Chef Rush On The Hardest Part Of Fitness Success: “A Lot Of Times You’ll Be By Yourself”

By Presser
November 10, 2021
3 min read

Chef Rush reflects back on his success and details the hardest part of success in this industry.

Chef Rush started out as a viral meme. He was the “bodybuilding white house chef.” Over time he turned that wave of attention into an entire career. He’s written a book, is set to start in many high profile TV projects, and always uses his platform to spread awareness about important causes. While his internet fame might have seemed immediate, his journey to success was not an easy one. In our latest GI Exclusive, Chef Rush talks about the hardest part of attaining success in fitness and entertainment.

Chef Rush could have had his 15 minutes of fame and then faded into the massive pile of viral personalities that disappear as fast as they’ve arrived. Instead, Rush was able to transform his opportunity into multiple entrepreneurial endeavors. He’s now an iconic name in fitness, nutrition, and health. In our latest video conversation, we asked Chef Rush about his latest book and what it was like to look back on his life and rise to success. He called it, “A blessing.”

And while Chef Rush does truly feel blessed, he also knows that his success comes directly from sacrifice and hard workout throughout the years. If there’s one message he wants to share with aspiring individuals in fitness, it’s this: the hardest part of this industry is navigating the loneliness.

Chef Rush certainly has close people in his life, but he admits that rising through success in fitness and entertainment opens your eyes to those who want to take advantage of you. He mentions that he’s had to leave family members behind and also friends. He reflects on many moments where the only way for him to succeed without sacrificing his own sense of self – was to only rely on himself.

“This industry, and you know this, I had to cut loose a lot of people. Family, friends, because of this mindset,” Chef Rush states in our interview. He goes on:

“And I’m doing this I’ve had to do everything by myself. I’ve had agents and I’ve had lawyers and I was called a serial firer because if I’m working harder than you, there’s a problem… and instead of us being successful together, everyone wanted to take from the top. I’ve always had that self motivation which you’re always going to need because a lot of times you’re going to be by yourself. And that’s the hard part.”

When applying this to bodybuilding specifically, the sport can already be a lonely one. The dedication to be a true champion pro bodybuilder does not jive well with normal life. Add to this the success that might come with it – and those who suddenly want to latch onto you to reap the benefits. It can be a real struggle. It’s important to not be exploited nor to become an exploiter yourself.

For Chef Rush, his therapy is ultimately helping others. That’s the guiding light that helped him get through times when he had to trudge through the industry alone to get out the other side successful. His advice for others is to do the same. Learn to not lose yourself as you rise in the industry.

You can watch Chef Rush’s full comments in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

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