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  1. morbid316

    Which is the best MuscleChemistry Sleep juice?!

    drink a bottle of vodka that helps me sleep LOL pass out!!!!!!!!!!
  2. morbid316

    my weight stalled

    its not woman problems its woman are problems LOL just don't get emotionally involved with em fuck em and leave em thats my philosophy Damn I'm a slut to answer your question about weight stalling try bumping up the cals a bit
  3. morbid316

    My Latest Bulking Pic

    looking solid bro keep up the good work
  4. morbid316

    metahapoctehonoh.005r ?????

    looks russian to me but i could be wrong
  5. morbid316

    Any secrets to getting off protan???

    yo presser try some turpentine LOL
  6. morbid316

    anyone else notice this

    or just like the wizard of OZ hey thats on TV now no wonder i'm on the computer
  7. morbid316

    busiest bar night of the year

    what are you gay LOL sorry bro just buggin you
  8. morbid316

    anyone else notice this

    i pretend to use its all fiction too me
  9. morbid316

    i screwed up...

    always use 25g 5/8ths for delts bis and tris with no problems
  10. morbid316


    yup read all about it on 3 canadian sites its a damn shame but i hear this new company will have some top quality stuff aswell
  11. morbid316


    so they will be still making gear just under a different label right?
  12. morbid316

    first cycle i've done that I'm happy with

    bro if your diet is super clean your gonna look like one shredded mofo
  13. morbid316

    first cycle i've done that I'm happy with

    hey jacked were have you been hiding bro
  14. morbid316

    Back on the junk!

    why not keep the EQ dosage at 600 thruout the whole cycle i don't seee a reason to pyramid down.
  15. morbid316

    What is everyone's...

    im on icq 5598020
  16. morbid316

    first cycle i've done that I'm happy with

    i didn't make the tremn myself I used spectro labs tren drinkin all those shakes wasn't as bad as it looked to be at first i was hungrier then usual but after a week or so i got used to it. If I really got hungry i would just eat two tablespoons of peanut butter that satisfied my hunger
  17. morbid316

    blue hearts?

    i was gonna say those look like the E pills i popped last weekend
  18. morbid316

    first cycle i've done that I'm happy with

    This here cycle which i only have a week left was the best i've done so far used 75mg tren ed for 50 days 50 mg of winny tabs ED for 50 days my diet was different i've never done this buit this is what I ate 7 protein shakes a day 1 meal of chicken and rice right after workout 1 meal...
  19. morbid316

    Everyone Post their favourite work out songs.

    its got to be some hard trance or acid trance and hard house when i'm working out nothing pumps you up like that shit
  20. morbid316

    Some has to bitch slap

    he freakin looks like hes from the planet of the apes