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Halotestin brings a lot on the plate for bodybuilders and fitness people.

Halotestin triggers the production of red blood cells by causing the release of erythropoietic stimulating factors. More red blood cells mean more oxygen and nutrients can be supplied to the muscles and tissues for their healthy growth.

Increased supply of oxygen and other important nutrients also results in faster recovery from any sort of injury.

As it increases the synthesis of many important proteins, muscle building and bulking becomes relatively easy, and your bones are strengthened as well.

A balanced nitrogen cycle also improves muscle growth and helps meet the goals of Bodybuilders because the right amount of proteins are available for muscle growth. This enhances the overall strength and energy of the bodybuilders.

One of the peculiar features of Halotestin is that it increases the aggression levels in the users. This can be considered an advantage because it can be used as a motivator to perform the more intense workout and climb up in the respective game.

Perhaps Halotestin is famous for its cutting cycle, which means it helps get rid of excess body fat. It cuts down excess fat deposited in the body by creating a calorie deficit in the body.

This not only improves lean muscle mass but also protects your body from any muscle wastage. This, in turn, gives a solid and impressive physique.


If you're a beginner, then you should start with 10-20mg of Halotestin.

If your body responds well to your small initial dose, you can then go up to 40mg per day.

Remember that this is the maximum dosage that you should be looking for. Anything above 40mg is unsafe and may account for severe side effects.

Some people often opt for 20-30mg for the first three weeks but boost up to 40mg in the final week.

You can either take it as a single dose or split it into 2-3 small doses. I would advise doing the latter, considering the pharmacokinetics of Halotestin.

Halotestin Cycling​

The typical cycling duration is 2-4 weeks. Many people use this because it minimizes the onset of any side effects caused by Halotestin.

You might see some bodybuilders having a longer cycle. This can put them at a higher risk of experiencing side effects.
In the bodybuilding world Halotestin is considered a very popular choice for power lifters and strength athletes; however, it is also a great hardener and cutter steroid for bodybuilders. Those that use halo will report an increase in strength very quickly without water weight being put on, this is due to the ridiculous anabolic and androgenic ratio's. On paper halo is almost 20X more anabolic than testosterone and is almost 10X more androgenic. Now, I am not sure those figures are accurate in reality but having used halo, and if you read around the message boards, it is definitely one of the most potent AAS you will ever use.

The amazing part of this compound is that it has no estrogenic activity as mentioned earlier so your gains are water free. This makes it a popular finisher in cycles before a contest.

Unfortunately like all things in life you have to take the good with the bad. First off, as you can probably assume, Halotestin is very liver toxic so you can't use this compound for a long period of time or at high dosages. Also, since it is so harsh and potent and will increase strength so rapidly, you can expect to feel worn down and feeling tired while on. The main issue may be the fact that halo will cause red blood cell count to increase rapidly. This can be counter productive and affect many aspects of your life, including your workouts and your sleep.

It is crucial you take support supplements to help with your lipid strain. A smart option would be N2guard at 10-12 caps per day, and also being careful not to disrupt your sleeping patterns while on. You also want to use calories as fuel so you do not feel worn down. Those who are in a caloric deficit will get incredible results potentially, but will pay a price and feel run down the entire run. Giving blood is a good idea as well.

Dosage of halo should never exceed 40mg a day or you are going into the danger zone of abusing this steroid. It should also never exceed 5-6 weeks and to be honest 4 weeks might be a smarter cap because this is a steroid that you might get tired of using, no pun intended.

Some lifters like to take 10mg before their workout for an added boost and spread out the rest of their dosage during the day. Since halo has a short half life (6-8hours) this strategy has merit. I personally when I am focusing on strength during the year will run 20-30mgs a day total, and take 10-20mgs 2 hours before my strength workout for an added punch.