Five things you MUST know before you buy Clenbuterol

October 21, 2024
6 min read

Most gym rats who are currently on a winter bulk will buy Clenbuterol for their summer cuts.

It is after all, the number one recommended fat burner on most fitness messaging boards.

But anyone who has cut with Clen will tell you that it isn’t as simple as it is made out to be.

True, Clenbuterol is one of the most powerful fat burning compounds in the world. Also, it has a selective action on fat cells which spares muscle tissue, which is usually not the case if you are on a very restrictive diet.

So, you can preserve your muscle and burn fat, giving you the perfect aesthetic physique in a span of weeks.

That said, there are a few caveats that anyone who decided to buy Clenbuterol must be aware of.

#1 – Clenbuterol will only be effective if you are already lean

This is something that must accompany every post or blog that recommends Clenbuterol for fat burning. Anyone who’s not telling you this is either unaware of things, has never used clen themselves, or are trying to sell you their wares.

You see, Clenbuterol does burn fat. But it isn’t some magic bullet that’s going to turn you from an obese couch potato to a ripped fitness model in a span of weeks.

If you are at more than 25% body fat, you are not going to notice a visible difference in your body fat levels with Clenbuterol.

That’s because you will be dosing Clenbuterol for a maximum span of 4-6-weeks, after which you will have to stop using the drug. (We’ll explain why)

At that body fat percentage, that time duration is too short even with Clenbuterol to notice visible changes.

You know what will work better? A diet and a workout routine until you are at 15-18% body fat. Then 4-6-weeks with Clen will get them abs popping.

#2 – You will still have to diet and exercise on Clen

Sorry if we sound like a broken record, but even if you buy Clenbuterol, you’ll still have to diet. There’s no free rides folks.

This means that you’ll still have to eat in a calorie deficit, and/or do cardio.

The difference is that your deficit does not have to be severe.

You can eat just 100 calories less and still burn a lot more fat than you’d normally do. If you add cardio to it, the fat just gets torched.

Now, Clenbuterol will raise your resting heart rate by quite a bit. So when you do your cardio, you’ll need to constantly monitor your heart rate and ensure that it’s in the safe zone.

Also, any type of HIIT workouts are best avoided. Just a normal 45-minute walk on a treadmill will leave you sweating and gasping for wind.

#3 – Clenbuterol can make you feel wired

One of the things that you need to be prepared for, before you buy Clenbuterol is the jittery feeling that it causes.

Clenbuterol is a very powerful sympathomimetic nervous system stimulant. It stimulates the nervous system, which in turn increases the basal metabolic rate of your body by up to 10%.

A 10% increase in basal metabolism may not seem like much. But the stimulant effects can be extremely severe. So much so, that many athletes quit their Clenbuterol cycles midway.

Others use a rotational dosage protocol that allows them to use low doses of the drug, that minimizes the stimulant effect, while still allowing them to lose fat.

#4 – You’ll rarely get UGL Clenbuterol for sale

The only Clenbuterol that is available in the market is RX grade, that is imported from Europe and Asia.

You’ll rarely get home brewed Clenbuterol for sale. In fact, even if you do, you’d have to be doubly sure about the vendor because there is a high possibility that it may be laced with DNP, a cheaper, but more toxic chemical.

The point that we are trying to drive home is that don’t get swayed by cheap prices. When it comes to Clenbuterol for sale, buy pharma grade even if it costs a little extra.

You do not want to be caught unaware with DNP. That shit can cook you from within.

#5 – You will have to narrow down on a dosage protocol

Many first timers pick up Clenbuterol for sale without really knowing how to use it.

Rookie mistake.

One of the trickiest parts of using Clenbuterol is to get the dosage right.

There are different ways of doing this.

The incremental dosage protocol: Clenbuterol is mostly available as 20mcg tablets. You start with the lowest dose, that is 20mcg and bump it up by 20mcg every two days. By the end of week 2, you should be at 100mcg or slightly more. Then you stop using Clenbuterol for two weeks and restart at 20mcg. Use this protocol until you achieve your fitness goals. The advantage of this method is that you will
always be using Clenbuterol for a maximum time of 2-weeks. The disadvantage is that you lose the stimulant effect when you go off the drug. Also, 100mcg is a strong dosage of Clen. You might have that jittery feeling for days or even weeks after you stop using it.

The slow ramp protocol: You start with 20mcg and hold it at this dose for a week. Then you bump it up to 40mcg and hold this dose for a week. This way, you use Clen for up to 6-weeks. By the end of week-6, you should be at 120mcg. You always have the option to stop at a lower dose if the side effects are getting out of hand. Just because you bought a whole bunch of Clenbuterol for sale, doesn’t mean
that you’ve got to run a max dose cycle.

The steady dose protocol: Last but not the least, you can start with a slightly higher dose of Clenbuterol, like 40mcg and hold it at this dose for 4-6 weeks. This is a very low dose of Clen that can still produce great results mind you. You don’t always need to ramp up the dose unless you have a competition or a photo shoot coming up. You are less likely to experience the jitters and other sides
associated with it, at this dosage.

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