Masteron: Anabolic Steroid Profile

Very few anabolic steroids have enjoyed the success of Masteron in therapeutic applications. For over two decades Masteron was the go-to drug for the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in the US and elsewhere in the world.(1) It has a strong anti-estrogenic effect which prevents cancer cells from binding to estrogen receptors in mammary tissue….

Equipoise: Anabolic Steroid Profile

Along with Trenbolone, Equipoise, commonly called EQ amongst bodybuilders, is a veterinary-grade drug that has slowly made its way into performance enhancement. Well, it was available for human use briefly. But it was one of the compounds that was discontinued in the 1970s and since then, has largely been available in the veterinary drug market….

Clenbuterol: Potent Fat Burner Profile

Ever since Ephedrine was banned in the United States, there has been a dearth of viable alternatives that can selectively help burn body fat. Not that Ephedrine isn’t available in the black market. But if you are prepping for a competition, or just want to peel off the last few layers of stubborn body fat…

Are legal Steroids for real?

Frustration can begin to set in your bodybuilding or fitness journey when you reach a plateau, which is most likely to occur once you cross 30-35. No matter how hard you try, the weights just seem to get harder and harder to lift. You cannot break through it, be it muscle gain or fat loss….

Anadrol: Anabolic steroid profile

Anadrol or the A-Bomb is often called the ‘Dry Dianabol’. That’s no mean feat folks, for Dianabol is hands down, the most powerful oral anabolic steroid in the world. A common gripe that steroid users have with Dianabol though, is that it is a ‘wet’ compound. In other words, while it will get you big…

Testzol – Review 2

A lot of athletes start self-administering Testosterone because doctors in general, take a safety-first approach. Even if you have low T, You’ll typically be prescribed something like Clomid first. Then it will be Andro Gel or something similar. Only if this doesn’t work out as planned, will they consider low dose TRT. The process can…

Dekzol – Review 2

Fitness buffs looking to stay natural for life have limited choices when it comes to supplements that can enhance their performance in the gym or in the field. There are protein supplements, amino acids, caffeine-laden pre-workout drinks and at best, some overpriced supplements that are labelled as ‘Testosterone boosters’. But with the arrival of supplements…

DBOZOL – Review 2

What is it about Dianabol that makes it so popular with even the most seasoned bodybuilder? They might be using strong compounds like HGH and Insulin along with grams of testosterone and 19-Nors. But, they will still have some good old Dbol to kick-start their steroid cycles. That’s because Dianabol is the unprecedented king of…

A50ZOL: The legal Anadrol 50 alternative

Anadrol 50 is often called the ‘King of oral mass builders’ because it allows the user to make massive gains in lean muscle tissue.(1) Along with Dianabol, it is used to ‘kick start’ a steroid cycle. That’s a fancy way to say that it works a lot sooner than oil-based injectable steroids that take weeks…

Why you should always be careful when you Buy Anavar online

If you look at the popularity of oral AAS, it has always been a wayward graph. At one point in time, Dianabol was incredibly popular. But as people started to realize that there were better compounds that could be run with lesser risk, they started to veer away from Dbol. Ditto with Winny. But Var’s…