggests that response is not significantly influenced by variation at the myostatin locus.However, it is interesting to note that three of the African American nonresponders were homozygous for the less common (Arg) allele at the exon 2 K153R site, while none of the responders were homozygous for this allele.Three of the five mutations causing the double muscle phenotype in cattle occur in exon 2 and are recessive, but two are chain termination mutations and one is a deletion, expected to produce a nonfunctional myostatin protein.Whether variation in the myostatin gene influences muscle phenotypes other than the muscle mass increase in response to strength training requires further exploration.The less common Arg allele that is being referred to in the study conclusion is the mutation that you would expect Flex Wheeler to have.But, it doesn’t appear that he has it.Sandwiched in the middle of the study is a mention of what may be highlighting the true root of Flex’s genetic superiority.Among the six nucleotide changes, two, P198A and the intron 2 A/G, were observed in a single individual and two, I225T and E164K, were observed in two individuals, always heterozygous with the wildtype allele.The remaining two were present in the general population as common polymorphisms.The (A55T) and (K153R) variants are common in both ethnic groups, with the less frequent allele having a three to four times higher frequency in African Americans.These variable sites have the potential to alter the function of the myostatin gene product and could alter nutrient partitioning in individuals heterozygous or homozygous for the variant allele.What we can presume Flex Wheeler has is two nucleotide changes, P198A and the intron 2 A/G.That is the only note in the entire publication that distinguishes one individual in the study from the rest.What we can presume to be the nucleotide changes Flex Wheeler has aren’t even mentioned on SNPedia’s list of related risk genotypes.The only vague reference we have to it is in a study that examined the association between the MSTN exonic variants and ‘explosive’ leg power in 214 male university students [R].And in that study the only thing mentioned is that no subjects in the study had the MSTN exonic variant P198A.It appears that despite the uncommon (Arg) allele at the exon 2 K153R site being the main focus of most Myostatin papers and being honed in on as the root of the “bodybuilder gene”, it does not seem to have as significant of an impact on muscle growth response to training as many thought at the end of the day.The lack of a significant relationship between myostatin genotypes and overall muscle mass is very notable as this study included 5 Mr. Olympia caliber bodybuilders, and several other top tier IFBB pros.The most interesting thing to note is that three of the African American nonresponders were homozygous for the less common (Arg) allele at the exon 2 K153R site, while none of the responders were homozygous for this allele.Of the identified GDF8 variations in humans, the Lys(K)153Arg(R) polymorphism in exon 2 (rs1805086, 2379 A >G replacement) of the myostatin (MSTN) gene is a candidate to influence skeletal muscle phenotypes [R].None of the extreme responder bodybuilders were homozygous for this allele though.I had mentioned in the first video that having the AG genotype in general is rare.It was found to have a significant impact on muscle size and muscle strength in the study I outlined earlier in the article.Logically, you would assume that the GG genotype (which is even more uncommon), would result in a lack of myostatin and some insane level of muscle growth.That doesn’t seem to be the case though based on this study.3 of the subjects who had a poor response to training and subpar muscle growth (nonresponders) were the ones who had this rare genotype.Only three individuals had extremely rare nucleotide changes.This includes who I assume to be Flex who has two nucleotide changes, P198A and the intron 2 A/G, and two other individuals having I225T and E164K nucleotide changes, all of which were heterozygous with the wildtype allele.That leaves 2 top tier Mr. Olympia caliber bodybuilders, several other world class IFBB pro bodybuilders, and a lot of other elite athletes, with MSTN genotypes that have shown to have minimal impact on muscle growth response to training in this study.The two other nucleotide changes causing the double muscle phenotype in cattle are the A55T and K153R variants and are present in the general population as common polymorphisms.These variable sites have shown potential to alter the function of the myostatin gene product and could alter nutrient partitioning in individuals heterozygous or homozygous for the variant allele.However, the data in this study shows that there is not a significant relationship between myostatin genotypes and overall muscle mass response to strength training.Inconsistencies In The Clinical Data And Victor Conte LetterI don’t know where the statements in the letter Victor wrote are coming from.He claims that Flex Wheeler had the rarest form of myostatin mutation at the exon 2 position on the gene.But when we look at the study itself, it says 3 of the non-responders were homozygous.None of the responders were