no results SMH


New member
this is my 10th week on this cycle. I bought enough sarms for 16 weeks and feel like I’m getting nothing out of them. My way is only up one or two pounds and that’s probably just from eating a meal. Using lgd, rad, and nutrobal. Not seeing any changes to my appetite and not seeing any changes to my strength something is definitely wrong here.
I would not recommend using this source for your sarms
this is my 10th week on this cycle. I bought enough sarms for 16 weeks and feel like I’m getting nothing out of them. My way is only up one or two pounds and that’s probably just from eating a meal. Using lgd, rad, and nutrobal. Not seeing any changes to my appetite and not seeing any changes to my strength something is definitely wrong here.
I would not recommend using this source for your sarms actually spikes all sarms with prohormones
you might as well just buy pros if you use them