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  1. dylangemelli and failed promises

    If you just take time to research and look at reviews and feedback, you can easily see that @domestic-supply is the highest rated out there
  2. dylangemelli

    more size and strength on sarms

    I would drop the lgd, you dont need to run it at only 22 years old.. here is a better option with less suppression and side effects for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the...
  3. dylangemelli

    Newb. Injection Pain Question

    why are you using a 23 gauge? there is zero need for that and that can certainly cause unnecessary pain... also, when you use blends, especially if they are not done properly, they can also cause PIP... what length of needle are you using? STOP using a 23 to start with... sometimes it can also...
  4. dylangemelli

    Newb Question

    why are you using a 23 gauge? there is zero need for that and that can certainly cause unnecessary pain... also, when you use blends, especially if they are not done properly, they can also cause PIP... what length of needle are you using? STOP using a 23 to start with... sometimes it can also...
  5. dylangemelli throwing up on their lgd and rad

    By far, the best and most trusted quality is from Umbrella Labs or RCS!
  6. dylangemelli

    dianabol and deca stack for bulking

    It is a typical bulking stack but with the dosing you have laid out, its going to be a sloppy, side effect riddled mess... i would lower test and deca to 250-300 max and dbol 25-30 mg max.. i would keep dbol at 4 weeks and test and deca at 12 weeks...
  7. dylangemelli makes too many mistakes

    The most trusted companies out there with the longest standing and best reputations are Umbrella Labs and RCS!
  8. dylangemelli

    sarms for leaning out

    how are you coming up with this?? seriously? have you done even 5 seconds of research.. ill never understand how one can list a goal and then pick the POLAR OPPOSITE of what to use for said goal... that indicates you literally did ZERO and i mean ZERO research, which means you have ZERO business...
  9. dylangemelli

    ripoff report using

    To ensure you do not run into issues, you should always be diligent in reading reviews and user feedback.. had you done this, you would easily see that @domestic-supply is the best rated out there
  10. dylangemelli

    using s4 worth it vs. sides?

    ive always had s4 as one of my favorite sarms.. you have to use it in the right manner to avoid and/or mitigate the vision side effects.. NOONE can predict IF and TO WHAT EXTENT they may have the side effects but you can be wise in terms of not being abusive with the dose, which certainly gives...
  11. dylangemelli worst source on the planet lol

    Just take a few minutes to read user reviews and feedback and you can easily see that @domestic-supply is the highest rated you can find
  12. dylangemelli

    the perfect GW and sr cycle

    they stack extremely well together and are very commonly used at the same time... for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 ACP-105 (VASCULINE) 20 mg day… split...
  13. dylangemelli

    my next bulker, with pct

    you dont really need to stack eq with deca.. i would drop one and look at adding lgd3303 or 4033 instead...
  14. dylangemelli

    please give me guidance on s4, acp and SR stack

    for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 ACP-105 (VASCULINE) 20 mg day… split doses… 10 mg in the a.m. and 10 mg 4-6 hours later 1-12 Sr9009 (STENABOLIC) 30 mg day... 10 mg doses 4-5 hours apart 1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day...
  15. dylangemelli

    how do you use testosterone equipoise

    have you ever ran a cycle before? it sounds like you have zero experience...
  16. dylangemelli has fake products confirmed

    My best results have always come with @domestic-supply products!
  17. dylangemelli straight up crap

    If you check user reviews and feedback, you can easily see that @domestic-supply is the highest rated out there!
  18. dylangemelli

    CJC-1295 w/DAC

    i would stack cjc with ipamorelin and they certainly would stack well with gw and mk2866... for the best quality check out umbrella labs or rcs