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  1. L

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 arrivedv best shoulder workout in years!

    Might be a dumb question - but how do you know if you go hypo? I'm at 80mcgs and haven't felt anything weird. What are the symptoms? Thx
  2. L

    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    True Gandhi! LOL I'm gonna be back with the wrap up of Week 1. I am following the two days off, so I have been off yesterday and today. The doses will continue tomorrow for Week 2.
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    How to fat loss

    This thread is great....LOL
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hi BigZ - how long have you been on the SARMS? Especially S4? Are you using Premier as well? I agree with the droppers - they are tricky.
  5. L

    Jack3d pre workout supplement...HOLY FUCK

    I thought they still sold this?? I am current on C4 RIPPED and LOVE IT!
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hey Iron...yea man. I have Chest and Tri's on the menu tonight. I am excited to see if I notice a difference or see more strength. Premier is the only company I have seen recommending the 5/2 day protocol for OSTARINE. I have heard of that for S4 only if you experience any vision issues. But I...
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Just a quick update for anyone looking to use these SARMS. The company verified today that they would recommend running BOTH MK2866 and S4 on a 5 DAY ON / 2 DAY OFF protocol. Less stress on receptors as per them and better results.
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    Best Sarms for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. Rad140, LGD, S4, and mk-2866. SARMs FAQ

    I hear ya bro - but at least tell me that next time and I wont send 5 PMs!!! LOL
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Ok - wasn't able to follow up earlier today, so I will combine Day 1 and 2 since I trained tonight. Day 1 - 35mgs of both MK and S4 each. Under the tongue then swallow. I took this after eating a preworkout meal which of course was 15 mins after pinning IGF. My routine changed slightly since I...
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hi bud - I plan on running the 6-8 course as recommended.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    HAHAHAHAHA - actually 29.5lb now Presser! LOL
  12. L

    Thanks Mass Builder

    This is great news since I heard so many great things in the past from them and wanted to use them. I believe the process is a direct email? I am happy to hear this since I was also looking into PSL.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Day 1 in the books - will be back with my thoughts
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    Best Sarms for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. Rad140, LGD, S4, and mk-2866. SARMs FAQ

    Yea, I think it's different for each brand. The guys at Premier are very helpful.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hi again - here is some additional info straight from the owner regarding your question Lee. The best way is to have some food in your system so you have enough glycogen in your system to be utilized by the Sarms. You should take one full dropper 30 minutes before *workout so you feel the pump...
  16. L

    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hi Lee - as far as I know, MK is taken every day for 6-8 weeks at the 35mg dose. The 35mg is one full dropper. The company said to properly fill the dropper is to quickly pump it twice to avoid any air bubbles. And it does not have to be on an empty stomach. The dose should be the same every day.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hi Guys - I promised Presser I would get a log going on these SARMS. They just arrived and I am starting them tonight. I actually gave the company a call as well and spoke with one of the owners at Premier Pharmaceuticals. Nice guy with alot of good info. I was glad I called as well since he...
  18. L

    Best Sarms for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. Rad140, LGD, S4, and mk-2866. SARMs FAQ

    Is this info coming from the company that is making your SARMS? I'm asking since they are recommending 35mg/every day for 6 weeks.
  19. L

    How to fat loss

    LOL - let's start with the spelling!
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    How to fat loss

    WTF is this??