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  1. elemental

    decisions, decisionns

    yeah, let me jump right on that
  2. elemental

    School House Rock

    mmm.... geritol. yeah, that's when cartoons were good.
  3. elemental

    decisions, decisionns

    need some help deciding on a new car. i have narrowed it down to two. the bmw 3 series or the caddy cts. any thoughts.
  4. elemental

    Friday the 13th

    you got it. i hope i didn't jinx myself by saying that.
  5. elemental

    Friday the 13th

    i always seem to hook up on friday the 13th's
  6. elemental

    11 Ways to have more fun in the gym

    to top it off you might want to ride the short bus in with some other window lickers
  7. elemental

    How well did you do?

    61% snob
  8. elemental

    How well did you do?

    2nd level for me
  9. elemental

    Gatti/Ward = Incredible !!!

    it definitly is. i guess i'll post here too. it was an incredible fight. its a shame ward is callinng it quits. i'd like to see another between the two
  10. elemental

    Gotti vs Ward Two FUCKIN warriors!!!!!!!!!!

    it was one of the best fights i've seen in a while. would have like the irishman to win though.
  11. elemental

    Try this

    33% here
  12. elemental


    never heard of it. what is it?
  13. elemental

    Goodbye my friends

    best wishes, you will be missed
  14. elemental

    YO Everyone!!!!

    have fun and bring some sun back
  15. elemental

    What is it?

    after doinng somem research i found that kyno-h is like taking ripped fuel. a few people that have used kynoselen have reported up to 8% in bf loss with increased endurance in cardio workouts taking 10ml/week for 6 wks. imo, the increased cardio caused most of the loss. saying they went from...
  16. elemental

    the rant thread-what pisses you off ?

    i pretty much hate everybody in my way. walking to work, waiting in lines, driving... pretty much the who dammn world. so if you see me coming, move the fuck out of the way.. oh yeah, and all this crappy weather
  17. elemental

    just saying hello

    i'll be your daddy. especially if you've been bad... lol
  18. elemental


    Claim: _ A dog named Daisy rescued countless souls from the damaged World Trade Center towers. Status: _ False. Example: _ [Collected on the Internet, 2001] This is a true story which happened on 9-11-01. James Crane worked on the 101st of Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. He is...
  19. elemental


    great story, but i hate to break it to you that it is not true. check the link below.
  20. elemental

    just saying hello
