Eddie Hall has now raised his offer to Hafthor Bjornsson to $200,000.
The boxing match between Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson has plenty of hype and there is not even a date set yet. This began with plenty of personal history but the stakes have been raised in recent weeks. Now, Hall is willing to offer $200,000 for a charity match against Bjornsson.
This began with an original offer of $100,000 from Hall. This money would be donated by the loser of the fight to the charity of choice of the winner. This adds another exciting dynamic to a boxing match that has been a long time coming.In a recent Instagram post, Hall doubled his original offer.
“Well, it’s been over a week and he’s ignored me, and I’ve heard from a mutual friend that he doesn’t want to do the deal because he’s scared to lose. Which, I don’t blame him. So, I want to make this a bit easier for you Thor, and please everyone put pressure on him now. So the new deal is, if I beat you, you have to pay $100,000 to my choice of charity. If you beat me, I will pay $200,000 to your choice of charity.”
“Come on now, don’t ignore me, this is for charity. We’ll get the promoter to put it right into the contract, so there’s no getting out of it. So everyone put pressure on Thor, and don’t ignore me again. Let’s pull the deal on this, let’s do something good for charity.”
During his video, Hall mentions that be believes Bjornsson did not accept his offer because of a fear of losing. Because of this, he raised the stakes to try and persuade the strongman turned boxer to accept the challenge.
Eddie Hall suffered a torn tricep that kept him out of the original fight scheduled for September. This allowed Devon Larratt to step in his place and take on Hafthor Bjornsson. The two have been linked for years now in the sport of strongman. This is because of deadlift world records and World’s Strongest Man competitions. Now, the two have a chance to meet in the ring to see who is the better boxer.
Hafthor Bjornsson has more experience in the ring under his belt but Eddie Hall has been training through his injury. Now that he is back to seriously gearing up to take on Bjornsson, he has made it clear that a wager for charity is on the table.
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