homozygous.Flex Wheeler would have undoubtedly been categorized as an extreme responder, and yet, he was not one of the individuals with the GDF8 variation in humans we would expect to see in a myostatin deficient individual.Based on this, we can presume he is the individual mentioned in the study with two nucleotide changes, P198A and the intron 2 A/G.Victor also mentioned how “nine extreme responders had the very rare myostatin mutation.”We can see in the data that only three individuals had uncommon nucleotide changes, not nine, and the rest of the subjects had common polymorphisms present in the general population.In addition, of the mutations mentioned, even if more of the top caliber bodybuilders had notable mutations, the study conclusion still states that there is not a significant relationship between myostatin genotypes and overall muscle mass response to strength training.Victor also stated in his letter that Flex is one of the healthiest of his professional bodybuilders he’s been monitoring, and that Flex is in excellent health.We have performed tests including blood chemistry (SMAC), complete blood count (CBC), PSA, anabolic hormone levels, genotyping as well as comprehensive testing for nutritional elements.Flex’s test results have been compared to twenty-four other professional bodybuilders and overall he has one of the healthiest profiles.Basically, Flex is in excellent health and has demonstrated the discipline necessary to maintain a peak level of conditioning.This was written on October 1, 1998.If you know the history of Flex Wheeler, you’ll know that he ended up having to stop competing after discovering in 1999 that he had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (a form of kidney disease), and then retired shortly thereafter.I don’t know how something that massive could be overlooked to that extent.It makes me question the legitimacy of this letter in the first place.If Flex was truly on the brink of kidney failure, I don’t see how it was determined that he was one of the healthiest bodybuilders being supervised by Victor, and how this extensive testing didn’t pick this up.The first thing that comes to my mind is curiosity around whether or not there was some sort of money-making endeavor associated with this.The supplement industry was crazy in the 90’s.Steroids were sold legally over the counter, and you could make ridiculous false claims about pretty much whatever you want and then sell products based on that.The false claims are still around today, but now we have the resources at our fingertips to actually see through the garbage being marketed to us, whereas in the 90’s nobody knew better and a myostatin inhibiting supplement that can make you as jacked as Flex Wheeler likely would have sold like crazy.Maybe this guess is way off of what the real intention was, but I don’t see what could have been the motivation behind this letter, or what it was seeking to accomplish.It is entirely possible that they were thinking of teaming up to create some sort of myostatin inhibitor supplement that would be based on Flex’s unique genotype.ConclusionI don’t know if the further publication that Victor mentioned in the letter ever came to surface.Based upon Flex’s very unique genetic profile, we plan to expeditiously publish a scientific paper that reveals his complete genotype in specific detail.The publication of his remarkable genetic data should generate an enormous amount of media exposure.I’m assuming that this was probably put on the back burner after Flex had his health issues in 1999.I don’t know what the goal of this letter was, and there are several inconsistencies between it and the actual study that would need further clarification to make any conclusive statements.Who was this letter addressed to and why was Flex Wheeler requesting this letter be written in the first place?Aside from the mystery of this letter that greatly interests me, it seems like we can at least conclude based on the study findings that most myostatin gene mutations do not appear to be the differentiating factor between top Mr. Olympia caliber extreme responders and the average joe.Related
Chemyo Review – SARMs And RU58841 Product Quality
Chemyo is one of the best SARMs sources in the industry, bar none.They have been a staple in my research for years, and I have yet to experience a lapse in quality in any batch I have received since day 1.Chemyo was one of the first companies in the industry that set the standard with top tier quality control.Back when companies wouldn’t even post COA’s, let alone get proper third party testing, Chemyo was one of the few companies setting the standard for the industry.Before you buy SARMs from a company keep in mind that the quality of SARMs varies enormously between different sources in this industry.In an investigation involving chemical analyses of 44 products marketed as SARMs and sold via the internet, only 52% contained SARMs at all, and many were inaccurately labeled [R].ACCURATELY DOSED SARMs will produce repeatable results that are selective for anabolic effects in muscle or bone tissues with a relative absence of androgenic effects in tissues such as the prostate gland at therapeutic dosages.POOR QUALITY SARMs on the other hand, will