Search results

  1. cybrsage

    SARM LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

    I think using AAS and SARMs in combo is a very smart thing to do. They compliment each other very well. LGD is highly suppressive, so using it with a test base is a great idea. I love adding GW50 to the mix for the extra endurance it provides.
  2. cybrsage

    Trestolone or Ment. Are you experienced?

    Please do so and let us know!!
  3. cybrsage

    Trestalone Acetate. On-going review. least I think ot is!
  4. cybrsage

    Trestolone or Ment. Are you experienced?

    I would love a longer ester also.
  5. cybrsage

    Trestolone or Ment. Are you experienced?

    Oh, sorry! I misread what you posted! My bad! I thought you meant the 50mg bottle was $150!
  6. cybrsage

    Trestolone or Ment. Are you experienced?

    That is ridiculous! Good thing PSL has it for far less money than that for a far higher volume. :-)
  7. cybrsage

    Trestalone Acetate. On-going review.

    Your wish has come true, look under New Products!
  8. cybrsage

    Trestolone or Ment. Are you experienced?

    I am highly confident that as of today Joz has found himself a new source for ment. :-)
  9. cybrsage

    Cytomel dosage

    The body only creates 25 MCG a day...the trainer said to take 4 times normal! Go with 5omvgs and feelet better. He is right, the pituitary gland picks back up several days after you stop regardless of the amount you were taking.
  10. cybrsage

    Push's Cycle Log

    Haha, a LOT of autocorrect going on! Let's try again. Damn bro! Fucking Sweet arms!
  11. cybrsage

    Push's Cycle Log

    Damn Brian! Fixing sweet arms!
  12. cybrsage

    Push's Cycle Log

    Holidays and family is worth taking breaks for.
  13. cybrsage

    T3 basic dosage protocal?

    Here are some: </abstracttext> This one says basically the same thing: I found it is better to take T3 at night than in the morning...
  14. cybrsage

    T3 basic dosage protocal?

    The PubMed studies on thyroid function and recovery from long term use of thyroid medicines simply stopped cold turkey. In all cases, some of which was thyroid medicine used for years, the thyroid recovered. I can see ramping down though if you are using very high levels so that you can slowly...
  15. cybrsage

    The preworkout thread

  16. cybrsage

    Growth Hormone for Beginners

    AWESOME, thanks!
  17. cybrsage

    Synthergine- does it work- blood work to show

    Use it during the cycle, to help prevent damage to the liver and keep the numbers low.
  18. cybrsage

    Growth Hormone for Beginners

    I have noticed that I tend to get tired about 30 minutes after taking this normal and, if so, is there a way to mitigate it?
  19. cybrsage

    Merry Christmas sale from pct-shop

    Great gear here folks, message Mountain Man for more info!!
  20. cybrsage

    Depression and AAS Use / Facts

    I would also start looking into Essential Oils and their use to cure the mind and body. The medical community is quickly shifting from calling them pseudo medicine to doing actual pubmed studies showing they work. For example, They recently found that injecting high quality lavender essential...