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  1. 3

    south beach

    These people found a niche in steroids to give them to all males because after 26 we all show low levels of test no matter what. A local pharmacy will not cut you a script for this stuff. Most people won't get involved with giving you a script for test unless you really know them well. High...
  2. 3

    south beach

    you call them then they send you to a local clinic for blood work. When you come back with low test levels they prescribe you some test and sometimes gh to get you back to feeling 18 again. They don't send you a whole lot of stuff like enough for 50mg shot a week or so. I have a friend that uses...
  3. 3

    thinking about giving them a try...

    you cant post that bro
  4. 3

    Feeling down LOL

    No problem Private Pyle!!! SIR YES SIR(Full Metal Jacket)
  5. 3

    how to best use this stack?

    I would need to know your past cycles but, I would do 700 of test each week then do 600 of eq each week 20 mg a day of dbol 4 weeks and 75 of tren each day
  6. 3

    Feeling down LOL

    Hey my rep is still down......:upset: guys help boost my rep PLEASE????
  7. 3

    Im starting to not believe in PCT

    I only lost water weight on my first cycle with no pct
  8. 3

    new gear

    I talked to superman and he said the same thing the BA content. Good to know I had a guy tell me today he was on tren. I asked him what kind and he didn't know he said the bottle was brown and had the letters t4 with a sharpie marker on in. I told him to get to the doctor now!!!! So many ways to...
  9. 3

    chemco labs?

    I personally don't order anything I go right to my source. If you are ordering becareful feds all over it. Are they supposed to be a ug lab or are you going over the net.
  10. 3

    new gear

    I did my second shot yesterday of T250(100 of test c/100 of test e/50 of test prop) The first shot was 1cc in right thigh and started to hurt after like 5 hours and lastes 2 days. I did the second shot yesterday and again 5 hours into it the other thigh felt the same way. Never had a pain in the...
  11. 3

    new gear

    yeah i hear ya. Anyone ever had a bad batch or bad reaction from bad gear??
  12. 3

    new gear

    got ya
  13. 3

    new gear

    why not do til after the show???
  14. 3

    new gear

    Hey guys I got some stuff from a guy. It's a test blend of test e / test c/ test prop. It's a ug lab called phoenix pharmaceuticals. Anyone on the eastcoast here of this gear before???
  15. 3

    Im starting to not believe in PCT

    I also have read by the time you come off the gear that the anabolic levels are so low that your body just picks up where you left off. HCG also raises estrogen as well which will cause bitch tits. so how good is it really you keep some weight but you grow boobs.
  16. 3

    Another Sad Story!!!

    sorry mike didn't see it. No disrespect.
  17. 3

    Im starting to not believe in PCT

    Well acording to the old school they knew nothing of pct. Arnold,steve reeves,big louie, and franco never used it and where f'in huge gods for there time.
  18. 3

    Another Sad Story!!!

    <TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="30%"> </TD><TD width="70%">There have been several rumors going around the bodybuilding community about Chris Cormier over the last two months - ranging from failed kidneys to death. I am here to set the record straight with this exclusive...
  19. 3

    LINUX vs windows XP

    Don't knock gates for making a product. Windows is the same as steroids it works great but you have to take many precautions to keep it running correctly just like your body.
  20. 3

    Updated Pics

    i hear that dreww that's why I am going for cutting from january til june. Comes out to 20 weeks of cutting. I am also gonna do atleast 20minutes of cardio every workout just to keep the fat alittle lower. Any input is appreciated