generally offer nothing (because they are underdosed or completely bunk), or may even be tainted with liver toxic methylated Prohormones (which are now illegal).If you are researching with compounds like SARMs that suppress endocrine function and can have varying levels of health implications, then it pays to get the best SARMs you can to ensure you can predict with far greater accuracy exactly what to expect, and how to tackle any potential side effects or obstacles that may occur during experimentation.Unfortunately, in this industry cutting corners when it comes to quality control is a given with almost every single company.There are hundreds of SARMs suppliers out there and I’ve tried a lot of them over the years (I’ve personally been researching SARMs for half a decade).From the type you buy in local supplement stores with overly-hyped up aggressive packaging (horrible marketing practice as they aren’t dietary supplements), to the companies that swear their liquid SARMs are stronger than all capsule SARMs, to the seemingly good suppliers that have been around for years.I’ve experienced such a vast array of product quality over the years between all of these companies that I can’t stress enough how important transparent testing is when it comes to yielding accurate results in your research.Table of ContentsMy Supplier Requirement ChecklistOver the years I have developed some specific criteria that I feel a SARMs company should meet if I am to give them my business.This is based on my past experiences with good and bad companies.In terms of SARMs quality, I believe the more a company meets these criteria, the higher quality the SARMs are likely to be.My requirements are as follows:Third Party TestingI don’t recommend buying SARMs from a company that doesn’t pay for third party testing. Period.Third party testing for every product SKU is a bare minimum, and ideally there would be third party test results for every single batch manufactured of every single SKU for full transparency.This is what separates the men from the boys when it comes to SARMs quality control.Simply put, I am not going to compromise my research by risking it with some random company that has no proof of consistently high product purity.It baffles me how many people will completely ruin their experiments just to save a few bucks on their order with some garbage fly-by-night company.LegalityThere are a lot of research chemical companies nowadays, and one thing I find crazy is how many sell blatantly illegal substances.Personally, I think all drugs should be legal, but the fact remains that they aren’t, so there are some key things I look for when I am assessing a SARMs company’s legal compliance and risk profile.If a company sells SARMs, but then they also sell a myriad of Rx only/scheduled compounds, it is a bit sketchy and it is likely not a company I want to be trusting my money with when there is an impending ban on SARMs.To be frank, from a legal standpoint, SARMs have yet to be scheduled (in my country at least, you should double check where you live if they are legal before you buy SARMs from anyone), so if there is a company that is commingling their legal products with illegal products and selling everything they can get away with, it’s probably not a good sign for their longevity, and likely not a good sign for their quality control procedures.No Hyped Up MarketingI don’t recommend buying from companies that go out of their way to market SARMs as legal steroids with no side effects for extreme bodybuilding purposes, or as dietary supplements in general.The more a company markets SARMs as hardcore bodybuilding compounds with aggressively hyped up expectations, the worse the SARMs usually are.Not only is the product usually of lower quality with these companies, this sort of behavior is also what gives people the wrong idea about SARMs and only increases the chances of them being made illegal (which is probably inevitable at this point already).To be clear, these are not dietary supplements, so if a company is labeling them that way, they’ve already blown it in my books, and the aggressive marketing is just icing on the cake.Don’t be seduced by this aggressive, misguided marketing, and don’t support it.Why I Think Chemyo Is An Excellent Source To Buy SARMs From OnlineChemyo can make an argument that they are the only source that is “truly” third party tested.Their compounds are sent in randomized by third parties for testing and not by themsleves, which is less subject to manipulation/bias.They also release their full raw testing data to the public for review (not just the final HPLC test result) and lot code every single batch so that customers can see the test results of the exact batch that they received.Third party testing is critical in ensuring quality, and this extra step in their supply chain is just another factor that can distinguish them as an industry leader.Chemyo is one of the only companies that consistently achieves greater than 99% purity on every single batch.Elaborate, extensive testing is conducted on every single batch, of every single one of their product SKU’s.This includes FTIR, HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS & NMR testing.They repeat this process for every single batch of product they manufacture, not just one random batch a year ago that they had tested just so they could show results on their website as a marketing ploy (what most companies do, if they even third party test at all).This is one of the few companies I don’t have to worry about my results being skewed by inconsistent quality control.With other SARMs companies, you need to account for a huge margin of error, and frankly, no research findings are even credible in any capacity with products coming from 99% of other sources because of this.Extensive Third Party Testing And Quality ControlEvery single batch of every single product Chemyo sells is third party tested.