By G Says
October 12, 2023
3 min read


5:55 – I am 60 years old and now I am off season, I have gained 31 pounds over my normal competition weight, I am not fat, but I feel pain in the body. In your opinion, don’t you think it would be better at this age to gain a little less weight off season and stay close to comp weight
9:57 – Your thoughts on berberine for blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity?
15:10 – Live episode of After Hours at the Olympia?
18:15 – I’m looking at hip and shoulder replacement surgery- I’m to the point where walking is really painful and limited. Considering stem cell. How about collagen supplementation to help/ heal/ build cartilage? Any reason behind this/ product?
24:37 – If injectable dbol is dosed at 50mg per ml, do i need to take it daily and inject a few times a day like the oral version or just take my dose all at once every day?
25:46 – How do you dose lantus starting out? At 25 ius a day? And would you take the shot closer or farther from the hgh shot?
27:50 – My Nutropin premixed HGH was put in the freezer by mistake for 1 night , do you think it’s still good? It says on the box never to freeze it. My doctor couldn’t tell me if it’s still good.
30:13 – Are the raw cacao bars ever coming back? When is the next “Secrets to Becoming a Diet Guru” course?
33:07 – Should we take orals on show day, considering the risk of bloating?
34:11 – How do pros hire guru? Cost? Criteria? What percentage of winnings does a coach take?
38:35 – Bodybuilder’s question about cholesterol (and health issues, stroke).
42:55 – Legendary sportscaster Al Michaels claims he’s never eaten a vegetable, claims man does not need veggies to survive.


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