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  1. elemental

    I hate throwing them away..

    have it bronzed
  2. elemental

    Side Effects, make sure you're educated!

    i was laughing on the inside
  3. elemental

    What's your ethnic background?

    irish & italian.
  4. elemental


    well i never left the gym to have a smoke. i guess thats good. i guess if i can get through a week i should be ok. i'm going out to visit a friend in cali for the next week and can't smoke in many of the places there so what better time to try, right
  5. elemental

    woman joke

    yeah, that's what's up sachet!:D
  6. elemental

    To Clear Up Some Confusion

    i'll put in
  7. elemental


    btw, its not a very good safe if smebody else can get in it
  8. elemental

    Newbie needs recommendation

    testosterones. i say sus[sustenon]. anyone else agree w/that?
  9. elemental

    Where is the "weirdest" place you've ever masturbated?

    don't know if its weird, but in a hot tub in the mountains. it was late nobody around. plus those jets feel good
  10. elemental

    How old were you when you finally got some?

    15. oh how tight that girl was. mmmmm
  11. elemental

    Pennsylvania New Jersey Roll Call

    welcome aboard ray
  12. elemental

    MC is like coffee

    75 and the teeth are removable. lol
  13. elemental

    haze the new guy

    hey everyone i want to welcome a buddy of mine to mc. TFS, you're going to love it here bro.
  14. elemental


    hey, thanks for all the input. i've tried to quit a couple of times using the patch, zyban but as soon as i was finished i was right back at it. i think cold turkey will be the only way to go. how did you guys do it. any helpful advise
  15. elemental


    crappy situation. back in hs my mother caught me selling weed. she was pissed for a little but she got over it. me and my brother were caught doing many other things too but it all blows over. as for the money. i don't know what to tell you. ask him if he'd be willing to split it and take the...
  16. elemental


    i have great appetite but i really like your thinking.
  17. elemental


    i know it bad for you and all that, but unfortunately i smoke. i would like to quit although i enjoy it. anyway what i would like to know is how much it is hurting my gains. maybe that will be motivation enough to quit because i know it doesn't hurt my workout from what i can tell.
  18. elemental

    MC is like coffee

    i'll give you my grandmother, two protein shakes and some dbol
  19. elemental

    I'm Psyched - I remembered my old password!

    i'm still trying to remeber my real name.
  20. elemental

    Nicole Bass

    i think that's the least of its problems