[embedded content]Most companies don’t pay for third party testing at all, and of the ones that do, even the top companies have test report data showing a range of a chromatographic purity of 98-100% at best.Chemyo consistently achieves chromatographic purity of over 99% on all of their testing data.Unlike most other companies who third party test their products, Chemyo releases their full testing data.Here is an example of this: Chemyo RAD140As you can see, Chemyo has test reports showing their HPLC and FTIR raw data, not just a third party COA.Most companies will just post their third party test results via a COA, but will not show full raw testing data.In addition, most companies that do get third party testing done will only use an HPLC assay for their raws testing, consequently resulting in less precise purity testing than what Chemyo ensures via their far more elaborate analysis.Chemyo tests their solutions in triplicate to enhance their accuracy of testing their solutions for potency.Referring back to the RAD140 product listing, if you review this RAD140 test report you can see that they test 3 solutions.Replicate tests are needed to ensure precision and to assess how close they are to each other.To measure accuracy, the lab has to compare the unknown to a pure reference standard.This is done routinely, but a single measurement has unknown precision so quality labs will use replicates to confirm the accuracy of the measurements.This takes into account potential errors in weighing, volumes, chromatography variables and peak integration.Chemyo is unique in that they have their testing done via other parties.Their full inventory stock is at their 3PL and their samples are sent in by them, completely blind randomized and not by Chemyo themsleves.They can prove that what is tested is what people actually get due to their supply chain.Most companies in this industry will have an extremely hard time proving this, and Chemyo has shown initiative to set the bar even higher when it comes to quality control.When Chemyo launched in late 2016 it was almost impossible to find a bottle of MK-677 at a chromatographic purity of over 95-96%.Chemyo was the first company to achieve greater than 99% chromatographic purity verified via HPLC and FTIR raw data.They were also the first company I am aware of to do proper batch tracking and release concentration report audits to the public.Most SARMs companies literally don’t have a clue what’s in the products that they are selling you.There are SO many companies out there that claim they are third party tested, have HPLC results showing that their products are 99% pure, blah blah blah, but then when you ask to see their third party tests, they either don’t have anything to show you, or they show you a Certificate of Analysis (COA) from their raws supplier in China.A COA, is NOT the same thing as third party testing.A COA is a document that the Chinese supplier can doctor however they want, and likely doesn’t even show true results, as most of these companies (literally 99% of companies) are NOT paying an unbiased third party lab to test their products for them.The only way you can know for certain what you are getting is legitimate is by literally paying thousands of dollars out of your own pocket to send your products to a third party lab, and have them perform a completely unbiased test on your products, and then send you those results.COA’s mean nothing.Chemyo products are batch and lot coded with publicly visible lab reports.This not only allows Chemyo to identify problematic batches and immediately rectify the issue, but it allows customers to cross reference which test reports were conducted on the specific batch they received.In addition to third party submitted randomized testing, the level of transparency and commitment to quality control Chemyo consistently shows is exceptional.To read more about their elaborate quality control process, including how they source their raws, quarantine them for third party testing, have a third party submit their products for unbiased test results, review third party analysis results, and test their products again a second time for purity confirmation, check out the Chemyo quality control page.Supply ChainPeople mistakenly believe that testing is all that matters.Yes, testing matters, but the supply chain is just as important.Testing only proves that X party has sent out a sample to a lab and has paid for that test.It does not prove that you are actually being sent the right stuff you asked for.Someone could still underdose your solutions at the end