osgear.se worst steroid cycle of my life


New member
been on their test 500mgs a week, dbol and their tren. This is the worst cycle of my life. The first part I was seeing good results and my gains were improving. 2nd half of the cycle was a disaster.
Getting horrible acne, I feel like I’m gonna have a stroke because my heart’s pounding out of my chest when I have sex or when I work out, I can’t do any cardio, in my entire body aches all the time. I think this might be dirty gear or I think this gear might be poisoning my body it’s crazy. Osgear has let me down this time
been on their test 500mgs a week, dbol and their tren. This is the worst cycle of my life. The first part I was seeing good results and my gains were improving. 2nd half of the cycle was a disaster.
Getting horrible acne, I feel like I’m gonna have a stroke because my heart’s pounding out of my chest when I have sex or when I work out, I can’t do any cardio, in my entire body aches all the time. I think this might be dirty gear or I think this gear might be poisoning my body it’s crazy. Osgear has let me down this time
osgear.se is approved here
so you are lying dude