Gentropin HGH

I noticed this thread is from 2016 and since I am looking for reviews on this very product, could you provide an update? Thx

- - - Updated - - -

Hey, how was your experience? did you get any more info on this brand? I just got back from Mexico and am in same situation as you were back in March of 22. thx

ill kick this thread up for ya again today and see if someone has a review to share on it now.
I've been using it for about 4 months now. Seems legit, I've had no issues. Buying in MX where I live. I'm doing about 2 IU / day. I'll be getting some bloodwork soon so will try to remember to post an update
Awesome! So I'm in my early forties, been lifting hard and training full contact martial arts for over a decade. My body is pretty beat up, so about 4 months ago I started running about 2/IU of this HGH a day. I'm on TRT fwiw.

My goals are: faster recovery, better performance, hopefully help in the healing of some injuries I've accumulated over the years that I'm doing PT on. Plus some of the other benefits I've read about like better sleep, better mood, etc.

What I've noticed so far: Body recomp. Shedding some visceral body fat I didn't even know I had. I'm a sleeping like a baby which is awesome. I do seem to have a bit more of my previous energy levels when sparring. No sides affects. I keep an eye on my fasting glucose and that's actually improved, probably from the fat loss. Sometimes I get a little tingling in my wrists a few hours after injection, but it's minor and goes away

Like with TRT, I'm aiming to keep my levels at the top of the healthy range so I can feel good and keep it going for the long haul. I'm about due for some bloodwork anyway so I'm going to include GH in there and see how things are going with my protocol.

I'm new to HGH so any advice from you more seassoned vets is appreciated
Awesome! So I'm in my early forties, been lifting hard and training full contact martial arts for over a decade. My body is pretty beat up, so about 4 months ago I started running about 2/IU of this HGH a day. I'm on TRT fwiw.

My goals are: faster recovery, better performance, hopefully help in the healing of some injuries I've accumulated over the years that I'm doing PT on. Plus some of the other benefits I've read about like better sleep, better mood, etc.

What I've noticed so far: Body recomp. Shedding some visceral body fat I didn't even know I had. I'm a sleeping like a baby which is awesome. I do seem to have a bit more of my previous energy levels when sparring. No sides affects. I keep an eye on my fasting glucose and that's actually improved, probably from the fat loss. Sometimes I get a little tingling in my wrists a few hours after injection, but it's minor and goes away

Like with TRT, I'm aiming to keep my levels at the top of the healthy range so I can feel good and keep it going for the long haul. I'm about due for some bloodwork anyway so I'm going to include GH in there and see how things are going with my protocol.

I'm new to HGH so any advice from you more seassoned vets is appreciated
@utility9 you're doing right, I like your HGH with TRT stance and I think you can do a big recomp too but the MC family can help you get to the next level and grow and get leaner. But to do this, can you please share you LOG in a new thread for us? and we can guide you from there. :)

To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the Steroids SARMS Peptides Forum

top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My TRT HGH cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals
@utility9 you're doing right, I like your HGH with TRT stance and I think you can do a big recomp too but the MC family can help you get to the next level and grow and get leaner. But to do this, can you please share you LOG in a new thread for us? and we can guide you from there. :)

To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the Steroids SARMS Peptides Forum

top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My TRT HGH cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals
@utility9 id like to see your log as well
can you share?
@utility9 you're doing right, I like your HGH with TRT stance and I think you can do a big recomp too but the MC family can help you get to the next level and grow and get leaner. But to do this, can you please share you LOG in a new thread for us? and we can guide you from there. :)

To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the Steroids SARMS Peptides Forum

top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My TRT HGH cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals

This is great, thank you @BodybuildingChampMC 🙏