
Testosterone Cypionate is another ester of the testosterone hormone and is one of then most widely used esters by bodybuilders and athletes.

Test Cyp has a half life of about 10 to 12 days so is a slower release steroid that is usually used in longer cycles of up to 14 weeks.

Test Cypionate has a longer half life than the otherwise very similar and equally popular Testosterone Enanthate that results in raised testosterone for about two weeks.

Like all the testosterone esters, testosterone cypionate is highly effective on its own and can also be used with other types of steroids in a stacked cycle as it has high compatibility. It can take between four and six weeks to really start seeing the positive effects of a new Test C cycle.

Some of the big benefits you will experience when using Test Cypionate at a higher dosage for performance and bodybuilding purposes include:
  • Boosts protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, IGF-1 hormone, and keeps the body in a prime anabolic state to promote muscle growth, fat loss and, endurance muscle repair.
  • Encourages the growth of lean muscle and the loss of fat making it ideal for a bulking cycle.
  • It’s also ideal for cutting cycles as it helps retain lean muscle while fat being burnt, while also maintaining strength levels which can often otherwise suffer during heavy dieting phases.
  • Enhances athletic and muscular performance with increased endurance and the ability to workout longer and harder without tiring as quickly as you normally would, ensuring faster progress towards your results.
  • Recovery is enhanced with an increase in red blood cells getting greater amounts of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

Whatever your goals are, your Testosterone Cypionate can be tailored to meet them and this is a steroid that is considered one of the safest to use at bodybuilding doses where muscle gain is the main goal. Regardless of your experience level, the recommended dosage frequency is twice weekly injections to maximize and maintain your blood levels of the steroid.

This is a versatile steroid that can effectively be used from as low as 200mg weekly for beginners, right up to 1000mg per week for advanced users, with intermediate users often settling for 400mg to 600mg weekly for a very effective muscle growth dosage while still being able to control side effects.

While it might be tempting to increase the dosage to above 1000mg to increase gains, doing so also brings about heightened estrogen and androgenic side effects that are not worth the trade-off for the extra gains and dosing this high is not recommended.
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