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  • Shouldn't take long at all. Less than 2 weeks, but I usually get mine within a week. What did you order? I haven't ordered anything since the ban, because I thought all that stuff was no longer available. Here's a link to my log if you're interested. (http://www.musclechemistry.com/upload/peptides-questions-and-answers-/74178-igf-prohormone-cycle-log.html) I had the best results in week 4 of using the Trest Ace for the first time ( I gained roughly 8 lbs in the first 4 weeks). I have lost about 15lbs since then, but I kept all of my muscle growth. I have kept measurements, so what I lost was fat and water. I about to start back up next month. Can't wait! Hit me up any time u have any questions. My log is pretty detailed though.
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