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  1. cybrsage

    Guys who say they fuck for over an hour are

    Those who are proud of it are liars. Those who are frustrated by it are telling the truth. No one honestly wants to go for hours, neither men nor women. I always make sure my woman is pleased first and then I just want sweet release...
  2. cybrsage

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    I love the stuff. I have to force myself to take breaks from it now and again.
  3. cybrsage

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    For me, I found that 30 mg per day is my sweet spot. It varies from person to person though. I would keep slowly raising the amount until you see diminishing gains and then back off.
  4. cybrsage

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    3j can speak for himself, but I'm going to make a stab at it first. I would say a caloric deficit is the best thing to do to lose body fat. Do this by reduced food intake, increased activity, or the best choice which is a combination of the two.
  5. cybrsage

    What would you like to see The MuscleChemistry Store Carry ??

    It is of you get a good source. I loved it after I learned to time my dosing.
  6. cybrsage

    New GW studies done!

    They gave the animals a high dose. In humans, it is recommended to start at 10mg a day (no need to split it up) for a week, then increase by 5mg a week until you reach the point of diminishing returns, then back down. For most people, that would be at 20mg a day (which is why most people start...
  7. cybrsage

    Glutathione - The Bodys Most Important Antioxidant.

    I can voice for the effectiveness of NAC on aiding the liver. I had been a very heavy drinker for a few decades (now stopped) and I have permanent liver damage. My normal ALT/AST numbers are always several dozen points above the max limit. I take 600mg of NAC a day during normal daily life...
  8. cybrsage

    New GW studies done!

    The May issue of Cell Metabolism has a study that looked much deeper into GW and how it works, etc. Their results are a bit surprising. I will quote the study and then give an overview of what it says. The source is here:
  9. cybrsage

    SARM LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

    The best thing about SARMs is that they are both legal to buy and sell (in the US and Canada at least), they are just not legal for human consumption. What this means is that if you buy them you will never have LE showing up at your door - they would have no reason to!
  10. cybrsage

    My DNP log

    Looking forward to the results.
  11. cybrsage

    Push's Cycle Log

    Glad she is on board with it all. Makes life MUCH easier.
  12. cybrsage

    Push's Cycle Log

    Damn brother! You look amazing!
  13. cybrsage

    Push's Cycle Log

    You look amazing!!! Can I borrow a few pounds of muscle for the weekend? :)
  14. cybrsage

    SARM LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

    Start with 5mg, bump it up to 10mg after two weeks and see how it feels. If you like it more, keep it higher, if not, drop back down. :)
  15. cybrsage


    I would also add GW50 to that stack to give you a large endurance boost. Really helps with cardio.
  16. cybrsage


  17. cybrsage


    I started taking PB Assist+ from DoTerra - it is a special probiotic (and prebiotic) and it changed me from only pooping every 2 to 3 days to pooping every single day. Just one capsule each morning with breakfast and I am good. Took a few days to kick in. I have a friend who sells DoTerra and...
  18. cybrsage

    My DNP log

    You seem to be responding really well to this!
  19. cybrsage


    Agreed, that is a good amount to help offset the muscle loss.
  20. cybrsage

    Russian Barbie I like her alot alot

    It has a heavy filter on it in the first picture - a softening filter, which makes her look unreal (because it is not what she really looks like). In most of the others, there is no filter and she does still look odd to me too.