Five reasons for you to buy Anadrol before any other oral steroid

October 17, 2024
6 min read

You are cruising along with your TRT dose of testosterone and are pretty happy with the way you feel.

But, there’s always room for more when it comes to fitness, isn’t there?

You could get bigger, you could look more vascular, the pumps are not quite there yet.

So you are raring to try an oral steroid, your first one.

Most people on the internet and in the gym will recommend Anavar as the perfect oral to go with Test.

Sure, Var is an amazing compound.

But if it were us, we would go for an oral that can help us make more gains in the same time.

That’s why you should buy Anadrol.

Anadrol is a mighty good compound to start your oral steroid cycle journey with. But it’s very underrated for what it can do.

Dianabol, which is a much wetter compound, surprisingly gets more attention.

If you have never thought to buy Anadrol, then here are five reasons why you must seriously consider it.

#1 – Anadrol is as powerful a mass builder as Dianabol

First things first, why would someone consider adding an oral steroid to an injectable steroid cycle?

While individual fitness goals can vary, in most cases, it is to accelerate the rate at which your body is building muscle.

Oral steroids are known to produce very dramatic gains that would be impossible to make solely with injectable steroids.

In such a scenario, Anavar is a very poor choice. It is a very safe and gentle steroid. But gains wise, it’s meh.

If you decide to buy Anadrol on the other hand, you are in for the ride of your life.

This shit will make you huge in a span of just two weeks. Your traps will explode along with your delts.

If you eat in a slight surplus, you can expect to gain up to 20 lbs. by the end of your cycle. If you are looking to dirty bulk, you can gain up to 40 lbs. without too much fat on the abdomen.

Oh yeah, those numbers can be achieved with Anadrol.

#2 – It makes you vascular and pumped

Any time you gain 20 lbs. in a span of 6-8 weeks, you’d be foolish to believe that all of that is lean muscle tissue.

A lot of the gains will be water and glycogen, no doubt.

But unlike Dianabol, Anadrol does not make you look puffy.

You will notice increased vascularity along with the mass.

Think about how you’d look if you were huge and veiny at the same time. Gives you that freakish, ‘on roids’ look that you cannot get with any other compound.

Superdrol maybe. But that’s horrible for your liver.

That’s one of the reasons why you are better off if you buy Anadrol instead of Dbol or Sdrol or any other mass builder.

#3 – The rollover is not severe

Since you do not gain up to 80% water with your Anadrol cycle, the rollover, where you lose the water when you come off the compound is not as severe as it is with Dianabol.

If you have gained 20 lbs. on Anadrol, you’ll lose maybe 6-8 lbs. tops.

The rest will be keepable muscle gains that you can easily maintain with your injectable steroids, a good diet and a quality fitness routine.

What would you rather gain? 30 lbs. dramatically and then lose 20 lbs. equally fast?

Or 20 lbs. of hard, pumped muscle and lose 6-8 lbs. when you come off it?

I think the answer is pretty self-explanatory. Buy Anadrol!

#4 – You can get legit Anadrol for sale

How many times have you read horror stories linked with buying steroids online?

A quick google search will show you hundreds of websites with fancy colors and banners offering pharma grade gear. But when you order, something else shows up.

Its gear brewed in a backyard factory by some college dropout.

You buy Anavar and end up getting Dianabol. You buy Primo and end up getting masteron.

But Anadrol is rarely faked. It is still used extensively in therapeutic applications and chances are that you can easily find pharma grade Anadrol for sale.

True RX grade Drol is just incredible. We’d pick it over other orals any day.

#5 – The aggression and strength gains will be equally dramatic

If Dianabol gives you the king feeling, Anadrol gives you true aggression in the gym.

Anytime of the day, you’ll be ready to hit the gym. Hell you’ll never want to leave the gym in the first place.

Club that with freakish strength gains and you have the perfect recipe for an aggressive workout.

If you are struggling with progressive overload, then grab that Anadrol for sale now.

It will allow you to cruise through your plateaus. You will feel that 1 rep max getting lighter each day and you’ll be ready to add more plates to the bar every time you lift.

All said and done, there are a few sides that must be mentioned, just so that you don’t go unprepared into an Anadrol cycle.

  1. Androgenic sides: If you are prone to androgenic side effects, then Anadrol will unfortunately trigger most of them. You will get acne breakouts, your skin will get as oily as it can get and you might lose hair as well. Finasteride might be helpful to combat hairloss. As far as acne goes, there’s only Accutane that seems to help.
  2. Gyno: Anadrol is not estrogenic. But it does seem to trigger gyno by another biological pathway. It also causes severe BP spikes in some people. If you have preexisting blood pressure problems, then you may need pharma grade BP meds to keep your bp in check. That’s something you might want to consider while looking for Anadrol for sale.
  3. Pumps: Anadrol gives you the most insane pumps in the gym. But in some cases, it can cause extremely painful pumps in the calf and in the lower back.

That’s it folks. Did that convince you to grab that Anadrol for sale right away?

We sure hope it does. It’s a great compound. Sure, it does have some side effects. But so does Panadol.

Run it responsibly and you should make some great gains.

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