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  1. sweatmachine

    Im gona break something!!!

    Randy, Damn straight! Im going to buy an MP3 player tommorrow!
  2. sweatmachine

    Im gona break something!!!

    I had the Worst night in the gym ever. I feel like shit, Im flat, Im tired, Im weak, Im cranky, Im hungry, Im sick of the Muzak in the gym , Im tired of hearing about everyones day, Im lulled into a trance by the low intensity training around me, I and in a shit MOOD! And Im tired of people...
  3. sweatmachine


    I do: Mon-Wed- Fri
  4. sweatmachine

    Female competitors

    KR-- Ivesuccessfully trained my wife for Powerlifting and Figure comps. Id be glad to share anything I may be able to offer you in the way of advice or opinion.
  5. sweatmachine

    Is Olive Oil Good for Weight Loss?

    Q. Is Olive Oil Good for Weight Loss? The answer is, all oils, including olive oil, are 100% fat and will affect your weight loss. So they need to be used sparingly if you want to lose weight. (120 cals/tbsp) Olive oil became popular as a result of the Mediterranean Diet which some experts...
  6. sweatmachine

    Whats the biggest pin you've ever stuck yourself with?

    18g from the old sustenon preloads painful and bloody
  7. sweatmachine

    Be honest, who's tried the 100 rep...

    Muscle responds to new stimuli, so a dramatic change in how one trains now and then( reps intensity and sets) can only be a good thing. I say shock the piss out of those unsupecting muscle fibers by doing something like this now and then. If it makes your sorer than usuall or runs you into the...
  8. sweatmachine

    monday's the big day!

    In April there is the international Gay and Lesbian convention in Cabo. enjoy yourself, or they will.
  9. sweatmachine

    The Bristol Stool Scale

    This is for Homonunculus: The Bristol Stool Form Scale divides stools into seven distinct types of size, shape and color. Dry with hard lumps or clumps. When transit time is too long, one may be extremely constipated. Usually caused by a lack of fluids, lack of friendly bacteria, essential...
  10. sweatmachine

    Quote Of The Day –

    how about: All things being equal, a fat woman uses more soap than a skinny one. Melvin Wimbush- dark chocolate enthusiast
  11. sweatmachine

    Woman Wins Philly Wing Bowl!

    In my perfect imaginary world , women dont and wont eat 167 wings and they dont ever poop or fart. Its my world!
  12. sweatmachine

    What kind of diet does everyone use for cutting??

    450g pro 225g carb 65g fat (EFA)
  13. sweatmachine

    Guess what this post is about.....

    Bro, you want a party that will open doors for you? I highy recomend and strongly suggest you find a hot tub/ one rent one steal one , just get one,,, and a big one too! Its the ultimate ice breaker for getting women to some level of undress. Mix that with a non ending supply of alcohol...
  14. sweatmachine

    Hump day is here again!

    I worked it like a bad habit..... Wed is also my off day from training, sooooo it works out well.
  15. sweatmachine

    Best excercise for ab growth

    hard pounding sex works best for me.....
  16. sweatmachine

    Liquid research busted

    once again the combo of AAS and Rec drugs is a unwise idea
  17. sweatmachine

    Help! Emergency! The Police came to my door involved w/ the DEA?

    admit nothing and say nothing! Like Skip said if they had anything on you they wouldnt have say shio to YOU, they would have arrested you. Even then they maynot have any real good evidence, they might just use scare tactics. SHUT UP and say nothing. Make no deals. The cops cant cut you a deal...
  18. sweatmachine

    Cramps on IGF-1?

    I had small muscle spasms but not cramps.
  19. sweatmachine

    Found a mistake at work today..oops!

    Hey MM... are you gonna invite some of your Bro's to your new private island anytime soon?