of the day.This is where the supply chain comes in and is equally important.When you look at Chemyo’s supply chain, they work with several parties.ChemyoRaw ingredient manufacturer supplierContractor mixing & filling serviceTesting labThird party logisticsWhen I asked Chemyo to detail exactly how their supply chain functions they were incredibly transparent and sent me this:1. We order raw materials from our supplier.We set strict requirements.Our supplier in some cases needs to re-purify a batch in order to pass our quality standards.This raw powder batch goes directly to our contractor that does our mixing & filling in the USA.2. As soon as our mixing & filling contractor receives the raw powder batch we instruct him to send out a sample of the batch to S&N labs, which is our testing lab.3. S&N labs tests the powder for both identity (FTIR) & purity (HPLC).4. If the results are positive (so that means the raw powder batch is of correct identity with a purity of above 99%) we instruct our contractor to go ahead and mix and fill the bottles after.5. When the batch is mixed and bottled, the batch gets a final QC inspection and is sent out to our 3PL.The whole batch is batch coded and also induction cap sealed.6. Our 3PL receives the whole batch of solutions.7. We instruct our 3PL to send out a solution or more solutions from the batch to S&N labs for concentration testing.This picking is completely randomized and is done by an employee from them, not us.8. If the concentration matches label criteria the solutions are finally ready to be sold to our customers.The advantages of our supply chain are as follows:– Maximum trust for the customer. It’s pretty much impossible for us to underdose our solutions this way. Our powders are first tested for identity & purity and our solutions for concentration.– Professional parties, especially on the mixing & filling front. Some companies mix from their basement. We use a professional filling contractor that also mixes for companies in other high profile niches like e-liquids.– We are audited in a way. Our parties know exactly how much is produced and how much is received in stockPricesChemyo’s solutions are all featured in 50 ml bottles, which is 66% more volume than the industry standard that is 30 ml.When you price it out milligram for milligram, Chemyo prices are better than most companies, and that is without even factoring in that they actually achieve greater than 99% chromatographic purity in every single batch, and the majority of other companies don’t even have the right compounds in the bottles they are labeling as SARMs.When you order from another fly-by-night company, the probability is nearly 50% that their products are completely bunk without even delving into their quality control.Then, the probability that their current batch for sale is accurately dosed is extremely low.As mentioned previously, look at how many companies are actually getting third party testing, then look at how many of those companies are showing their raw data from those test results.When all is said and done, there are almost no companies out there that are consistently achieving chromatographic purity of over 99% on all of their testing data.Even if a company has third party testing and has published test results for you to view, what are the chances that those test results reflect the purity of the batch that they will actually be sending you and isn’t an old test result?Are those test results batch coded to allow you to actually see what the purity of the batch you received is specifically?At the end of the day, when you go look for loss leader companies in this industry to save a few bucks, you will get burned with garbage quality almost every single time.I am shocked at how many people will completely compromise their research using some random company that has zero credibility, proof of product purity, or proof of consistency just to save $5-10 per product in their order.Fortunately, the handfuls of truly credible companies in this industry do not charge multiple times more than the crap people are buying, even though it would be more than justified.All things considered, Chemyo MAJORLY underprices their products.If you get a massively underdosed product, or something else entirely (the chances are disturbingly high that this will happen with most SARMs sources), did you really save any money at the end of the day?No, you spent more money for less of what you were paying for, and your results/reports will be useless to reference.Product Presentation And Website LayoutChemyo was the first SARMs company I am aware of that actually had a presentable website as far back as 2016.It has always been easy to navigate with a very professional layout.It is clear that attention to detail is a priority of theirs, as 99% of companies in this industry had crappy looking Shopify skeleton websites, or poorly designed WordPress sites back then.If a company doesn’t take the time to make an easy to navigate website with a user-friendly checkout menu, or get high quality images of their products and accompanying graphics, to me that just shows that they are willing to cut corners.The more a company is willing to cut corners in one aspect or another, the more likely this lack