im with you guys the HGH AND slin I agree with everything else is bs... I know a few 300 pond bb and they do not run that amount of gear slin and hgh yes and more in some cases .. I think most stay around 500 to a 1000 mg depending on season or off season
I am having the exact same problems like when I get in the sun and come inside my eyes don't want to focus I am on my third bottle . I was told it was because I had just turned 40 started about 3 weeks ago and can be quit annoying at times
Okay guys here is a photo of me after 4 weeks of a clean diet and my cardarine run. Sorry I don't have a comparison photo but I am very pleased with my results I'm about 5 lbs lighter than when I started .. My morning weight is 206 right now .. My show isn't till July so I don't think I'll have...
I like Cialis at 5 mg a day just for over all health .. I recently purchased some strips from clear sky pharmacy that you drop under youre tongue its fast acting shit is amazing in 15 minutes you can bust brick walls down lol
Love this product started using about a year ago and I am what you call white cracker...Now I am darker than most Mexicans and can stay in the sun all day with out getting burnt.. it ALSO GIVES SOME SERIOUS BONERS LOL... I use to only get red and not tan now im very dark
Okay guys so after a lil over a week of this and I will say about day 4 the cardarine kicked in my endurance is crazy my muscles give out but im ready to go.. Started my cardio for my up coming contest cut on Saturday.. Ran 4 miles with ease but my legs were on fire.. CARDARINE IS LEGIT THANKS...
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