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  1. D

    Obesity Paradoxes: Fat But Still Fit?

    Omg. As if fat people NEEDED a reason to stay fat. Now they got one.
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    PEG-IGF-1: improved IGF-1 analogue

    Interesting. I wonder how it pertains to gains. And I thought the long 3 form of igf helped resolve the short time igf is in the system.
  3. D

    Sex, Lies and Pharmaceuticals – how drug companies exploit female sexual dysfunction

    Women not wanting to have sex all the time is abnormal? Could of fooled me.
  4. D

    Jon Delrosa top USA competor - 11 weeks out

    Big upper body and legs with his small waist gives him a good x frame too
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    HD quality TV guys here, is it worth it or no?

    Imo the good tv is more important than the HD service. You got the good tv so you're set.
  6. D

    HGH at 2iu?

    Two IU sounds right for your goals. Six plus months is adequate time as you have planned.
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    jason huh one week out

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    Someone who literally cant speak 3 sentences correctly getting over 100k per

    After 8 years, I would have gotten it down. Lol I want a president like terry crews in Idiocracy.
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    Someone who literally cant speak 3 sentences correctly getting over 100k per

    i wish someone paid me to speak just because I was born into a particular family.
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    Do you rinse your deli meat?

    Yea. Ranks right up there with using a napkin to blot oil and grease off pizza.
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    Recent Leg Shot

    Lunges are one of the best exercises for legs. But they kill me everytime
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    Training legs...

    Wish my wheels grew easy. They don't like volume but they do like higher reps.
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    winny question.

    ED will keep blood levels more stable IMO. Probably wouldn't notice a difference gains wise....but side might be worse going EOD
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    Peptide called Tb 500 for race horses

    Sounds like GH for horses.
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    The Dude at 6 1/2 weeks

    Actually see the most changes in your back since last pics. Cuts are starting to come in more.
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    Do you rinse your deli meat?

    I agree with press. It wont help much.
  17. D

    Biggest pet peeve at the gym?

    The 300lb lard ass who mean mugs cause he thinks he's big.