of pride in presentation will bleed into quality control.The Chemyo website looks amazing and their product presentation is fantastic.Attention to minor details is clear even during the packaging process of their products.The packaging is designed to prevent evaporation in storage and maximize product shelf life.Each bottle has tamper-proof seals to ensure safety in transitEach bottle also comes with a free 1 ml dropper for accurate measuring.Most companies that even feature a means of measuring product to begin with will include a graduated 1 ml pipette with notches every 1/4 ml.This can lead to wildly inaccurate measurements, which was recognized by Chemyo.Their droppers are separated into 0.1 ml markings, with ten 0.01 ml mini markings in between each of those for extremely accurate measurements.Customer ServiceThe customer service at Chemyo is great.Over the years I’ve only had to email about an international order once, and my concern was quickly addressed.Chemyo offers quick and friendly support should you need it.The Different SARMs for SaleAs you should know, different SARMs possess different properties than one another, despite all operating via a very similar mechanism of action.They are all intended to be non-steroidal and exert tissue-selective anabolic effects in muscle and bone, while sparing other androgenic effects that come from anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).To make things easier for you, I’ve made a table to show you each of the most well known and researched SARMs, and broken them up into varying levels of endocrine suppression, as well as separated the compounds that are not SARMs at all, but are commonly lumped into the SARM category.You can also read through all of the notable clinical research conducted on each compound in an organized format, as well as my personal interpretation of the research and anecdotal findings of each compound linked below:Chemyo stocks most of these, with the exception of ACP-105, AC-262536 and LGD-3303.They also don’t stock SR9009 as it is useless orally, and frankly I have no idea why any company stocks this product in oral format.Chemyo has transparent potency audits and batch purity analysis for every single batch they produce of each of these products.Each batch is guaranteed to be at least 99% chromatographic purity verified via HPLC and FTIR raw data that can be cross referenced with each lot code.Other Product OfferingsWhen I first ordered from Chemyo years ago they only had a few products, but the quality was undoubtedly superior to the vast majority of the industry.This was reflected not only in their third party transparent test results, but also every single time in my own personal research.They’ve since expanded their catalog, and I’ve been told that a large expansion is to be expected soon.These range from SARMs to Nootropics, to anti-aging and longevity enhancing agents, and even some of the very obscure hair loss prevention compounds that I experiment with.NootropicsSome of the most notable Nootropics available right now that caught my eye are Noopept and Phenibut.I am a big fan of acute Phenibut usage for enhancing social freedom.Noopept stacks exceptionally well with Gorilla Mind Rush and Gorilla Mind Smooth as well for intense focus and productivity.Anti-Aging & LongevityI’ve started to transition into a significant amount of anti-aging and longevity research as of late, and it was nice to see that some of the most novel agents being evaluated right now for potential therapeutic applications are offered by Chemyo as well.The most notable currently in their expanded catalog being NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide).Hair Loss PreventionChemyo has started to expand their product line to include compounds developed for hair loss prevention as well.The main compound currently in their catalog that I have a lot of experience with and has shown significant therapeutic promise is RU58841.Where to Buy SARMs Internationally?Chemyo ships worldwide and guarantees delivery.They will ship anywhere SARMs are currently legal.BEFORE you buy SARMs, check if these products are legal in your country.Check the laws in your country prior to buying anything online to make sure it is compliant where you live with your current government laws.Cryptocurrency DiscountChemyo offers an additional 5% discount at checkout for those who use Cryptocurrency as their form of payment.If you order Chemyo products with Cryptocurrency to get a discount on your orders, checkout Coinbase HERE.I believe Coinbase is the most user friendly exchange to buy Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency from.My Chemyo Review In SummaryBlind randomized third party testing, batch and lot tracking, triplicate batch analysis, transparent publicly posted HPLC and FTIR raw data, and guaranteed 99% chromatographic purity make it extremely difficult for any other company in this industry to stack up to Chemyo.They are a true pioneer in this industry and I would not hesitate to recommend Chemyo SARMs, RU58841, Nootropics, or any other product offerings currently in their catalog.Chemyo Coupon CodeDespite already offering very competitive pricing, there are coupon codes available to use at checkout.At checkout, you can use the Chemyo coupon code “DC10” to save 10% on your entire order.Chemyo 99%+ Pure Third Party Tested SARMsDisclaimer: The information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. Chemyo Review Product Name: SARMs And RU58841Brand: ChemyoOverall4.9Third Party TestingAccurate DosingPricingBatch Consistency
