Search results

  1. pgb

    Any good new movies sites?

    got a firestick and still don't like most of what's presented. i use flixify, amazon, pluto, and a few other movie sites, but still it's a disappointment most of the time. i end up watching old reruns. at least they aren't filled with all the crud and political views that hollywood seems to...
  2. pgb

    Balkan labs dianabol

    actually, i think it's a pretty good idea. i've tried to find some thread i've read and end up searching through several categories before i find it, sometimes, if i find it.
  3. pgb

    Dehydration and Insulin Sensitivity

    i drink a lot of fluids throughout the day. i don't feel dehydrated, but do you count your water consumption with water in drinks. ie. low sugar coolaid, h2o in protein drinks, oj, grapefruit juice. i stay away from sodas most of the time. just wondered if these things were also calculated in...
  4. pgb

    Vitamine C - Know when to take it.

    i'm not sure that reads right about oxidative stress. seems like it should read 'reducing the amount can improve gains.' considering we're talking about not taking vit c around workout time.
  5. pgb

    Intravenous ketamine therapy

    i need to remember this, to tell my daughter. she's bipolar and always anxious. although, she seems to have difficulty just getting the doctor to listen, or if they suggest something may help, they don't do it. it's like the treatment is outsourced and she doesn't have an avenue to go down.
  6. pgb

    Balkan labs dianabol

    so what is prefix? if i may ask.
  7. pgb

    Testing thread without "prefix"

    okay found it, i think. 12marinecorps
  8. pgb

    Testing thread in anabolic review forum WITH PREFIX

    is this the prefix thread test, or is it someplace else, lol. which shit you testing out, lmao.
  9. pgb

    Flexing to help Willpower?

    lmao: (Flexing your biceps before going to The Cheesecake Factory isn't going to help you resist the 1520-calorie dessert. Nope, you'll need to flex at the moment you feel tempted. Maybe a discrete calf flex instead of a most muscular pose. Don’t be weird.) but yeah, we can all use a boost...
  10. pgb

    new pic how am i doing ?

    cool, knocking the pounds off. keep up the good work brother.
  11. pgb

    Drugs that deplete magnesium (Serms, Adex)

    often times the blood test is only testing for the magnesium in the blood only. this can be at a normal level, while a person is still deficit at the cellular level.
  12. pgb

    Anabolic Steroid Cycles and Compounds Every Beginner Should Know About

    i did my first cycle with sus and var. i loved it. it was good for a start to get my feet wet. i was a little leery about it, too. when i try new things, like tren, i choose short ester, so if something doesn't feel right, it'll clear my system fairly quickly. i also tend to like sus now...
  13. pgb

    Anabolic Steroid Cycles and Compounds Every Beginner Should Know About

    lmao, never used it, so i don't know, but talking to text sure sucks.
  14. pgb

    Dragon Pharma

    i got some dp from parmacomstore. prop and a vial of sus. it was good. when i finished the first vial i removed the label and the vial has a dragon enameled on it. quite cool.
  15. pgb

    Any good new movies sites?

    you might like bigger, about joe weiders life.. i skimmed it some, but it was okay. kind of a documentary, which i don't really care for.
  16. pgb

    More on Choline, inositol, methionine

    i was thinking the same, product with all three.
  17. pgb

    Diet Help (On Cycle)

    sorry, i can't help you brother. i've leaning out since i got on gear. it's like when i was young, couldn't gain worth a hoot. i gain some, then lose it. i wasn't even trying to lose weight, just cut the fat and gain a little muscle.
  18. pgb

    Any good new movies sites?

    heck, i have problems finding movies i like, let alone something i haven't seen.
  19. pgb

    New guy here

    welcome aboard!
  20. pgb

    High Blood Pressure

    don't know your age, but for me as i got older, mostly in my fifties, my bp began to rise. this was as a natty. gear definitely has made it rise as well. i use baby aspirin, gentler on the stomach, and clonidine 10 mcg a day. giving blood would help if you can do so, like everyone has said.