Search results

  1. dylangemelli

    having some success with nutrobal but want a change

    you are going way under the normal dose of it.. you are not going to see much of anything with it at that dose.. 25 mg per day is the normal dose... for muscle and fat loss, you would look at something like this for the best quality sarms check out or...
  2. dylangemelli

    Doing a light steroid cycle a waste of time?

    im lost on the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.. is that something you just made up?
  3. dylangemelli

    What are your thoughts on using masteron?

    exactly.. some of the things people say bro, seriously i think they just make shit up in their heads if they dont see what they want in five seconds or less
  4. dylangemelli

    LQ Lab-Peptides Technology Co., Ltd--Sophia

    you should stick to there because noone is buying your bs on forums, because people here actually know bull shit when they see it
  5. dylangemelli

    using sarms for more lean mass

    I can tell you with certainty that your eye and hair color do not factor into the cycle you should run LMFAO
  6. dylangemelli

    Hilma pharma (hilma biocare) bad service

    If you just look at user reviews you can easily see that @domestic-supply is by far the highest rated out there
  7. dylangemelli

    LQ Lab-Peptides Technology Co., Ltd--Sophia

    Jeez please stop, stick with ali baba where you can actually fool people that dont know any better.. you are in the WRONG place ..
  8. dylangemelli got closed down

    Wow thanks for the FOUR MONTH OLD NEWS! LOL like this is something new??? Arrested for battery, thats the kind of person you want to order from right?
  9. dylangemelli

    Sciroxx steroids are D rate crap

    If you just check reviews and feedback you can see that @domestic-supply is by far the top rated you can find
  10. dylangemelli

    wanting to hop on sarms after 3 months of training

    the LAST thing you should do is be wanting to get on a cycle when you literally just started training.. STOP looking for a non existent shortcut.. heres an absolutely insane thought and idea.. actually try going in and putting in the time and effort it takes to do this properly.. smfh..
  11. dylangemelli

    lots of side effects from

    The best quality by user reviews and feedback is @domestic-supply !
  12. dylangemelli

    21 year old wanting to use PED’s

    the cycle itself is fine but the reasoning shows your immaturity and age.. i would wait until you truly understand what you are doing and have better reasoning for it
  13. dylangemelli bad infection

    The reviews and user feedback tell all and they clearly show that @domestic-supply is the highest rated you can find
  14. dylangemelli

    how to use orals for bigger gains with testosterone and primo

    i would not be adding anything to this as you are already not in the proper kind of condition to even be using steroids.. i would stop and run your pct, recover and get into better condition before using anything again ..
  15. dylangemelli

    doing the classic bulker stack with deca?

    i really would not recommend running a cycle like this at your age... it just doesnt make any kind of sense, especially health wise
  16. dylangemelli

    good moderate mass building ideas

    350 mg of test is plenty.. however for your goals, you would want to look at other options as anavar is not ideal for that kind of size gain
  17. dylangemelli

    I don’t’ trust

    If you simply take the time to read reviews and user feedback then you would easily see that @domestic-supply is the highest rated out there
  18. dylangemelli

    my blood pressure on this cycle lol!

    is this a troll post? if you REALLY don't know the answer then what you are saying is you did absolutely zero research and ran this cycle fully blind and at 50 years, the fact you could be that careless is so far beyond scary.. i would expect that from someone half your age but certainly not...