How Much Do Natural Testosterone Levels Decrease Per Year As You Get Older?
Many health authorities state that natural Testosterone levels decrease by 1% per year.This figure is incorrect, and is not based on bioavailable Testosterone.[embedded content]Once men enter their 30’s and start to get closer to being middle-aged, their endogenous Testosterone production starts to steadily decline.This is well understood, but how accurate is the 1% per year figure commonly thrown around?In general, not very accurate when all things are considered.On the surface, total testosterone levels decline by 0.8 to 1.6 percent on average in men over the age of 40 [R].But, that’s not the value that actually matters.Most will look at total testosterone levels as a way to measure adequate hormone levels.The fact is, you could have a 900 ng/dL total testosterone level and still experience low testosterone symptoms if you don’t have an optimal SHBG and free testosterone level.At the end of the day, free testosterone levels will show you exactly how much testosterone is actually available to be used in tissues.If you have high testosterone production, but more of it is being bound up by SHBG and albumin than should be, it won’t matter what your total testosterone level is on paper.If you have a sky high total testosterone level, but a very low free testosterone level, you will not have enough usable testosterone available to tissues to support optimal function.With that in mind, we have to also consider the fact that sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels increase by 1.6% per year [R].Not only do natural testosterone levels decrease, but we also have a concurrent increase in the main protein in the body responsible for binding up usable testosterone and preventing it from transcribing its effects in tissues.As you would expect taking both factors into consideration, free testosterone levels in the body decline even more substantially.With total testosterone levels decreasing, there is less testosterone in the body, and with an increase in SHBG, even more of that further declining testosterone gets rendered unusable.Because of this, bioavailable testosterone levels decrease by 2 to 3 percent per year on average.2 to 3 percent of your usable testosterone per year is substantial, and expectedly will often eventually lead to significant detriment to quality of life.Now, how is this random statistic useful to real world application?Well, armed with this knowledge you can more accurately interpret blood work, and I will detail exactly what tests you need to get done to actually assess your hormone profile.Most doctors are quick to send you packing if your total testosterone levels are in range, even if you still have chronic low testosterone symptoms.First of all, most doctors have no idea what the difference between total and free testosterone levels are, and secondly, most of the doctors who know what the difference is still have no idea how to order accurate high sensitivity hormone testing.On paper you could have a total testosterone level of 800 ng/dL but still experience horrendous low testosterone symptoms if free testosterone, estradiol and SHBG aren’t being tested properly.Most of the time, a doctor will write you a requisition to get your hormones assessed via a primitive methodology known as electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA).This is an outdated assay that is not accurate, especially if you use exogenous hormones.It is not uncommon to have a critical hormone incorrectly show as “healthy” in the middle of the reference range when high sensitivity testing would reveal that you are actually severely deficient.I have verified this now several times myself with both Estrogen testing and Testosterone testing.At minimum, these are the exact tests you should be getting to assess your hormone profile:Total Testosterone determined using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS)Free Testosterone determined using Equilibrium Dialysis or Equilibrium UltrafiltrationEstradiol determined using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS)Sex Hormone binding Globulin, Serum (SHBG)DHT, DHEA and Pregnenolone would be useful to have too, but the tests above are the main ones that will ultimately determine if you are functioning at a high level or not.To simplify things, this is the comprehensive blood test I recommend that you get to assess your health as a whole: Male Athletic Anti-Aging PanelIt is the best overall panel offered for men in all regards for health status evaluation, but the garbage Testosterone testing using direct analog enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and ECLIA is what is included in the panel.You will need to add Testosterone, Free, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS separately to your cart as the comprehensive panel I recommend only comes with sensitive assay Estradiol testing.Related