adjusting macros according to diet


New member
what would be your advice to adjusting my macros on my next cycle?
I’m going to be running around 500 milligrams of steroids, 250 of EQ and 250 of test.
Right now I’m eating 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fats. Some people say to up the protein to 60%, some say keep thing as is. My goals are more strength and muscle.
what would be your advice to adjusting my macros on my next cycle?
I’m going to be running around 500 milligrams of steroids, 250 of EQ and 250 of test.
Right now I’m eating 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fats. Some people say to up the protein to 60%, some say keep thing as is. My goals are more strength and muscle.
i think you should up the fats and drop the carbs
thats better