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  1. morbid316

    ARRRRRGHHH !! (Giants)

    woo hoo looks like the pack will get home field advantage thruout LOL Greenbay = Super bowl
  2. morbid316


    LOL good answer bro
  3. morbid316


    i thought only fags wore those things cause they do make you look kind of gay
  4. morbid316

    How to prevent acne while on clomid.

    i just read that colloidal silver fights acne
  5. morbid316

    Where is every1

    moving sux especially when you have a truck and everytime your buds move who do they call the guy with the truck LOL
  6. morbid316

    relationship ?

    keep em both around and have lots of sex bro thats what i would do
  7. morbid316

    what would you guys do?

    kick his ass LOL
  8. morbid316


    i can never understand woman they are a weird species
  9. morbid316

    fuck that imma stay home for new years!!!!

    video games hell brother go out and score yourself some pussy!!!!!!!!!!!! old people stay home for new years my grandma is
  10. morbid316

    My NEW contest pics

    looking great like always fly
  11. morbid316

    Man is new Years Eve over rated or what

    i'm gonna get freakin hammered new years eve then pop some E at 3 am go listen to some hard house music.. Get home around 9:30 AM, Lay down in bed and stare at the ceiling for 3 hours then i will get up shower and go to WORK. Yup my FUCKIN...
  12. morbid316

    Time to say goodbye for now....

    whats the addy to geareds new board
  13. morbid316

    You havent been wished a Merry Christmas until...

    happy X-Mas and a merry new year LOL
  14. morbid316


    first place i check when i wake up
  15. morbid316

    New Years Resolutions..lets here some

    bang more chicks than last year get a six pack before june 1st
  16. morbid316

    is the combination of fina/prop too androgenic

    i think fina and prop would work great together better yet use fina and winny its awesome
  17. morbid316

    Madchemist's cutting cycle UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    i was gonna start a cycle 2 weeks ago then i thought nah with christmas and new years my diet will be crap better hold off till the new year good thing too i got a nasty cold happening now haven't been to the gym since last saturday.
  18. morbid316


    i've been sick since monday and i haven't gone to the gym all week it pisses me off but i feel like resting is the best way to get rid of your cold
  19. morbid316 is gone for good!

    i hope those retards don't migrate here!!!!!!!!!!!!! we only want the good bros