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  1. L

    PSL: An honest review

    but you mentioned t400 as well with no issues....was that PSL as well?
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    PSL: An honest review

    Dorian....thanks for your input on this topic. Are you currently running T400 now? And if so, was it from PSL / EP? I actually just started that myself. My first 3 hits was from the new clear bottles and it was yellow tinted. No PIP. But after my second order came in and I saw the variations, I...
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    PCT after solo Ostarine cycle??

    You mentioned "tabs" in your post. Isn't this a liquid? Mine was. But I would not think you would need any PCT with this. I ran it for about 8 weeks along with S4. Did see some strength increases and gains with it.
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    Bostin Loyd: Raw Footage. Opinions ?

    that dude is a beast.....he was never that big....he really blew up but looks damn good.
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    PSL: An honest review

    You mentioned about the non-synthetic oil being thicker. That may be true, at least with what I am seeing with the T400. Drawing it even with a 23g takes a bit...
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    PSL: An honest review

    Thanks for the additional info Cybrsage. So if this is the case, we really need to know what type of "backup" oil is being used now in these batches. But you are saying that the quality is exactly the same?? I have another question....PSL is a authorized reseller for EP. Isn't the product...
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    PSL: An honest review

    I have the SAME EXACT SITUATION. I will show you my pics.....6 Primo vials came in....3 are tinted and 3 are clear. PSL is stressing that happens sometimes and that they are fine. They also sent a link to a lab test someone conducted on their Primo on another site. I will post the link.
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    PSL: An honest review

    Jake...are you using the new package batches, the clear bottles? Or the original white label bottles? Were any of your oils tinted as well?
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    PSL: An honest review

    Something might have changed. But you cant disregard the fact that they WERE a sponsor here and MANY guys used their gear and loved it. Posted about it and recommended it. They sell the EP line and that is high end. But now they are not here and not sure what happened. And things could have...
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    PSL: An honest review

    Well I would personally be interested in those gear results. I actually have my own issue with them as well at the moment and they have been in contact with me. My issue is a bit different but I will be sharing as well shortly.
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    PharmacomStore 10% discount for MC members

    will do now- thank you!
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    PharmacomStore 10% discount for MC members

    what is the discount code for MC members?
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    I messed up...

    hey Presser...where are u on this my man. Thought you would weigh in.
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    I messed up...

    Thanks bud for all the feedback. Just an update, the area just looks like a black circle now and I think its because it was first bright red with blood and may have dried or something. One thing I am noticing and why I mentioned that it looks likes a burn is because the look and feel of the skin...
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    I messed up...

    thanks bud. Maybe that is the case. I just thought since the needle bent at a 90 degree angle without me knowing and injecting at basically right under the skin's surface, it would cause this issue. The center of the circle is indented and a different color. The rest of the circle is like black now.
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    I messed up...

    I guess I can take one of its current state....just put on more ointment to help the skin. But its gotta be this acid solution that caused this since its not supposed to be injected right there beneath the skin surface.
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    I messed up...

    So after manyyyyy IGF pins, I made a dumb mistake. Last night, post workout, I went hit my triceps. After hitting the left side, I proceed to pin the right tri. I felt the pin go in, so I proceeded to inject. I did notice a slight burning sensation, but I didn't pay much mind to it. When I...
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    PSL Arrived!

    I am eating ALOT more than before the cycle. Its mainly clean. I will post some meal info. I weighed myself today and I am 12lbs heavier than when I started. I gotta see if I can do a pic comparison. I know before I started the cycle, I was probably around 2,500 calories a day. Progress was...
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    This is a fantastic thread/log!! Looking great my man!
  20. L

    PSL Arrived!

    after doing a quick read, would I still need something like that if I am already on A-Dex?