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  1. sweatmachine

    we need sweatmachine....

    KRL, it would be my pleasure
  2. sweatmachine

    here goes Skip

    does that second guy actually have a number pinned to his trunks? say it aint so!
  3. sweatmachine

    Maybe Just Maybe...

    I hear ya
  4. sweatmachine

    feelin' REALLY depleted

    WOW it really is a small world! I seem to unintentionally cycle my carbs Usually startin off higher on sunday and ending up lower on Sat. But not by much. I do nee to fine tune this, although the weight is coming off fine. Thanx for the input
  5. sweatmachine

    feelin' REALLY depleted

    Im uping things -- carbs to 225-250
  6. sweatmachine

    Maybe Just Maybe...

    Maybe the open discussion of sources such as LC and others , isnt the best idea in general and specifically not NOW. You dont think Big Brother is logged on under some unassuming name , and taking notes? Im no genuis, but it doesnt take a lot of thought to see why this topic should be kept on...
  7. sweatmachine

    Valentine's Day

    I know KR wont be getting any of that chocolate!
  8. sweatmachine

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    There is always a TGI Fridays or a Sizzler or some type of restaraunt you can order plain Chick Breasts and steamed Veggies w/ a plain baked Potato...Go ENJOY!
  9. sweatmachine

    Last year pictures

    good look!
  10. sweatmachine

    we need sweatmachine....

    Im a picture taking fool! I love to photograph inspirational scenary! Some Pics are up on a separate thread.
  11. sweatmachine

    feelin' REALLY depleted

    My volume is definetly decreased, as well as my strength. At present Im at 400gPro 175gCarb 65gfat >2880cals Last time I weighed I was 258lbs with 16 weeks to my warm up and another 9-15weeks to a Level V National Qualifing show. My cardio is 20minX 2 sessions my training is M-T TH-FRI...
  12. sweatmachine

    we need sweatmachine....

    Im here, hungry weak and shriveling up, but I AM here. Let me see what I can do about Morale.....
  13. sweatmachine

    feelin' REALLY depleted

    what do you do when your so depleted you cant do chest with 25% of your normal poundage? After my 4:30 am trainin session I have nothing left for my 7pm session......It's REALLY BAD! I dont know how Im going to continue this....
  14. sweatmachine

    I'm Back

    Sorry to hear about your loss- Im sure its a tuff time for you. Hang in there Bro.
  15. sweatmachine

    SweatM clean out your PM's!!!!

    Oh real Nice Saturn! real nice......
  16. sweatmachine

    SweatM clean out your PM's!!!!

    completely empty!
  17. sweatmachine

    SweatM clean out your PM's!!!!

    Im all cleaned out Bro!
  18. sweatmachine

    To those with slin experience....

    I bloat like a MO-FO, I ran the slin after the IGF and didnt have any kind of a pump that resembled the pump from the IGF. I did gain weight from the slin other than the bloat...I think
  19. sweatmachine

    Were can I get IGF-1 LR3?

    See, it does pay to stock pile stuff!