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  1. L

    Cheat days on cycle?

    Amen my man!!!
  2. L

    Cheat days on cycle?

    How many of u guys work in a cheat day? I personally tend to do this once a week. Usually on a Sunday. I always train that morning and then in the afternoon go off the usual diet. Nothing crazy, but extra food and stuff I may normally not eat. I'm not really cutting now or prepping for anything...
  3. L

    Big Biceps, Training Them EVERY DAY

    I tried this today on leg day. Worked out great. I chose the one arm cable preacher to stay isolated. Thank you!
  4. L

    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Nahhh . I wish
  5. L

    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Thanks Silverback and Good Luck! Let me know if you have any questions!
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    PSL Arrived!

    Nearing the end of Week 2. Week 1 wasnt complete though since I started on a Wednesday. But I am already starting to see an increase in my sets. :) Much better pumps too!
  7. L

    Finestra Solution vs Finasteride (Tabs)

    Presser, I know there are supps for prostate health. Not to say if its 100% needed or if this will even occur. Just covering all bases. I mean if it was an issue, all you guys running large stacks would have this problem.
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    Big Biceps, Training Them EVERY DAY

    GREAT info!! Thanks
  9. L

    How to Bridge and Cruise on your Steroid Cycle

    Good read! I was thinking ahead about this as well. I am running an 8 week, maybe 10 the most cycle of NPP/Test Prop. AT the end, I have clomid in place and IGF. Should that be enough?
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    PSL Arrived!

    Yes I am - MC
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    Finestra Solution vs Finasteride (Tabs)

    if that happens, does it go back down to normal size? I know there are supps for that as well.
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    Finestra Solution vs Finasteride (Tabs)

    wow - that is crazy to lose some first. Now I am sitting here staring at the new bottle! LOL What AAS are on the list for possible prostate growth? I guess the doses need to be high as well right?
  13. L

    PSL Arrived!

    the .25 a-dex like barely coats your tongue. lol I am using a syringe too for perfect measurement. So easy this way.
  14. L

    Pinning Schedule on Short Esters

    Thx - just wanna make sure I am benefiting the most.
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    Pinning Schedule on Short Esters

    ahh ok. So then I will continue thru the weekend. Next day is Fri and then Sunday. ok cool. Thanks for the clarification. But Presser, with these two I'm running, EOD is the norm right. Not a lower dose ED.
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    PSL Arrived!

    Thank you! starting as we speak! Bottle in hand! on a side note...let me say that after 4 pins already, they are so smooth. I was a bit sore on the first 2 for only a day, but thats expected. Last 2, as if nothing happened. no PIP. Great stuff. I remember in the past on deca, I couldnt walk...
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    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    what a great thread! I am very interested in speaking with you 3J as mentioned in my PM. I will email you since it will be easier for me to communicate. Thanks again for these contributions!
  18. L

    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    what a great thread! I am very interested in speaking with you 3J as mentioned in my PM. I will email you since it will be easier for me to communicate. Thanks again for these contributions!
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    PSL Arrived!

    Thank you bro! I was actually gonna start the a-dex at a .25ml instead of .50ml for now. twice a week. Is it wise to start asap I am into my second week.
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    Pinning Schedule on Short Esters

    Just wanted some confirmation to make sure I am understanding the "EOD" schedule. I'm on NPP and Test Prop. I am pinning 3 days a week. My schedule is Mon - Wed - Fri, then I repeat each week. For the Vets, is that the right way? Its not literally every other day right cause then each week will...